Kamis, 27 September 2012

Touré: Obama's Reelection Will Advance Racial Harmony In United States


MSNBC host and TIME Magazine columnist Touré's latest opinion piece in the pages of the weekly newsmagazine advances the notion that the reelection of President Barack Obama would do more to create racial harmony in the U.S. even more than the president's first election in 2008. If Obama is reelected after a whole term which has humanized him significantly from his first term, Touré writes that it would prove that an African American, even the President of the United States, does no longer has to be 'twice as good' as the average white person to get ahead.

As public polls show increasingly that voters are turning towards supporting President Obama's reelection, Touré says that the racial implications of Obama's reelection would be powerful. Noting that in 2008, Obama was considered a 'magical' black man ' he was described as such in the pages of the Los Angeles Times in 2007.

Obama had to be extraordinary, which reminds me of something my mother told me when I was a boy: that being black meant I had to be twice as good to get ahead. Obama more than just good; in many ways, he was the embodiment of that staple of film and literature, the magical Negro.

Now, however, after four years of governance and with his approval and favorability ratings having come down to earth, Obama's reelection would signal that voters can see past his skin color and support him despite the fact that he is a fallible human being.

'[I]t's impossible to view Obama as a superhuman magical-Negro figure anymore,' Touré writes. 'Given the super-human expectations placed on him when he took office, it's not surprising that he has disappointed some of his followers.'

Touré says that the future will likely be more racially natural after Obama's reelection because it would go to prove that America is moving ever closer to a post-racial society.

So those poll numbers suggest something very interesting about this country in terms of racial progress. They show American voters embracing a non-magical black man. The magical Negro concept arose from a need to rectify supposed black inferiority with the undeniability of black wisdom by suggesting that wisdom is so alien that its origins cannot be explained by normal scientific methods.

'[F]or [Americans] to embrace a nonmagical black person who cannot promise anything but hope, intelligence, sweat and experience, now that comes closer to equality. Equality is freedom from having to be twice as good to get ahead,' Touré concludes.

Read the whole post via TIME Magazine

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Ni**erize.

    Beat you to it righties.

  • Doubtful. Bitter racist dead-enders like Noah Rothman will just gnash their teeth more loudly.

    I doubt there will ever be racial harmony, but it seems more likely to me that we will have more right wing ricin terror plots and Tim McVeigh attacks. This is what tends to happen when these people come to the realization that they have lost.

  • Oh and

    he never finished school
    he's a nobody

  • stupid name
    he's a racist

  • and head up Obama's butt

    did I miss anything?

  • 'Obama's Reelection Will Advance Racial Harmony In United States' Toure

    It's a little too early to level all of that weight on President Obama's shoulders, as broad as they are!

    Don't count the General Election chickens before they're in'

    'Will it advance Racial Harmony?!?

    'The demographics of the country are rapidly changing and reshaping the USA. It is more significantly suggestive and President Obama has had very little to do with changing those demographics, but it does help him with a more broadminded electorate.

    The answer is maybe. Maybe not. It depends on a variety of different issues including what else President Obama could achieve'

  • You know what these black racists are really afraid of' a colorblind society.

    You know, the kind where one's CONTENT OF CHARACTER is all that matters.

  • It's hard to have racial harmony with all of the BLACK MOB VIOLENCE going on.

  • Thanks for making my point.

  • If anyone should fear that, it's you.

  • Maybe so , but for different reasons .
    its all about timing . The racist white trash faux nooz watching types are 75+ Ayan Rand wannabees sucking off the system as the bitch'about it. Ayan loved her SS check just like teabaggers do .
    the reason harmony is on its way is these ol crazy coots are dying in record numbers .
    HATE has a short shelf life .

  • Why?

  • I hope you get your genocide of whites.

  • and your point is?

  • Like everything else, Obama made it worse.
    When race pimps like Sharpton, Twerpe', Chris Matthews, Maddow, Jesse, Maxine, John Lewis, Spike Lee,etc., go away and quit shrieking 'Racist!!' at everything, it'll improve.
    There are riots daily in the big cities that go unreported because of political correctness.

  • 'Bitter racist dead-enders will just gnash their teeth more loudly''

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