Rabu, 05 September 2012

TIME Magazine Writer: Not A Lot Of 'White Men On Display' At The DNC


TIME Magazine's Joel Stein appeared on MSNBC's Now with Alex Wagner on Wednesday where he sounded a note of caution for Democrats. In a discussion about where the demographic groups who supported the president in large numbers in 2008 stand today, Stein noted that President Barack Obama suffers a deficit among white men. Stein, a self-described humorist for TIME, said that the Democratic party does not seem to be overly concerned about this condition because, 'there are not a lot of white people on display here ' white men on display.'

Wagner outlined the many demographic groups that President Obama won in 2008 by significant margins, particularly young and minority voters and women. She went on to say that Obama's 2008 margins with these groups are nearly certain to dip this year. She cited a recent poll that showed only 61 percent 18-29-year-old voters were likely to vote in November compared with 86 percent of older voters over the age of 65, who lean towards Mitt Romney, who were likely to vote.

'How real is this enthusiasm in the long term ' and by long term, I mean the next three months,' Wagner asked Stein.

'People aren't excited,' said Stein. He said that Michelle Obama's well-received speech to the DNC on Tuesday night advanced the narrative Romney had advanced, which is that President Obama is 'still the same guy who disappointed you.'

'His problem, like you said, we didn't see a lot of white males last night,' Stein said. 'I spent the whole day going to various caucuses, and I didn't see a white guy basically until I got to the 'Mormons for Obama' group.'

'There are not a lot of white people on display here ' white men on display,' said Stein.

Stein said that, according to some polls, Obama's support among white, non-college educated men languishes in the high 30 percent range. Wagner said that that deficit likely explains the 'doubling down' by Democratic politicians on themes meant to attract women and minority voters.

Watch the segment below via MSNBC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • When did being white become a bad thing ,,ohh wait,,,four years ago

  • So' the DNC started off with..
    -A video claiming the government owns all of us
    -A tribute video to the only politician to actually score a kill in the war on women (Ted Kennedy)
    -Julian Castro plagiarizing parts of Marco Rubio's speech
    -The MSNBC crew being treated like rock stars
    -Not a single mention of the National Debt
    -the stripping of God and Jerusalem from the democrat party platform
    -Michelle obama talking about how poor obama was even though he went to prep school and ivy league colleges

    Am I missing anything?

  • maybe he was watching a different DNC to the one I watched ' because by God there were an awful lot of white males in the building. Not just white males, but a great mix of people '. you know, kinda like the demographics of the United States in 2012. Now contrast that to last week's angerfest in Tampa which looked more like a country club gathering. If that is what Stein is complaining about, I'm not sorry about that. 

  • The key phrase there is 'non-college educated.' And it's not even a little bit surprising.

  • Well they have an accused rapist on tonight.

  • A brain.

  • The DNC' starting off the convention with a tribute video to the only politician with a confirmed kill in the war on women, and wrapping up tonight with an accused rapist.  Are they trying to be this funny?

  • IMO we have the perfect amount of White men.

    Not too few that we can't start a bowling league but not so many that they want to start a war in the Middle East.

  •  It's guys like you that give white people a bad name' Take your bigoted white trash rhetoric somewhere else.

  • Bwahahahahaha!!!!

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