Jumat, 28 September 2012

Mitt Romney Now Less Popular Than George W. Bush, According To Poll


Pablo Martinez Monsivais | APApparently Mitt Romney is now less popular than' George W. Bush.

That's according to a new Bloomberg News poll, which finds that former President Bush has 46 percent favorable ratings and 49 percent unfavorable ratings among adults. By contrast, the current GOP presidential candidate Romney has a favorability rating of 43 percent and unfavorable ratings at 50 percent.

President Barack Obama came in with higher favorability than both Republicans, racking up 52 favorable ratings and 44 percent unfavorables.

Romney did, however, beat out Vice President Joe Biden's 42 percent net favorable ratings.

The poll's most favorable leader found was former President Bill Clinton, who polled at 64 percent favorable and 29 percent unfavorable. Coming in second was First Lady Michelle Obama, with 63 favorable and 29 unfavorable.

Check out the full Bloomberg poll results here.

[h/t NRO]
[photo via Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP]
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  • I'm starting to feel bad for Romney.

  • That's gotta hurt.

  • Well W was a nice guy.

  • The news just keeps getting better for Mitt Romney'

    'On the bright side, he's convincingly ahead in this Poll!


  • In other polling news that won't get any attention:

    New poll: Romney overtakes Obama on terrorism


  • 'There you go again Mitt'

  • 60% wrong track as well in the poll. So, looks like if Romney increases his favorability or gains the 'unsure ' 7%, he'll be in strong shape in Iowa. Interesting.

  • The GOP should have ran Casey Anthony .
    good grief

  • Mitt theTwitt and Lyin' Paul Ryan who has even offended the elderly vote with his Medicaide lies ' are going down in flames.

  • Skewed or unskewed polls?

  • In the same poll, 53% disapprove obama's handling of the economy, 6% unsure. I'd give Romney a huge edge since you can change people to like you more, but convincing them after 4 years you can handle improve handling the economy is challenging. Their debate goals are pretty clear.

  • How's that? Even Britain and Poland thank Romney's a moron. By the way, how about the 10,000+ Americans lost in Bush's wars? Want to talk tragedy? Talk to their families not the BS effort to create a false narrative from the Romney Ryan Camp ' Bozo.

  • Not that bad!

  • A bag of wet hair has more of an edge than Governor Romney.

    And higher likability.

  • It means they prefer a lying scum (W) to a wretched CEO.

  • These polls are SKEWED to make Bush seem more popular!

  • At Last! A poll Reince Priebus can point at with pride.

  • I'd like to think we don't hire a President because we like him, but because he is competent to do the job.

    Do you wan to have a beer with the guy or want him to get government out of your way to make life better for you and your family.

  • 'It means they prefer a lying scum (W) to a wretched CEO.'

    It looks like the 'lying scum is also the current President as it relate to Libya and what happened there.

  • Liberals demonize anyone who isn't a liberal so that limits their possibilities to who is the most 'likable' of the liberals. Odd way to choose a President, but thinking like a liberal is odd so it sort of makes sense, in a Justin Bieber, National Enquirer sort of way.

  • I can't remember the last time I thought, 'Man! The government sure is in my way from getting a better life for me and my family.' Then again, I'm big on personal responsibility (not meaning to imply you're not, honestly).

  • Must suck, then , eh? Even with all that, you still can't win an election.

  • From that link: 'A Pew poll released last week found that 45 percent of respondents who followed news about the attacks approved of Obama's handling of the crisis, while only 26 percent supported Romney's condemnation of the president's actions.'

    Is that the poll you were talking about?

  • Skewed??? They are all skewed.

    Question was asked 'Do you work full-time for pay?'

    50% answered NO. Kinda make ya wonder that the guy that hands out free cell phones is the 'nice guy' and the one you want you want in office. What else can one get huh?

  • Nice recap of Fox's 'Excuse for Why Romney's Not Winning # 134.'

    The ole, 'No need to LIKE the President, just vote for him because he's a shrewd CEO, because THAT'S what we need.'

  • You do realize the cell phone program is older than President Obama, right?

  • Odd way to choose a President?!?!!


    No more than being conservative and choosing a liberal from Massachusetts as your nominee! The guy that architected the very same healthcare plan that was the ONLY real attack ad you had! LOL!

    Do you people THINK about your posts before you post them?

  • Skewed, of course, meaning 'not leaning in the direction I wanted them to be leaning in.'


  • Yeah'' because there's no news there'..

    Romney losing already? That's news!

  • Not everybody wears the big boy pants like me and you' it appears we are becoming a minority of sorts.

  • No we need a competent person, not someone we want to classic beer with. Don't care if a candidate was or was not a CEO, just be competent at what you did as a measure of your potential for high office.

  • You're not after competent' you're after Republican, at all costs.

    Obama's Record:
    ' Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay for Women
    ' Course reversal of the US economy after Bush years disasters
    ' Ending Iraq War
    ' Course correction in Afghanistan War
    ' SAVING American Auto Industry
    ' Got Bin Laden ' Got Bin Laden's #1
    ' Got Bin Laden's next 2 or 3 #1's
    ' 30+ months of positive, albeit slower than wanted, Private Sector job growth
    ' A Declining, Albeit Slowly, Unemployment Rate
    ' Consumer Credit Card Protections
    ' The LARGEST overhaul of healthcare in Modern Times
    ' Something like 18 middle Class Tax Cuts
    ' The Largest Slowdown in Federal Spending in Recent Memory
    ' A Shrinking of Gov't Through Reduction in Public Workforce
    ' Relief for Minority Students Looking to Continue their Education
    ' A Roaring Stock Market
    ' A Dropping Gas Prices
    ' Climbing Housing Market

    Care to outline Romney's 'competent' accomplishments? Ohh and leave out any accomplishment where he used taxpayer money to get something done (so spare us the Olympics as a win).

  • And also please leave out any Romney accomplishments as governor that came about because of an increase in FEES.

    BEcause as you righties LOVE to remind us of, FEES ARE TAXES.

  • As with food stamps and now welfare the program has grow beyond the intended limits.

    Read this and thought it relevant to the discussion. Not sure who or what the website is but the gist of what is written is fairly dead-on don't ya think:

    'Not everyone in the 47% that do not pay federal income tax is looking for a handout, but there certainly is a number of voters that do. It's a growing voter block for Obama, because dependency on government is growing. It is growing because of the failed economic policies of the President and because he actually wants more people to sign up for these programs.

    This is bad for any country. We need a citizenry that is economically independent not dependent. We need a population that provides for themselves. We need a trampoline, not a hammock as our safety net. We need a growing economy. We need a free society with responsible citizens.'

  • Hence, they are all skewed.

  • ROFL! Appaud you for admitting it!

  • so, will George W. Bush be campaigning with Romney now to help Mitt's iamge ?

  • and now, even ROMNEY is behind him !!!!

  • What you guys always fail to either understand, or understand perfectly well but purposely leave out of the argument, is that unemployment, food stamps, welfare, are laggers after a depression/recession.

    They are 'the aftermath' of such events, and those take the longest to stabilize.

    So while you tout those as outcomes of the last 3.5 years, people paying attention KNOW that they are the end-result of the bush near-obliteration of the US economic system.

    which is why the majority of Americans, how do you guys call it, Blame Bush.

  • well, given that 84% thought we were on the wrong track in Jan 2009, I'd say Obama has turned things around.

  • Each and every one of those program costs in some form, ill-conceived, poorly executed, etc'

    Lili Ledbetter ' unintended consequences

    We are stagnant on the economy, this is not a recovery.

    The Iraq war was scheduled to end on Bush's watch. Obama just had to negoiate a SOFA and screwed that one up. We got kicked out and now look at Iraq.

    We have had more American deaths in the past three years than in the Bush's seven'. and many are by the people we are trying to help. Way to manage that war.

    Stuck unemployment rate and projected to climb.

    Banks are disbanding free checking and other stuff as a result of the Dodd-Frank bill. Besides what protections can help a moron who can't manage their own credit?

    Healthcare ' the cost projections have got up consistently. No cost saving on the horizon. Boondoogle alert.

    Gas prices have doubled since 2009

    The stock market, you obviously do not play the market. A climbing or falling market is not an accurate pulse on the state of the economy short or long term.

    Student loan relief' the numbers have been shown to be nothing in cost savings to the student. And looking to Uncle Obama will never do anything to cut the cost of education' never.

  • Robots are people too my friend.

  • liberalmediasux needs to stop taking Dick Cheney's hunters safety course. Poor fella has shotgun holes in every shoe he owns!

  • I'm not a Mitt Romney fan at all, but he has to go quite a ways to lie us into a war in the Near East and run around as a smug, pompous, delusional untreated alcoholic.

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