Senin, 03 September 2012

Mediaite, Styleite, SportsGrid, and GossipCop Set Traffic Records In August, Abrams Media Welcomes 17,424,372 Visitors


I promise that I do seek to avoid writing self serving traffic announcements too regularly, but the growth of our network of sites in August was something I simply could not ignore. Not only did our 8 sites hit an all time high welcoming over 17 million unique visitors (according to Google analytics) but four of our sites also had their biggest months ever. welcomed a stunning and record 7.47 million unique visitors (3.236 million directly to the site and 4.235 to our syndicated content), was just shy of breaking one million unique visitors for the first time with 972,508 uniques, SportsGrid finally broke the 2 million mark with 2.1992,070 and sister site welcomed, well, 4,134,263 unique visitors. Thanks to all of you, our comment sections are thriving, fascinating, passionate and sometimes scary debate and discussion hubs with Mediaite usually welcoming between 50 and 5000 comments per story and GossipCop seeing between 1000 to 1800 comments on numerous posts.

What summer duldrums? I want to congratulate all the editors and writers who worked so hard to make this happen 'in particular to Jon Nicosia and the team at Mediaite, Verena Von Pfetten and her new Styleite editors, Dan Fogarty and Glenn Davis at Sportsgrid (and those interns!) and my business partner in GossipCop who also happens to be the Editor, Michael Lewittes and his fantastic team. When we launched these sites, I never would have expected to reach this milestone.

Based on these numbers, I can't imagine I will be writing another note about records in September but here is to wishful thinking. Thanks to everyone who made this happen!

  • Congratulations Dan'.you've always seemed like a nice guy and I'm glad for your success. Keep up the good work!

  • Does that mean you can afford to hire a writer who's not a right-winger now?

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