A candidate complains about campaign coverage when that candidate is losing, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said this morning on This Week. By Christie's own logic then, the Romney campaign doesn't seem to be too optimistic. During his appearance on Fox News Sunday, which also aired today, Paul Ryan said media bias goes without saying.
Responding to a question about Romney's conservative critics, Christie told George Stephanopoulos, 'I'm not going to sit here and complain about coverage of the campaign because, as a candidate, if you do that, you're losing.'
Earlier today, Chris Wallace asked Ryan, 'Do you think the mainstream media is carrying water for Barack Obama?'
'I think it kind of goes without saying that there's definitely media bias,' Ryan replied, with a laugh. As a conservative, Ryan said he's used to media bias, that the campaign expected it. Not naming names, Ryan said he's 'long believed and felt that there is an inherent media bias. And I think anybody with objectivity would believe that that's the case.'
Asked whether he believes the media wants Obama to win, Ryan evaded the question, only noting that they prefer a 'left of center' president, which obviously contradicts Romney's conservative platform.
Take a look below ' Christie remark, followed by Ryan's media critique:
Looks like they didn't get the same set of talking points.
They can't all be biased. NBC made an entire serious around their candidate, Governor Michael Scott.
Cue up winger self-pitying in three' two' one'
Ryan: ' We offer proven ideas'
Really, the same old ones that launched us into the abyss four years ago? -
Is the news day this slow that there needs to be an article that is a compilation of the two previous articles?
Ryan didn't blame the media. When asked a question, he stated a fact: there is a media bias.
Well, this time they won't have an ACORN to blame it on.
I'm really worried for Chris Wallace. Now asking Ryan a set of leading questions Hannity would love, after criticizing Peggy Noonan for being insufficiently conservative for having the gall to slam Romney, and agreeing to a PR job for the Romney campaign' that cringe making, pancake making episode.
Does anyone really think that Wallace would lob such softballs at Biden?
He didn't say WHAT they proved.
Chris Christie is twice the man Paul Ryan is.
Ryan to to Fox News: 'I'll let you decide what's in peoples hearts, what's in their minds'.
Wow, he got that one right.
If we are winning, it because our message it better. If we are losing, it's someone else's fault.
Does thsi mean that Faux 'News' is now part of the lamestream media? LOL!
'Losing Candidates Blame Media!' Chris Christie
'And isn't it just pathetic, sad and woefully pitiful!
you mean in pounds or iQ?
'Does he mean both?!?
Christie is quite a responsible and reasonable Republican and he at least acknowledged the poor Romney Campaign is down to Romney'
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