Minggu, 02 September 2012

Los Angeles Mayor To Chris Wallace: Republican Platform Looks Like The Party Of 1812


Appearing on Fox News Sunday this morning, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told host Chris Wallace that the Republican Party platform looks more like the party platform of 1812.

'If you look at [the GOP's] 2012 platform, it looks like it is from another century, maybe even two,' Villaraigosa said.

'It looks like the platform of 1812.' he explained, 'When you see they want to repeal the Affordable Care Act providing 32 million people with health care with no alternative plan of their own. They call for the self-deportation of eleven million people ' no country in the world has ever done that. They don't believe in abortion even in the case of rape and incest.'

'It's a platform that is from another century,' he concluded.

'I just want to point out, it does matter, that Mitt Romney does support the exception for rape and incest,' Wallace corrected the mayor.

The L.A. mayor then went on to criticize the Democratic Party for it's reluctance to address pension reform, and seniority and tenure issues.

Watch below, via Fox News:

' '
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  • I heard the some of the people writing the Republican platform wanted a plank that called for reinstating the 3/5s clause back into the constitution.

  • Yep, the bagger regressive party is off it's creaky rocker''.who knew?

  • This guy is taking a break from bankrupting Los Angeles to be the Hispanic figurehead of a Fool's Parade. He was chosen because of his ethnicity and because that's how Dems select their leaders.

    See Obama, Barack H.

  • It's been said that this election is really The Stand and Obama is Randall Flagg.

  • gloves is talking to himself. he is off his meds again

  • *'I just want to point out, it does matter, that Mitt Romney does support the exception for rape and incest,' Wallace corrected the mayor.*

    Man, I hate that sort of phrasing, because now even a journalist like Kirell thinks that he was correcting the mayor. But he wasn't; the platform really does say what the mayor said it does. Wallace was just pointing out Romney disagrees with the GOP platform.

  • No we select our leaders because they bring policies to the table that work. There has been 4,545,000 created in the public sector in the last 30 months. 4,662,000 jobs were lost under BUSH in just his last year. Then on top of it 600k public sector jobs were lost by
    REPUBLICAN legislators firing people around the country to add even more unemployment in the midst of a near depression. YOU GLOVES ARE A EFFING MORON. On top of that your candidate, Thurston Howell III is a man who not only protested in favor of sending other people's children to die in Vietnam, even as he avoided service himself, he then complained about how those dying Americans made it 'tough' for him while he was in France avoiding service. That's right you stupid morons'  Your family members who died in Viet Nam are spinning in their grave thinking their idiot relatives are going to vote in a silver spooned
    draft dodger for President. Why they are thinking how stupid could my
    relatives be?

  • Who cares? Does anybody with live brain cells care about what 'Gloves' says?

    This is a guy who responds to his own posts!!

  • Well, for one thing Mexico still had California back in 1812, which was a good thing. And James Madison wasn't a worthless suit with a big grin.

  • Why is this dimwit being interviewed? He has nearly bankrupted L.A. What credibility does he have on any subject?

  • I think this Tony Villar is a dumb as a doorknob. 1812, eh? It's a pity that the party didn't even exist back then. Ahh. But why do I I even bother? These Dems are all a bunch of Statists with no respect for the Constitution. Looking for rights under every rock and sofa. With these guys you'll have a right to free pet, a pool, 40 weekend getaways and a massage chair.

  • The platform of 1812? Sooo, war with Canada?  It's about time.


  • The Republicans are not the party of 1812 for rich, white man. For women, black people, latinos, Gays, the old and young it is the party of 1712.

  • Hey, what did we do to deserve that?  We're best friends. 

  • Gloves, hello? You're talking to an empty chair.

  • The Republican Party's push for 'change' amounts to little more than a regression back to the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, when white men ruled the roost, women and minorities 'knew their place', and corporate fat cats were free to pollute the planet and exploit their employees, unfettered by federal workplace or environmental regulations.

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