Sabtu, 15 September 2012

Kansas Man Withdraws Petition To Drop Obama From State Ballot Over Birth Certificate Speculation


Manhattan, Kansas resident Joe Montgomery has withdrawn his petition to drop President Obama from the state's election ballot over the argument that he did not meet citizenship requirements. Montgomery's petition had prompted the state's election authorities to seek a certified copy of the President's birth certificate, despite Obama having released his Hawaiian birth certificate last year amid mounting so-called 'birther' theories that he was not born in the U.S.

The New York Times reports that, despite the change, 'the state will continue to try to obtain the birth certificate,' although officials will meet next week to close the case officially.

Montgomery explained his decision in an email to Secretary of State Kris W. Kobach:

'There has been a great deal of animosity and intimidation directed not only at me, but at people around me, who are both personal and professional associations,' he wrote. He added that he did not 'wish to burden anyone with more of this negative reaction.'

Previously, Montgomery had written that 'Mr. Obama has failed to provide any valid, certified documentary evidence to legally establish birth in this country, much less to citizen parents. Further there is substantial evidence showing that much of Mr. Obama's alleged birth certificates have been forged or doctored, and have not been confirmed as legally valid, true and accurate.'

h/t New York Times

  • So Romney's father was born in Mexico. No questions on Romney's citizenship. Wouldn't the same disqualification apply to Romney? Or is it different when you skin is dark?

    How ironic that the people who most hate Obama are the ones who would benefit most from the mental health coverage provided under so called Obamacare.

  • Republicans are so far out in right field it's not even funny anymore. I guess it never was really funny though'

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