On Wednesday morning, President Barack Obama condemned the attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, firmly stating there's 'no justification' for such violence. While he reaffirmed the U.S.-Libya relationship, the president promised to bring 'to justice the killers.'
RELATED: U.S. Ambassador To Libya Killed
Obama spoke of the four Americans killed in the Libyan attacks, including ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens. Lauding the work of American diplomats and civilians, Obama stated, 'The U.S. condemns in the strongest possible terms this outrageous and shocking attack.'
In light of the events, he said the country increased security at diplomatic posts around the world. 'Make no mistake,' Obama said, 'we will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people.'
Addressing the issue that spurred the attack, Obama said, 'Since our founding, the U.S. has been a nation that respects our faith' ' but 'there is absolutely no justification to this type of senseless violence. None.'
'The world must stand together to unequivocally reject these brutal acts,' he added, noting that many have. And that the incident 'will not break the bonds' between the U.S. and Libya.
The president offered condolences for those killed in the attacks, commending their work and saying their 'legacy will live on.'
Obama's statement below, via CNN:
I'd believe him,,,,in this he has not failed,,,he's been taking it HARD to the terrorists'I;ll support him in this effort
Arab Spring = Death to America Autumn.
Mitt who?
Is this the speech where brick OBAMO 'declared' that international respect for the U.S. would come flooding back?
The big-eared cigarette smoker sure has a lot of U.S. blood on his hands.
I'm sure they'll let the haughty Eric Holder out of jail to ready the New York City courtroom where this 'justice' will be meted out. The Poor Boy lost his chance earlier for a NYC Clown Show.
Well said Mr President.
Bring them the same justice and in the same manner as was given to Osama Bin Laden. Condolences to the families.
Do you think he called Hillary first to get approval on this new stance?
Why didn't Barry take any questions? Oh, he's headed to Vegas http://washingtonexaminer.com/obama-to-campaign-in-vegas-today-after-addressing-embassy-attacks/article/2507731
LMAO'Obama is such a joke now! Every word out of his mouth is political and has not substance! The left wing are like Zombies and just follow whatever he says without question. The democrat party has now gone to the entitlement generation of free stuff.
Look out, Barry's hitting the links.
You see how adults and real Presidents behave, Mitt? They wait before the facts before talking.
Apologize, Mitt. If you double down, still taking Fox and Rove's terrible advice, then Double Apologize. -
Is that it?!?
All of the deaths of Americans that have existed in the world and throughout history are President Obama's fault'
Try again'
I was watching as this idiot read every single word from a piece of paper, frequently stumbling over words he couldn't read quick enough. This idiot can say nothing unless it was written by someone else. He is on his way to campaign in Las Vegas while our nation needs a strong leader to do his job. What an absolute disgrace.
You obviously didn't even watch that, did you?
More wingnut talking points. Breitbart needs you back. Stat.
Could be he had nothing further to add?
Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama, claiming the White House sent 'mixed messages' to Libya.
Let me repeat that:
MITT ROMNEY is complaining about MIXED MESSAGES!? The man who stopped talking to reporters because he can't keep his stories straight is complaining about mixed messages'
What do you think he should be doing? Crawling up in the fetal position?
Why are you perpetually inserting Mitt Romney to everything about this atrocity? You reek.
Ironic isn't it?
Trolling tool.
So will a drone be flattening some random house or car somewhere in Libya?
Actually, I hope Obama authorizes CIA and special forces to make it more personal, but if politics takes a role 'justice' will likely just be pressing the Libyan authorities to arrest the offenders and treat this as a typical crime.
'Try harder LameM
Unbelievable. Obama still trying to minimize the attack on America. The mob was taking Stevens to the hospital? Yes, and the Fort Hood shooting was a 'workplace accident.'
Jim Treacher '
No matter how badly @BarackObama screws up, his loyal minions in the press will do their best to divert, excuse, or just plain cover it up.Drew '
On 9/11 an al-Qaeda flag was raised above sovereign US territory in Egypt. Why is this not being addressed? Why?Lucianne Goldberg '
O said Stevens was taken to hospital where 'we learned he had died.' What? His dead body being dragged is all over the Internet -
Mitt Romney inserted himself.
You can thank conservative pressure for that speech. Look how stark the contrast between these statements and those of libs in America. But we're not having it. There is no excuse for these attacks ' none. 100% of the weight belongs in Cairo and in Benghazi. Libs will spin it, but this was a Romney and GOP lead. Just like the vote at the DNC. Obama knows he's been exposed here, and we won't settle for apologies to fanatics like in Afghanistan again.
He reads like a child learning to read.
Mitt who set the tone.
GOP Foreign Policy Official Eviscerates Romney WOW! http://www.buzzfeed.com/bensmith/foreign-policy-hands-voice-disbelief-at-romney-cai
They are eating their own now.
'We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others'
No we don't, this President still doesn't understand anything about our freedom of speech and what it means to our nation. We do just the opposite, we don't reject efforts to denigrate beliefs that are contrary to our culture and beliefs that are dedicated to violence, we embrace them.
'But America'.in, in the meantime,'..we must continue to funnel millions of dollars to the Muslim brotherhood!'
But first, we're going to apologize for hurting their feelings.
I never liked these folks from Benghazi from the beginning. Their war was based on tribalism, racism etc which wasn't covered on the msm. You have to go to alternate media or the net to find the rubbish they were involved with.
Even you don't believe the shite you type.
Face it, Obama has bungled it in this whole part of the world. He praised and encouraged the Arab Spring, and as a result Egypt (once a bedrock of peace and stability in the Middle East) is now run by Islamic extremists who are just as tyrannical as their predecessors, but far more anti-American. And look at Syria! And Iran! And look at the deterioration in US-Israel relations. And now this disaster in Libya!
This is more than just a matter of Left or Right, Democrat or Republican. Obama has shown again and again a fundamental incompetence and naivete in managing the affairs of this nation. It is now coming back to haunt him'and the rest of us are forced to go along for the ride.
Well, at least until November.
Looks like this is gonna crimp OBAMO's golf schedule and fawning sit-downs with Leftist Media Hacks like Letterman.
Oh dear'
Dont mind the right wing trolls today. They are humiliated first by Terry Jones and his lunacy and now by Nit twit Romney and his foolishness. The Right is on the run.
Only in your uncreative imagination'
'Oh dear indeed!
Israel is in even more danger now than it was. Egypt got the billion and a half from us all at once recently. Hill and Bam saw to it.
Obama got 78% of the Jewish vote in 2008. He's at 59% and dropping now.
They are starting to realize that Obama actually despises Israel. -
The initial statement (tweets that are now deleted) to come out of the Egyptian embassy was that 'we apologize for offending the beliefs of others'. Yes, we, should apologize after having our state officials butchered. Obama you are disgrace. No doubt about it.
funny, but the US Constitution does not mention Israel even ONCE!
weird huh ? -
Yes He's setting tone alright for Obama's win In Nov.
Remember In July, when a Romney adviser said 'real Americans' don't care about foreign policy: http://ow.ly/dERqv
When did Obama apologize?
not a random house but rather, a carefully selected target using good intelligence in the region, relying on trusted sources and verifying that the intelligence is accurate before any triggers are pulled.
some interesting info now beginning to emerge. Lisa Desjardins has tweeted the following:
BREAKING: US sources tell CNN the attack in Libya was planned in advance, that attackers used protest as a diversion. From @eliselabottcnn
BREAKING more: US sources, saying attackers planned the assault on the US consulate in Libya, do not believe Ambassador Stevens was targeted -
1. Guess Obama's Cairo apology speech didn't do anything to get the Islamic radicals respect.
2. Obama pushed to get rid of US friendly leaders in Egypt and Libya and now the radical Muslim Brotherhood/Al Qaeda are filling that vacuum resulting in our embassies being attacked on the 9/11 anniversary. Those foreign policy decisions should be questioned but so far the Obama loving media hasn't put any criticism on Obama just Romney.
3. Christianity is attacked and ridiculed daily and a majority of it comes from Hollywood and liberals yet you dont see Christians rioting/killing. Larry David peeing on a picture of Jesus, art exhibits defacing Christian doctrine, TV shows like Good Christian Bitches yet you libs are going to blame some unknown guy who made a youtube video? They are actually talking about censuring these types of films because it offends Muslim? What hypocrites.
4. Romney issued timely statements last night while Obama announced he was going back on Letterman to get a back rub from Dave ' again. Romney took questions from a hostile Obama loving media today while Obama didnt and headed to Vegas. -
Someone needs to ask Mitt Romney where his USB port is located in case of emergencies.
Well for one, CNN is now reporting that the attack on the embassy was a planned attack so how about heading back to Washington and actually meeting with security advisers in an effort to prevent similar attacks.
'There is agreement in that!
the word is 'FORE!!'
you must have got it confused with the number of more years you'll be dealing with an Obama presidency. -
What about all the countries we've liberated?
Please do your own research, this isn't high school.
Hahahah. Why not just type at random?
Great. Then when did Obama kill bin Laden?
chair Obama.
He's the Prez. The embassy says one thing, he says another. By you're twisted logic, we know anything negative about Obama is an underling or Bush, but no one actually believes the stupidity. Own one, own all.
in cyberspace, there's no such thing as a 'delete'.
the statemnet came BEFORE the embassy attacks, not after.
I know, I know ' darn FACTS !! -
I do.
nope, they're not in there either. Just America.
here's a link to the Sarah Palin Facebook post story.
you're welcome. -
a little over a year ago. He doesnt talk about it much tho.
Seems like yesterday when Barry and Hillary would praising the Arab Spring and Muslim brotherhood.
he calls it his scuzzy port.
he didn't
Unhinged and false, as usual.
Why do you hate him so much?
First of all it really is time to stop calling this the Arab Spring. It's truly the Arab Dead of Winter. Secondly words from American leaders are surely not enough. Our leaders are fearful of the Arab world. This is something the Syrian and Egyptian governments respectively should have been able to stop and they turned a blind eye. It is sickening when I know we will soon be treated to bunches of pundits assuring us this is not a Muslim thing, but merely fringe groups. And Obama will sacrifice Israel to stay friends with people the likes of which we saw last night? We the people may have no power but we do have the power to not vote for Obama in November. It is not that I trust Romney that I say this. It is because the next devil really cannot be any worse than the devil we already have and possibly he will be better. Apparently Arabs only respect power. If you kill them then they respect you. If you call them a fringe group, believe me, they laugh. Our indignation does not hold any weight. Iran laughs at us and for good reason. They look at our leaders and see them for the joke they are. Mr. Obama does not get it. Telling the children to play nice in the sandbox does not work except in a real park with real children.
A recent soothing, non-inflammatory, tactful statement from Obama's diplomat Hillary Clinton: 'Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died'
The Republicans still aren't happy with Romney'
'Ah well!
and now al-Qaida is storming our embassies and killing our diplomats.
Never mind that the statement was BEFORE the attacks. I always thought you were more honest than that.
I suspect because he is African-American.
her screenname hints she is Black, I try not to get into armchair psych but it seems fairy visceral with her, almost personal.
I'm sure Obama will work hard on this between his appearance on David Letterman and his Jay-Z/Beyonce fundraiser: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/09/12/Obama-Snubs-Netanyahu-Attends-Jayz-Fundraiser
Art, you are clownlike in your one-note manic cray cray comments
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