President Barack Obama made a laid back visit to Gator's Dockside restaurant in Orlando on Saturday, where mingled with families having dinner. At one table, he stopped and spoke to a seven-year-old boy who was born in Hawaii. Poking fun, the president asked about his birth certificate.
A woman at one of the tables pointed to Andre Wupperman, and said, 'He was born in Hawaii.'
'You were born in Hawaii?' the president asked. 'You have a birth certificate?'
The remark, an obvious quip at the 'birther' controversy surrounding the president, drew laughter from the table.
Take a look, via CBS News:
For those who don't quite get it, when President Obama makes a birth certificate joke he is mocking birthers. When Romney makes a birth certificate joke he is affirming birthers.
yeah, that's basically it. ;)
It's only a matter of time before those that like to make stupidity into an art form point to this as an example of hypocrisy because President Obama made a birther joke but Mitt Romney got skewered for making a birther joke.
Let's keep it simple for these simple minded people. President Obama and others make birther jokes to make fun of delusional birthers. Mitt, his son, Rick Perry, and people like them make birther jokes to make fun of the fact that they benefit from white privilege while others have to worry about being considered the other. Get it? Got it? Good.
And it will fly high over the birthers heads. Mittens won't be going there again
Beat me to it.
It's really sad, because you know they're going to come with false charges of hypocrisy, as if they really aren't smart enough to understand the difference.
Republicans don't understand how comedy works..
Wow, already with the politics and division'
For the record, can't wait to vote the man out of office but I actually thought the quip from Obama pretty funny.
Republicans and tea baggers don't get satire.
What is your thought on birthers Rafael? Serious question..
to Obama the 'birther' issue a hornets nest that he just loves to poke a stick at. he, more than anybody, loves to keep it alive hoping to get headlines out of it in order to deflect from the real serious issues facing America like 8 plus percent unemployment and 96,000 burger flipper jobs created.
Yep. Irony is a concept they have not learned, and never will.
Still waiting for a non-forged BC
Still waiting for a BC that isn't forged
You would prefer 20%+ unemployment and no jobs created? What kind of unhinged soul would want that? The kind that hates America and and wants American to fail unless they elect a Republican president and an all Republican Congress. Good 'ole one-party rule. Show those Commies how it's really done!
The ironic thing is, is that that 7 year old boy's original birth record is entirely digital. i.e. it's an electronic record in a database. If he asks for a birth certificate from the state, he will receive the same form that the President released in 2008.
I see that the vile liberals are jumping to offense so they don't have to defend another hypocritical idiotic comment from Obama.
Still waiting for Mittens to release tax returns. And of course you will post proof about the BC. Put up or shut up!
Still waiting for proof of forgery,
BTW, the state of Hawaii has once again verified that the BC on the white house web site is real
Obama is awesome. He's taken their attack on him and has made them the joke. The vast majority of Americans now laugh at the Birthers.
Thoughts? Do you smell something burning?
Serious answer' Couple of parts to the answer, manipulate as you desire.
One ' at this point could give a rat's buttocks where the man was born. Whether Hawaii, a natural birth in a barn in Iowa, an inner city hospital in Chicago' don't care. He sucks at his job and needs to be voted out of office.
Two ' don't care about birther's. They can investigate what they want, say what they want, don't care. But if you want to hang them around my neck then expect me to dredge up every reprehensible left side of the sandbox moron to hang around your neck. It will be a fun game as we slosh around in the rhetorical cesspool commenting on the chunks on each others face.
Three ' I think that when someone zings a birther comment at this point it is to live rent free in that persons head. Throw you off your game, etc'
I have yet to come back to the thread but the insanity is starting isn't it? Imagine, all this over the Kenyan in the White House' ;).
Mittnens wont be doing anymore Birther jokes because he cant play the Southern strategy anymore. His team of fools have finally discovered that they need some of those Black swing state votes and he has set up a Black leadership council under that even bigger fool Allen West.
I hear stupid hypocritical liberals.
Oh sh'Everyone stop what you're doing. Right now! Get the White House on the phone. We need to speak to President Obama'I don't care what he's doing'This is urgent. What? He's on a conference call with the Israelis and Palestinians and they've worked out a peace plan? Look, whatever. Like I said, urgent business here. They can call back later. Listen, tell the President he needs to hold a press conference A.S.A.P. and provide a copy of his birth certificate that meets the approval of this poster online, one 2ndcomingofISA. Make sure he gets that done soon. Otherwise, the world will stop rotating and life itself will come to a screeching standstill until the center of the universe, 2ndcomingofISA, gets what he/she wants. Thank you.
Obama making light of the fact that he's a Hawaiian-born, Muslim, sleeper terrorist (any other tin foil conspiracies I'm missing?) proves he's making a mockery of the White House.
Obama's Caucasian half sending out dog whistles?
not today Censure. it's Sunday and he's out on the links having a cigarette. afterwards he's heading to Five Guys to have lunch and meet and greet some of the 96,000 new burger-flippers that he created.
Yes, the GOP hates black people but are willing to ruthlessly lie to them and use them in order to attain power. Is that where your goofy view of America takes you even though you don't have even a shred of evidence to back it up? Too white GOP is racist. Have you ever heard of this concept called irony?
If people are going to be stupid enough to give him the rope, expect him to use it. That's the problem with cosigning any stupid attack just because you don't like the person. There have always been those rare few nuts that challenge the legitimacy of the President's right to hold the office. This is the first time those nuts numbers and high profile members have swelled to the point of gaining mainstream attention; even headlining news stories. When the crazy guy up on the shack in the middle of nowhere engages in such nonsense, that's one thing. When Mitt Romney, his son, Donald Trump (whom polled in 1st when he decided to run on the issue), Rick Perry, and a sizable chunk of right wingers start to engage in that madness, that says something different. It's something troubling. They should be reminded of their stupidity.
Can't wait for Dems to simply use the word Marxist rather than dancing around the maypole.
How many burger flippers did you get the last time you had a Republican in the WH?
Yeah, we know. When GOP groups have no race names or racial mainstream institutions of any kind, that means they're racists. When Dems who never shut up about race and have a thousand mainstream race-based groups, that's anti-racist. Does that about sum it up? Dems are FORCED to defend themselves by naughty, low-profile secretive racists.
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