Sabtu, 01 September 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Not Charged In Inquiry Over Abuse-Of-Power Allegations


Maricopa County sheriff Joe Arpaio has not been charged following an inquiry into allegations that the controversial lawman abused power in his role. The accusations against Arpaio included 'claims of misuse of county-issued credit cards and federal money to pay for salaries, trips, meals and other expenses they should not have covered.'

Investigators looking into the charges said they found 'insufficient evidence of criminal intent,' and Arpaio responded to the findings by saying he 'never had any doubt' and thanking the federal government for its work in the inquiry.

The Sheriff currently faces a similar civil-rights lawsuit, with advocacy organizations alleging that Arpaio targeted Latinos in raids and other actions carried out by his deputies. The ruling in that lawsuit is still pending.

h/t New York Times

  • Of course not! They had nothing on him. It was all about intimidation to shut him up. They feel now they have sufficiently made him look like an 'extreme right wing nut' their favorite humiliation label, that no one will listen to now. They will continue to go after him in other ways. They won't quit. All our tax dollars wasted on this 'mission' to destroy Joe? How do they justify this when they won't even LOOK at the Black Panthers and their actual threats to Americans or the Fast & Furious scandal that has resulted in many deaths? Holder will be dragged out the door kicking and screaming when Obama loses! can't wait.

  • Can we say political witch hunt. Does ANYONE really doubt that this is politically motivated.

  • More DOJ intimidation from the Holder Justice Department.  Gibson Guitars knows all about having a differing opinion from the Messiah and how it can lead to raids on your factories.  This is just another reason why we have to kick this corrupt President out of office.

    Romney/Ryan 2012

  • America's toughest sheriff has something on someone..Holder is a radical, power hunger prick. Federal charges all across Arizona were dropped. Other sheriffs, civil right cases against the state and so on..

  • This must upset the brown supremacists from La Raza and other pro-illegal alien apologists.


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