Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends issued another correction after Thursday's program. The morning program featured a picture that was sent out on President Barack Obama's twitter account which showed the president sitting with a man dressed as a pirate in observance of 'national talk like a pirate day.' Fox & Friends said that the president had time for a pirate but no time for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Fox & Friends later noted that the picture in question was taken in 2009.
RELATED: Washington Post's Media Critic: 'Please Kill Fox & Friends'
The Fox & Friends hosts showed an image of the president with the pirate and also noted that Obama recently attended a Manhattan fundraiser with artists Jay-Z and Beyoncé. 'All that stuff, and yet, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still waiting for that President meeting with Mr. Obama, remember that the White House said he was too busy to meet with him,' said Steve Doocy.
The chyron which captioned the image reinforced the notion that Obama was shirking his official duties as President of the United States. 'Too busy for Israel: President Finds Time For Pirate, Letterman,' the chyron read.
Shortly after the broadcast, Fox & Friends tweeted this correction:
This comes after Fox News Channel's morning program has had to issue a number of corrections in recent months for broadcasting factual inaccuracies or errors. The Washington Post's Erik Wemple documented a number of them last week.
Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:
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'and it was a joke for the WH Correspondence dinner '. and we continue to lead the balloting for worst morning show in TV history.
'Foxed Up News.
Unfair and Mentally Unbalanced!
Wouldn't it be easier for Mediaite to just report when Fox & Friends says something truthful?
It would save us all a lot of time here.
I am not sure I have seen Faux Nooz this desperate before , they have always been funny and off the rocker'These mo fo's have cracked over the black man .
does fox and friends have a twitter account or twisted accounted?
Just like the 'redistribution video' of Obama they're so excited to put up something negative about the President they don't fact check it. F&F is the biggest joke on cable.
OOps!, we did it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and '.
The lies and the lying Liars that tell them.
F&Fs, Fox and FBN just a lying piece of Bull sh*t.
Wait a minute' I thought only MSNBC issued apologies/corrections and that it was some kind of mortal stain on their reputation'???
I guess newsmedia outlets just make mistakes, right? and probably ought to be evaluated on other things than number of apologies/corrections, right?
ps. great photo! arrrr!!!
Fox News just wants to put stuff out for their low information audience, once it's seen'that's it for most of their people'they never even see a retraction'I don't really know how they have any credibility left, if they ever had any in the first place'The whole place is going to explode when President Obama is reelected'.
F&F's year of 'corrections' (these twits don't apologize)'.continues'right,Noah?
It's only a matter of time before it's revealed that Fox 'News' is (and has always been) funded by the GOP' 'Fair and Balanced' is the last thing their programming represents.
Blatantly lying on television and then issuing under the radar corrections has become standard operating procedure for Fox & Friends. I'd hate to meet the individual that actually takes this show seriously.
You nailed it.
This doesn't look like a correction. It looks like a description. An correction would include the mistake and a correction. These Mediaite hacks use words like 'correction' to make you feel warm and fuzzy and further their narrative ' 'Please don't watch Fox, Please don't watch Fox'. They're afraid you'll learn something.
Pandemonium on BullSh*& Mountain' It just keeps getting better. They are all going to be like Martians listening to Slim Whitman records as in Mars Attack soon!
Wasn't it Fox, that not too long ago had a letter circulated by the managing director of the news division saying this kinda crap was not going to be tolerated and that heads would roll? Wonder which one of the cleaning crew will be let go this time?
And the Right wonders why the Left is so fired up right now. It's bullcrap like this.
We lead in enthusiasm and momentum and the Right leads in hate.
It's not hard to predict which side America will choose.
You should have also thrown in your piece Noah that Netanyahu has said that President Obama has met with him 'more than any other leader in the world'.. But I guess you couldn't fit that in your post with all those important Doocy quotes.. Not surprising but Fox fails to mention this as well when they talk about the President not having time for Netanyahu.
Tell grandma and grandpa one thing and then correct it on twitter?
Pretty smart. Lie on the air, then tweet the correction in a place where none of the geriatrics that watch Fox News can find it. A new low in journalism.
Fox: 'This is an example of Obama not Doing his job today.'
Mediaite: 'Wrong stupid Fox: This is Obama not doing his Job 3 years ago.'
Fox is so stupid.
Fox is 'news' and it's the farthest thing you'll ever see on TV from journalism.
That is clearly a picture of Obama apologizing to the cousin of a Somalian pirate that he had shot years ago.
That is obviously a picture of Obama meeting with Captain Crunch after giving him the award for 'Cereal of the Year.'
And you know why they thought it was from today?
because it was tweeted from the Official Obama Twitter account.
But still, fox is teh stoopid so vote me up!
What up with that is Obama meeting with his favorite rapper, Snoop Ice Blackie Blackbeard, as they plan a fundraiser at the Treasure Island Hotel in Las Vegas with his fellow rap stars Phat Azz Philly, Uglee Biotch, Pineapple Upside Down Kake and Regis Philbin.
so true!
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