Selasa, 18 September 2012

Correcting The Record About Maddow's Report On Fox News Contributors


On last night's Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, the eponymous host did a segment exploring something we reported on last week: Fox News' lack of disclosure for several of its paid contributors who double as Romney campaign advisers.

For her examples, Maddow cited the familiar ones: former Ambassador John Bolton, ACLJ's Jay Sekulow, foreign policy analyst Walid Phares, and Karl Rove ' all of whom are Fox News contributors that also have an interest in electing Mitt Romney. For many of their appearances on the network to talk about the election their ties to Romney were not disclosed.

But Maddow led off with the example of former Labor Secretary Elaine Chao, who she explained regularly appears on and 'works for' the network. We cited her in our original report as a paid contributor with undisclosed ties to the Romney campaign; and Maddow did the same, adding that Chao was also recently nominated for election to News Corp's Board of Directors.

As a matter of correcting the record, however: Chao is not a paid contributor with Fox News.

During our original report, we reached out for Fox's comment and they clarified that she is, in fact, not a Fox contributor. She hasn't been chyroned as a paid contributor in recent appearances, and in the last few weeks, several Fox hosts have made it a point to mention her campaign connections as chairwoman of Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders for Romney.

Additionally, Chao's being nominated for News Corp's Board of Directors does not count as working for the network, since it is not an actual position until and unless she is actually elected to the board on October 16th during the shareholders meeting.

And so to say that Chao works for the network is incorrect. Maddow should've done her homework.

Watch Maddow's segment below, via MSNBC:

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • I think MSNBC spends about 1/4 of their programming whining about Fox

  • Chao's own website lists her as a Fox News contributor.

    Pretty easy mistake to make when your research includes going to the website of the person in question and making the mistake of believing it.

    Her bio at the Heritage Foundation also lists her as a Fox contributor.

  • I think Fox spends 100% of their programming whining about Obama.

  • I appreciate you pointing out the nuances here, but the basic issue remains: Fox doesn't disclose that its 'experts' are often paid consultants who, nearly always, work for the GOP.

    And as RawStory showed yesterday, when Fox gets an 'average person' to talk about something, they sometimes find that individual through an extensive search (see their story on how Fox found the 'former Obama supporter' who pranked Carlson). So Fox's crack news team decides what the story will be before they've actually researched whether the idea is accurate, and then they look for any sources'any at all'to back them up. That's the opposite of real journalism.

    Getting paid consultants to 'back up' whatever b.s. lede Fox wants to go with makes things all the more easy.

  • Great catch. What's funny is that someone has already down voted your comment, as if pointing out basic facts is something bad.

  • Meanwhile chaos in the middle east

  • We already know what Romney would do about it:

    'You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem. We live with that in China and Taiwan. All right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it.' ' Mitt Romney

  • Do you think you're sway my vote in a comment section, lol

  • I don't have much hope for the brainwashed GOP base, Dave. So no'

    All I wanted to do was rub your nose in the fact that your guy is going to lose badly in November. 'lol'

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