Rabu, 19 September 2012

Donald Trump's Canceled RNC 'Surprise' Video Revealed On The Today Show


When Hurricane Isaac caused the Republican National Convention to cancel its first day of events last month, America was also deprived of a very special 'surprise' from eccentric businessman Donald Trump.

But do not fear, America. Several weeks later, that special surprise video has turned up and the Today Show played it for our hungry eyes today.

As we predicted here before, the GOP-produced video shows Trump sitting behind his desk, a la The Apprentice, giving a harsh performance review to the President Obama impersonator sitting across from him. Trump gives 'Obama' a verbal lashing for saying things like 'the private sector is fine,' despite provided evidence to the contrary.

Naturally, the video ends with Trump delivering his signature line to the faux-president: 'You're fired!'

Watch below, via NBC:

[h/t Deadline]
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  • super classy!! just needed a big ballroom and a giant chandelier.

  • What a clown the Donald is.

  • Smartest thing the G.O.P. did at its convention.

    Trump is a POS.

  • Clint Eastwood will be a contestant on The Apprentice next season

  • Alex Pareene at Salon called this as soon as Trump announced he had a 'big surprise'. Alex also added herr, derr. Hahaha, Trump is so, so so dumb. Oh, and lame.

  • Neil Cavuto had Trump on his show (on Fox) just prior to the convention. He took a few minutes to grill Trump, pretty much blowing the cover on this entire scheme, saying 'you're not going to have an Obama impersonator that you fire in the format of your TV show, are you ? Are you actually going to promote your own show at the convention ?'

    Trump got very flustered and stammered a bit.

    I think the minds at Fox convinced the organizers to nix the entire idea. But of course The Donald can't let it go.

  • And to think that the GOP passed up the golden opportunity to nominate this guy.

  • yet another 'fake Obama' to fill in the gaps of their mythical world.
    When reality hits you in the face next November, dont act like you didnt see it coming, ok ?

  • So how's that birther crap coming along, TrChump?

  • I can't believe the GOP passed on something so stupid and lame. I'm not kidding. This is right up their alley. Why didn't they air it?

  • Would make a good ad a couple of weeks before the vote. It would target the less sophisticated voter who watches TV a lot.

    Obama has a lot of those supporters judging from his Hollywood support.

  • The surprise in the video is that Donald Chump sucks even more than usual!

  • i am sure donnie is mad that clint stole his thunder' just like a con'talking to invisible beings expecting miracles.. hey donnie'you are a bit shot'MAYBE YOU WILL BET 10K THAT OBAMA WILL NOT==I SAY NOT== be fired.. does anyone in the gop have any stones to actually back up their nonsense?

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