Appearing on ABC's This Week panel, conservative columnist George Will said that Mitt Romney's Thursday closing speech at the Republican National Convention did not succeed in telling the American public something they didn't already know about the Republican candidate for the presidency.
'In those three nights,' host George Stephanopoulos asked at the outset, 'did [the GOP] do what they needed to do?'
'Not clear,' Will said.
He added that the real question is whether the people who watch the convention are those who are 'unusually interested in politics,' or whether the viewership includes potential swing voters who may not know much about the candidates.
Ultimately, Will concluded that Romney did not succeed in painting a strong image of himself for the voting public: 'Did Mitt Romney tell us something that we didn't already know? We know that he's against throwing money at bad ideas, we know that he's against what they call trickle-down government. But did he tell us something that we didn't already know? I doubt it.'
Watch below, via ABC:
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Romney announces new health care plan today. Magic underwear and prayer. Says all Dr's will now find a new career and all hospitals will close within 2 days of him being sworn in.. Romney estimates it will save 2 trillion dollars per year.
On another note Romney says he will ban alcohol, soda, coffee, tea, and any movie rated above G.
Interesting that Mediaite didn't cover these comments from the same show:
Everyone including all the baggers already knew Ryan is an incompetent schmuck, Romney is just a privileged rich chump with zero experience that lies perhaps more than LyinRyan.
Romney is an empty suit, he would be the worst POTUS right next to Dumbya. -
When real conservatives and not scummy baggers tell the truth about how pathetic Lyin Ryan is it spells trouble for the regressive party.
Baggers don't care, they just want that black guy out of the WHITEY house, they'll vote for any clown as long as he's white. -
What is there to know about Romney-he was a progressive, then a moderate, then Conservative, now a right wing loon. Romney is whomever his puppet masters want him to be.
They certainly didn't tell us about his taxes, but its pretty clear that it is not going away.
Not true, he'll only ban abortions and porn.
Is it true that Will called Brazille a racist on the air after she said 'Chicago'? if so, lol
Willard did say that he would create 12 million new jobs in 4 years and also walk on water.
Which of these is more true?
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