After allegedly confronting Congressman Trey Gowdy(R-SC) at gunpoint on Sunday afternoon, suspect Gloria Yvonne Brackett of Atlanta, Ga., was arrested by police in Spartanburg, S.C., where the incident took place. Brackett is suspected of pointing a handgun at Rep. Gowdy while he sat in his car in a Spartanburg parking lot, located within his home district.
The Republican congressman told police that while he sat parked outside the First Baptist Church Spartanburg, waiting for his daughter to arrive, he was confronted by Brackett sometime after 8 p.m. The police report states that Brackett had demanded Gowdy 'stop following her,' to which the congressman replied that he was simply waiting for his daughter. Shortly thereafter, however, Brackett allegedly returned with a pistol, which she used to further confront the congressman.
The report also states that when Gowdy backed up his car and attempted to leave the scene, the gun-toting woman ran after the vehicle.
The congressman drove to the local police department to report the incident, and a police escort returned to pick up his daughter from the church.
The Huffington Post reports that Brackett has been charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol and pointing, as well as presenting a firearm, and is currently being held at a detention center.
[h/t HuffPost]
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I am glad that Gowdy was not harmed.
Odd, he drove to the police station rather than call them on his cell phone. I don't think we've heard the last of this story. And the charges seem strange as well, presenting a firearm' and 'unlawful carrying of a firearm.' Curiouser and curiouser indeed.
so why was he following her ?
Another example of violence threatened by a Tea Partier.
I get the feeling that there's about 5 really important details to this story that aren't mentioned here. The entire scenario is just too bizarre.
Maybe it's as simple as the woman being off her meds, but why would he not call the police instead of driving to them?
Why do the charges seem strange Tedderman? Presenting (or pointing) a firearm at another is a violation of SC code 16-23-410 and Unlawful Carrying of a Firearm is a violation of 16-23-20.
What the hell is wrong with you? Why not take yourself directly to where the police are instead of waiting around for the police to show up when you know there is possibly a very unhinged person (liberal) in possession of a firearm, in very close proximity?
Use some sense!
Matt ' as I suggested above, why in the name of God would you want to wait around in an area where you know some wacko just pointed a weapon at you. Would you not want to unass the AO as soon as possible and get as close to those you want protecting you?
You are assuming he was, correct?
I thought you repubs think everyone should pack, and shoot it out?
Really Danielson, is that the best you can do? I have no problem with the lawful possession of a firearm by anyone. Having said that, I don't think a church parking lot would be a very appropriate location to start up with anyone who chooses to unlawfully handle a firearm or do you not have any problem with this?
Definitely fits the tea party description!
Calling 9-1-1 would probably result in a faster response time. I'm curious to learn why he drove to the police station. His daughter was there. Maybe he was concerned his presence endangered his family.
LOL ' have you called for the police lately using the 911 system?
Evidently not.
huh, from this article it sounds like it is unrelated to him being a Congressman. Just an either PO'd or disturbed person with a gun.
Actually I've been in this situation before having been the victim of an attempted car jacking. I simply backed up about 60' at a high rate of speed and left the area, As soon as I rounded the corner I pulled into the parking lot of a busy convenience store where I called police. The idiot was still trying to jack another car when police arrived and charged him with using a firearm during commission of a crime, I don't recall the code number. Florida's law at the time required he do at least five years but he was a repeat offender and did somewhere between 10-15.
The point is, Gowdy wanted police to see him and realize who he was so they would take appropriate action. -
Already tiring, reading through the comments of those who seem ready to offer theories and conjecture regarding Gowdy's decision to drive from the area and seek assistance at the police station instead of staying where he was. Now I know many of you fantasize over the possibility of finding scandal relating to the behavior of a Republican but people, you need to relax. As a law enforcement officer, I heartily endorse the actions taken by Gowdy as it removed him from the immediacy of threat by an individual he claims threatened him with a firearm. For those who ask, 'why didn't he just call 911?', OK ' then what was he to do? Stay in that parking lot in close proximity to this woman who just pointed a firearm at him?
Common sense people ' not too hard to figure out.
Ms. Brackett was standing her ground after perceiving that she was being followed by a threatening man.
Why is South Carolina infringing on her Second Amendment rights?
Why aren't libertarians up in arms about this police state abuse?
Not going to dispute this very distinct possibility. Some of these guys do have an overwhelming sense of importance. The only thing I wanted you to really take away from my previous comment is that I don't think it necessary to read into this anymore than has been suggested by the story ' at least at the moment. As with anything in politics ' anything is possible.
This makes the most sense. For all we know, our Representatives are trained to do exactly what he did. I recall hearing similar advice. Drive to the police if you feel the threat of danger.
I love how you assume it's a liberal. You've just identified yourself as an a-hole to every reader of these comments.
Stormin' Norman offering up another round of his daily dose of stupidity!
Under the modern PC rules, Gloria must be believed because women never lie about anything, including rape.
Also, according to PC rules, he is a White male so he is probably guilty of something. Successful White male, three strikes!
What a shock ' somebody with a name like 'Trey Gowdy' is a South Carolina Republican.
She's lucky she didn't get dropped like a hot potato, which is what should have happened.
Oh relax Bobbie boy. To those who know me on this site know my favorite synonym when it comes to liberals is unhinged. Just popped it in there as a little dig.
And for the record ' those that know me on this site already think I'm an A-Hole. Do you really think I'm that concerned?
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