On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney weighed in on the ongoing protests spreading across the Muslim world that ignited on 9/11/12. Those protests resulted in the breaching of the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the assassination of the U.S. ambassador to Libya. Carney said that those protests were aimed exclusively at an offensive, anti-Muslim video and not at the United States or the administration of President Barack Obama.
RELATED: Protestors Reportedly Set Fire To German Embassy In Sudan
Carney made it clear that the protests across the Muslim world targeting U.S. embassies and consulates, is in no way directed at the policies of President Obama's administration.
Carney said that the protests were exclusively aimed at a video which is highly critical of Islam that a U.S.-based filmmaker put online in June:
This is a fairly volatile situation, and it is in response not to U.S. policy, not to, obviously, the administration, not to the American people. It is in response to a video ' a film ' that we have judged to be reprehensive and disgusting. That in no way justifies any violent reaction to it. But this is not a case of protests directed at the United States, writ large, or at U.S. policy. This is in response to a video that is offensive and ' to Muslims.
Carney made it clear saying twice that, though the video is in poor taste in the estimation of the White House, it in no way justifies violence.
Watch the press conference via MSNBC:
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Mitt Romney On 'Innocence Of Muslims' Video: They Have A Right To Make It, But It's Not Right
Is Mittens apologizing now? That was essentially the same thing the Embassy had to say about the video.
I'll assume he's flip flopping yet again.
What a stunning case of denial. So they just happened to choose 9/11 as the date to protest a video???
Now that's weird, Jay, because people in the street are screaming that Oblamer is to blame. Of course, his minions in the corrupt, liberal media are amazed at how stupid these people are to not understand that Barry can't control everything. It's truly pathetic to watch. Just when you think the media can't get any wose, they somehow find a way to do it.
So let's get this straight, Opie Taylor: 'Tolerant' and 'Peace-Loving' Muslims MURDERED four people who had NOTHING to do with that video you say is at the root of it all?
What a wee-todd.
Sure it is. How could anyone hate dear leader's policies? Time to get the band back together and hit the road for the Obama apology tour 2013.
A regime change in any country is bound to be volatile, much less in the Middle East. But, the United States has been clear in its pro-democracy views, and has supported every country's right to pursue self-government. Anyone who says we are being 'too weak' in our policies'do they then suggest we invade like we did Iraq and Afghanistan, and then unilaterally shouldering the load of rebuilding the country?
What a load of crap ' I wonder where this clown will end up when Obama loses? Has there ever been such low credibility coming from a press secretary? And . . . at this point is there really any difference between this guy and DWS?
What a LIAR!!
Barry and Hillary have been running around the Country praising Islam and telling us what a great religion it is and apologizing for America'..to bad the truth is coming to fruition for the whole world to see.
Really? _Well, what else is he going to say' Admit the truth? HA HA ' Plus, the Obama administration is really not big in owning up to anything, even with the media in their favor. This must have been Bush's fault too.
Look at the right wing loons having a nervous breakdown today. Maybe if you and your kind were not bent on spreading so much hate and bigotry Americans would not have been killed.
The hundreds of animals in libya were yelling 'We are all Osama!'
This has as much to do with Obama and the Admin as the Danish Gov't after those anti islam cartoons were released in Denmark. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
Will Obama get some advice from General Letterman next week?
If only Mediaite had a White House Correspondent to challenge ridiculous statements like that one.
Carney's full of sh*t'
The movie is a red herring, Quite a coincidence that this started on 9/11.
The motto of the Obama Regime:
'It's not his fault!' -
Lets see, also coming out in June was Madagascar 3, Brave, Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter, Prometheus, Rock of Ages, That's My Boy, To Rome with Love, Ted, Magic Mike, Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection, People Like Us (they really really do), Unforgivable, and others.
I guess its an unfortunate but entirely unrelated coincidence that the response to this June video was September 11, and not September 10, or 9, or August 25, July 4, etc' Can anyone come up with an example of something coming from the White House podium that wasn't complete BS?
Freedom aint FREE .
Well, DenIal is a river in the Middle East.
Now that's a lie.
That is a foolish lie.
The administration does not have to apologize for attacking al Qaeda. It is right and proper to do so. But the murderous attack in Libya was to mark 9/11 and to protest drone attacks. For the administration to put that on some stupid film misses the point. But they care more about politics and that is why they are doing it. They also have 48 hour notice of something going down and failed to properly prepare for it.
The French published topless photos of Kate Middleton. There are reports that outraged Brits are storming the French embassy.
But they have Tommy' right? Hahahahahahaha'
He is working on the daily Current TV update.
Question. This is the Tea Party's fault, right? -
take it easy on Carney'' boy has one of the most difficult jobs on the planet
Time to send in Little Debbie to be Press Secretary.
Wow, this is a weak response.
We may have loons, but Carney's statement was, how shall I say it, not true.
I'll assume that your point has NOTHING to do with Carney. Boom.
absolutely. Despite this violence you can never forget that the real enemy is old white protestant men. They all need to be extinguished.
Flare-up in middle east proves Obama 'weak'? Let's see'.
- Carter: Iran hostage crisis
- Reagan: Marines blown up in Beiru policy disaster; sold arms to enemy Iran
- Bush I: Saddam invades Kuwait, huge war ensues
- Clinton: Multiple terrorist attacks on US military, allies
- Bush II: 9/11 attack, 7/7 attack in London, attacks in Spain, Indonesia, dozens of others, plus 2 bungled wars
Strong presidents, weak presidents, Democrats, Republicans, ' What's the correlation?
How about: The middle east (and related areas) is ALWAYS erupting. Thousands of years of tribal and religious warfare doesn't go away overnight.
Indeed, the video has been out on Youtube since July. This administration is beyond delusional.
Mittens is simply saying the same thing about a disparaging film about Islam as he said about Obama's disparaging film on Christianity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_0V77WMGRbM
Ah, came out from under the bridge for another day of stalking I see.
Should I make a few typos so you can run up your post count?
These protests are from conservatives in their respective countries.
Conservatives in the US are seething for this kind of action.
If one of the WH pool had the cajones, they would ask if Mr. Carney has seen 'The Book of Mormon'? Then ask for an apology.
It's cute how you think the term 'conservative' is identical in every country. It really is terrifying how the loudest ones happen to be the dumbest.
Blame blame blame
Whine whine whine -
Obama was betrayed here by the progressive Left's delight in street mobs and demonstrations. They heralded the Arab Spring with the same enthusiasm that they embraced Occupy Wall Street and the old Vietnam-era protests. Of course, sensible people knew that you don't build democracies from street mobs. Edmund Burke could have told you that back in 1789. Somehow I doubt that Obama knows much about conservative thinker Burke, but he wouldn't have bungled this situation so badly if he had studied him. Those who don't learn from the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.
Mormon history is as deadly as the Muslims. The only difference is they dressed up as Indians to kill American people on American soil.
Is that the best you got Shin, you really are losing the plot like Romney.
You don't get it.
He's not apologizing.
Saying something is 'reprehensive and disgusting' isn't an apology.
The response should be: We support free speech in this country. The video doesn't represent the views of the United States. That should be it. By saying that the video is reprehensible, they are essentially saying that the US government condemns any criticism of Islam specifically.
Where is the ACLU? Where are all the lefties that cry out that there is language suggesting an establishment of religion? Oh, the hypocrisy! 'It's cool, dude. It's our guy. It doesn't apply in this instance''
I'll give you a well educated response when I hear a well educated statement or question. Still haven't heard any of that from you''
Mitt Romney's apology'
'I think the whole film is a terrible idea,' he said. 'I think him
making it, promoting it showing it is disrespectful to people of other
faiths. I don't think that should happen. I think people should have the
common courtesy and judgment '- the good judgment ' not to be ' not to
offend other peoples' faiths. It's a very bad thing, I think, this guy's
doing.' -
I would so much like to give Dear Leader's administration the benefit of the doubt, but then I read through things like this:
It leaves me shaking my head.
Carney hit each point of your first paragraph, in the full press conference, and several times.
No doubt there wasn't 'room' for it to be included in this article on Mediaite. The closer we get to the election, the less context seems to be included in Noah's articles.
Yup, that is an apology by Mittens standards day before yesterday.
Republicans desperately want this middle east crisis to change the election but Mitt already put his foot in his mouth failing the commander in chief test in this situation. More Americans trust Obama on foreign policy than Mitt Romney. '. sorry baggers
So embassies in a dozen countries have been attacked because of a film that nobody has seen, and that may not even exist apart from the amateurish trailers on the internet. That doesn't speak well for the temperament of Islamic culture, does it? How can the president say this after all his rhapsody about 'The HOLY Quran' and the Prophet Mohammed? Only yesterday Obama was raving about the Caliphate of Cordoba (which he likes to pronounce Ricardo Montalban-style) and practically begging Muslims to take a second shot at colonizing Spain.
The Left pretends to love Islam so long as Muslims are politically useful. They ignore or excuse everything that happens in the Muslim theocracies ' brutal oppression, slavery, savage abuse of women and religious minorities, and the Shari'a of hanging, stoning, torture and mutilation. If Muslims were peaceful golf-playing Episcopalians who had never harmed anyone, the Left would hate their guts.
I wasn't implying that those points weren't hit. Maybe I should have said 'they should have stopped there' instead of 'that should be it.' Why is Islam above reproach when it comes to criticism in the eyes of the US government? The statements from the WH and the State department seem to imply that it is.
I lived 11 years in a 95% Muslim country. My black African son and his family still live there. This is NOT about a film.
I'm not blaming anyone jackass. I'm stating that for many years and over many presidents there has always been middle east protests and uprisings but somehow republicans think this have all started since President Obama was elected.
Mitt Romney as president will only make things worst with his shoot first aim later big mouth'. That's how we got into Iraq.
Conservatives in the US = Guns & Religion
Conservatives in the middle east = Guns & Religion
And I've got a piece of beachfront property for sale in Kansas I'll sell you at a great price.
Yeah, I bet it's just a total coincidence that these protests are taking place largely in countries where we've been murdering people with drone strikes. There's no correlation between the two. They've been rather pleased with their fellow citizens being taken out by death machines in the sky. It's a wonder they're upset at all.
Thank you for that riveting news update. Now let's go back to Kyle with sports.
Of course they're angry at Obama; they think he should be able to immediately remove the media and imprison the persons responsible.
NO, they specifically stated that there was no justification for violence based on an internet video. Again, several times. But you wont here that here on Mediaite either.
And I'm not busting your balls on this, but the out of context nature of articles here has been getting exponentially greater as the election gets nearer.
When I first started using this site about five months ago, it seems like they at least attempted to not spin articles, most of the time. Now ever article that gets slapped up is spin.
He can rebuild the bridge he bought in Brooklyn there.
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