Everyone loves a good underdog story, and President Barack Obama has just that, according to comedian Bill Maher, who said on his Friday night comedy program that Democrats just wish Republicans would admit they were born into laps of luxury.
'New rule: if reelected, President Obama must appoint Bill Clinton to head the EPA because on Wednesday night he cleared away an unbelievable amount of toxic bullshit,' Maher said. 'Beginning with knocking down the contention that Democrats are envious of success and sneer at the American Dream of starting out with nothing and making good. No, it's not that liberals envy the rich, they just wish the rich would admit they were just lucky.'
Maher went on to show snapshots of the boyhood homes of Obama, presidential candidate Mitt Romney, and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan. The conservative men lived in large houses but Obama, of course, comes from more modest beginnings, having been raised by a single mother.
'One room, one window,' Maher said of Obama's tiny youth digs. 'Going from that house to the White House, that's starting from nothing and making good. Now you can tell Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are lucky because when they try to come up with anecdotes on how rough their lives used to be, it's laughable. Like did you know that when Paul Ryan he worked at, brace yourselves, a fast food restaurant?'Yeah he had a summer job flipping burgers, not because he wanted to, but because his mommy got tired of him locked in his room masturbating to 'Atlas Shrugged.''So congratulations, Paul Ryan'you made it against no odds!'
Watch below via HBO:
'If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.
John F. Kennedy'
'They Just Wish Rich Would Admit They Were Just Lucky'
'You did not build that'Liberals are saying, 'since you did not earn that, you should not be allowed to keep it'.
Here's a rule for this sick little termite known as Maher. You have a two bit TV show watched by loons who think you are smart. You are not. Keep your nasty crap to yourself and grow up.
People get lucky when they work hard, and the harder they work, the luckier they get.
You wasted a million dollars on a commercial (Romney killed my wife) that even you admitted was nasty. What is wrong with you? -
George 'W' Bush's inability to spell his middle initial kept him from filling out a job application at the 'W' Hotel in Dallas as a janitor. Too bad.
Here's what renown lefties like Jefferson & Adam Smith ' author of 'Wealth of Nations' had to say about primogenitor:
With Thomas Jefferson taking the lead in the Virginia legislature in 1777, every Revolutionary state government abolished the laws of primogeniture and entail that had served to perpetuate the concentration of inherited property. Jefferson cited Adam Smith, the hero of free market capitalists everywhere, as the source of his conviction that (as Smith wrote, and Jefferson closely echoed in his own words), 'A power to dispose of estates for ever is manifestly absurd. The earth and the fulness of it belongs to every generation, and the preceding one can have no right to bind it up from posterity. Such extension of property is quite unnatural.' Smith said: 'There is no point more difficult to account for than the right we conceive men to have to dispose of their goods after death.'
And here's another LEFTY ' Herbert Hoover who frequently spoke of the need for the wealthy to bear the burden of taxation as a basic social duty; he favored a 'steeply graduated tax on legacies and gifts . . . for the deliberate purpose of disintegrating large fortunes'
For the conservatives who celebrate inherited wealth, know that this issue has been at the root of founding a new democracy. There is a reason that George Washington turned down any suggesting that he be made 'King,' and why our new experiment in modern democracy did not continue to have an atrophied aristocracy that had plagued Europe or for that matter a House of Lords in our legislative house.
Amassing inherited wealth and the impact of this on future generations was one of the fundamental issues at the founding our country is not a 'lefty' issue it is critically important issue steeped in the foundation of our country, or you can just keep making stuff up.
well then just imagine if Bush was that stupid and Kerry was stupider! Frightening isn't it?
Barack Obama is a millionaire.
Barack says ' Be your brother's keeper.'
Barack's brother lives in a 10'x10' hut in a slum in Nairobi. -
Ignore the incompetence, corruption and failure.
Vote for Obama because he lived in an apartment. -
'If socialists mean that under extraordinary circumstances, for urgent cases, the
State should set aside some resources to assist certain unfortunate people, to
help them adjust to changing conditions, we will, of course, agree. This is
done now; we desire that it be done better. There is however, a point on this
road that must not be passed; it is the point where governmental foresight
would step in to replace individual foresight and thus destroy it.' ' Frederic Bastiat 1848
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