Selasa, 18 September 2012

GOP Senate Candidate Linda McMahon Denounces Romney's 47% Remark


Republican candidate for Senate in Connecticut, Linda McMahon, denounced GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney's recent remarks in which he said that he is not worried about the 47 percent of Americans who pay nothing in taxes and are supportive of President Barack Obama.

McMahon posted a statement on her website on Tuesday morning after Mother Jones magazine posted the hidden camera videos of Romney making his comments at a closed-door fundraiser in August:

'I disagree with Governor Romney's insinuation that 47% of Americans believe they are victims who must depend on the government for their care. I know that the vast majority of those who rely on government are not in that situation because they want to be. People today are struggling because the government has failed to keep America competitive, failed to support job creators, and failed to get our economy back on track.

'I am sympathetic to the struggles that millions of Americans are going through because I've been there. As a young couple Vince and I lost our home and our car. With two small children it was not an easy time for my family,' McMahon's statement read.

My financial struggles were part of the foundation that I built my jobs plan on. It's why I want to give the middle class a tax break that will put an extra $500 a month in the pockets of an average Connecticut family next year. My sole focus if elected to the United States Senate will be to create good jobs for middle class families and get the American economy turned around.

h/t The Hartford Courant

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Oh, look, an intelligent person in the GOP who knows about struggle because she's been there. Maybe Mitt could take some lessons.

  • I sense a revolt.

  • Linda McMahon's response when asked what she thought of Romney's prospects this fall; 'He's got no chance. No chance in hell.'

  • !!!

  • Not to mention 'the vast majority of those who rely on government' doesn't even come close to accounting for 47% of the country.

  • Breaking ranks! How glorious.

  • just a manufactured story to get the revolts in the Middle East and the ongoing unon strikes in Chicago off the front page. Mitt Romney has been calling Obama voters 'freeloaders' since March on the campaign trail '

  • Uh Oh Linda prepare to be thrown under the bus in 3 ' 2' 1

  • Well it's not like she can afford to offend the wrasslin crowd!

  • Whither Scott Brown in Massachusetts?

  • No modern president has won re-election when the unemployment has been above 7% let alone 8%, so Obama will likely be like Carter and have a slight lead prior to debates, then his numbers will tank to a landslide loss. Ever notice just HOW MUCH Obama is like Carter, kind of eerie.

  • 'Disagree' and 'denounce' have very different meanings, denounce is much stronger than her statement. Btw, she's polling ahead in a deep blue state, dems should be worried.

  • This is a totally different situation, people believe President Obama was handed a mess, and is really trying to fix it, and is making progress'Unlike Romney who has shown himself over and over to only care about himself and people like him'That my friend, is why President Obama is going to win the debates and 4 more years.

  • you mean A Daily Beast Columnist.

    Moreover, Klein's contention is a misnomer. Romney claimed a convergence between income tax payers and Obama voters that belies his whole argument.

  • there are lot's of ways to historically suggest Obama is a lock too'

    the real answer is we don't know' and won't until election day.

  • He's too busy losing to Warren.

  • You keep guys keep trying to get that Carter crap to stick but it doesn't. Good luck though. I'm sure it sounds witty when you say it in front of your friends.

  • Why not cut open a chicken and read its entrails instead?

    The polling evidence we have paints an entirely different scenario. But you folks don't believe in the science of polling, do you?

  • They don't believe in the science of anything.

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