Senin, 24 September 2012

Blitzer: Obama Going On The View Instead Of Meeting World Leaders Is A 'Missed Opportunity'


CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer said Monday that he thinks President Barack Obama may have made a misstep by opting to forego traditional meetings with world leaders during the week of United Nations General Assembly and instead choosing to appear on ABC's The View. 'I do think there is potentially a missed opportunity this week for the President of the United States to meet with world leaders,' said Blitzer.

CNN anchor Ashleigh Banfield asked if there was ever any real policy accomplished during traditional bilateral meetings between world leaders that often occur during the week of the U.N. General Assembly in New York City. She also asked if Obama had exposed himself to political attacks by sitting down with the hosts of The View instead.

'I think anytime a president ' a sitting President of the United States ' meets with another world leader, important issues can be discussed,' said Blitzer.

'He's going to be speaking to millions of people who will be watching The View, and they determined that is an important thing for the president to do,' Blitzer said.

He did say, however, that there is a 'missed opportunity' for the president to advance American interests by not meeting with world leaders while they are in New York City.

'I think he'll be taking it on the chin for it too,' said Banfield.

Watch the segment below via CNN:

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  • Truly TeaNN'..Have you No shame?

    Foxlte is getting nuts. Can CNN please stop spouting Fox and righwingers talking points? It is so unprofessional.

  • When it comes to what is in America's interest vs. what is in Obama's interest, there's no contest.
    The arrogant, snappish Preezy does say that the buck stops with him, to some degree.
    ( or Valerie Jarrett).
    A guy this inept, this long, will never become ept.

  • Its indicative of an administration that exists to campaign, and govern on the side as opposed to an administration that exists to govern, and campaign on the side.

  • This lazy mug Obama thinks he can high hat the world and they will listen to him anyway.
    Well, Obama, it ain't 2008 and you ain't nothin' but a hound dog.

  • An easy choice. Those world leaders aren't going to slobber over him and tell him how great he is.

  • Nor should they over Nitpicking-Yahoo of Israel.

  • Actually, I think it was reasonable that President Obama chose to do what he did. Why? Remember that he is in an election to win votes & stay in power. Ask yourself these three questions: how many people watch reports on the United Nations? How many people watch 'The View'? Therefore, which of the two forums would be better able to present his case with the most people open to his message?

  • Who's on first?
    Is Ashleigh grilling Blitzer or did Blitz smoke Ash?
    Third base.

  • Spoken like a true red neck, hillbilly, racist'

  • i'm sure THE VIEW will be a whole lot safer and friendlier than Univision and Telemundo

  • Why would he talk to foreign leaders?

    We already know that people who speak foreign languages are the only ones who ask him tough questions (Univision).

  • Wolf Blitzer, Concern Troll.

    Noah Rothman, Conservative Troll.

  • We can add this to the pantheon of right wing Faux outrages, from Hug-gate to Two Minute-Gate to Terrorist Fistbump-Gate to Barack went to a Madrassa-Gate to Bo Rides Airforce One-Gate to'

  • Wolf is a CFR member, nothing liberal about the chump whatsoever, same with CNN.
    This CNN segment proves once again there is no liberal media.
    Funny how the UN is hated soooo deeply by those on the right, but then they cry foul when Obama wont meet with UN representatives ''..bagger hypocrites!

  • What has happened to Wolf he is selling out to the wing nuts, this is beneath him. Everyone knows that during the General Assembly Obama will be meeting behind the scenes with World leaders just as Hilary Clinton is doing now.

  • You just can't wait to give millionaires tax breaks, can ya doofus' The Repbulican Party had a choice. It could try and pull the country out of a recession or it could do everything it could to destroy the President. So just like the Republicans, Doofus' you could give a crap about America as long as you make the President look bad. The good thing is, the only thing you make look bad is yourself.

  • Poor Biltzer is sorry he cant multi task as good as President Obama. That is why CNN has removed Biltzer from any meaningful position at CNN. Wolf is now an opening act for a low rated cable news network.

  • Wolf always carrying the water for the GOP and Willard the lying Bishop.

  • if he can't handle foreign-language TV anchors what chance does he have against foreign world leaders?

  • favorite DEM talking point ' Benghazzi attack due to a YouTube video

  • CNN is really trying to out-douche FAUX.

    Wolf Bitzer: 'meeting with a bunch of women on The View'

    Mitt Romney: 'Four are sharp-tongued and not conservative, Whoopi Goldberg in particular,' he said. '

    Let the misogyny keep rolling along!

  • or maybe there trying to catch up with Univision and Telemundo in doing serious journalism.

  • Reminds of the time when Obama blew off the Boy Scouts 100 year anniversary to go on the View. The man has his priorities and thats why our country is in the crapper.

  • Probably more like The Weekly Reader

  • Volf Bleetzer & 'Ashes' Banfield might as well be on 'The View'. Both are dim-wits.

  • Oh no Wolf isn't acting like a partisan hack what a sellout!!!

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