Jumat, 13 Juli 2012

Rush Limbaugh On Wolf Blitzer's NAACP Commentary: 'He's Auditioning For Fox'


This week, Mitt Romney got an expectedly chilly response when addressing the NAACP convention. Vice President Biden was better received but the hero of the hour, President Obama, missed the event. Scheduling conflicts or not, some thought that was a poor choice for the President. One of those critics was Wolf Blitzer who made a special commentary during Situation Room to criticize Obama for possibly 'taking the African American vote for granted.'

Over on the radio, Rush Limbaugh was so impressed with Blitzer's commentary that he theorized the CNN anchor was 'auditioning for Fox.'

RELATED: Limbaugh: Obama Skipped NAACP Because 'He's Got No Good Times To Share'

Limbaugh played the Blitzer clip, in which he praised Romney for doing 'the right thing' by going into hostile territory, and then declared it a 'break out' for the anchor. He exclaimed in surprise that a CNN host would be 'doing commentary not disguised as news.'

'I guess they're trying to break out of the doldrums there at CNN with an opinion. A stated opinion. That's what it was. An undisguised opinion. Wolf wasn't pretending to be objective here. He branched out. If I didn't know better I'd say he's auditioning for Fox. Maybe MSNBC.'

Limbaugh then clarified that Blitzer couldn't have been auditioning for MSNBC because he criticized Obama.

Watch the original CNN clip and then listen to Limbaugh's take below:

(h/t The Daily Rushbo)

  • And what about you, Rush? What are you auditioning for? Celebrity Rehab?

  • Wolf doesn't care about the African-American vote, he like everyone at CNN, looks for any opportunity to criticize President Obama while ignoring or downplaying Romney's world of lies.

  • Funny, Rog, Rush is making in excess (this means more) than $30 million a year.. .he's not auditioning for anything.. ..  and your audition to be the message board clown is rejected due to the intellectual void between your ears. . . .  you are too stupid to exist.. 

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