You almost have to feel bad for Congressman Joe Walsh. The freshman Tea Partier is running for reelection against Democrat Tammy Duckworth who just so happens to be a Purple Heart-winning pilot who, at the end of 20 years of service, lost both her legs when an RPG hit her helicopter in Iraq. How is someone like Walsh supposed to get voters to believe he cares the most about America when he's stuck standing next to someone like that?! Well, I'm sure there are some ways for Walsh to look good in comparison but perhaps the strategy he ended up taking wasn't one of them'
RELATED: GOP Rep. Joe Walsh Calls Jesse Jackson 'A Race Hustler' In Tense O'Reilly Interview
Walsh has rallied against people with good optics before, y'know, with his repeated assertions that America only elected President Obama because he's black. So discrediting a war hero shouldn't be too hard. And, as Think Progress is reporting, Walsh tried his best at a town hall meeting.
Walsh attempted to go after Duckworth with a little story about Sen. John McCain.
'But understand something about John McCain. His political advisers, day after day, had to take him and almost throw him against a wall and hit him against the head and say, 'Senator, you have to let people know you served! You have to talk about what you did!' He didn't want to do it, wouldn't do it. Day after day they had to convince him. Finally, he talked a little bit about it, but it was very uncomfortable for him. That's what's so noble about our heroes.
Now I'm running against a woman who, I mean, my God. That's all she talks about. Our true heroes, it's the last thing in the world they talk about. That's why we're so indebted and in awe of what they've done.'
RELATED: Video Captures Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh Ranting, Raving, Screaming In Lady's Face
I suppose I should look to see if Duckworth has given a response but, God, she'll probably just start going on and on about that whole 'losing both legs while protecting our nation' thing! That's all that lady will talk about! What a non-hero!
Watch the video from Think Progress below:
Finally people are seing this SOB for what he really is. I hope the people in his district realize this and kick him out in the next election. I hope you are keeping up with the child support Joe? you POS.
What a class act this guy is.
You don't see Walsh bragging about screwing his kids out of child support.
A true Republican hero!
Just astounding how what a jerk this schmuck is.
I can't wait for the 'true' American's Rush and Hannity to rip this guy for those remarks and defend the soldiers who actually did the fighting. Waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting''.
I don't feel sorry for his half (1/2) mind analogy of anything he talks about rather I feel sorry for the voters who voted for him. Every time he talks, he tries to show it to the world that he is living in the dark cave and there is a voice coming out from that cave and he is so damn afraid to come out from that cave cos he thinks if he does his own shadow would eat him. Dang'.is it like 'joe' effect'. I already sounded like him'.LMFAO'.>????>?
I got good money on Joe Walsh losing it and running through the street naked Kony 2012 style.
At this point it only seems like Walsh is trying to lose by the largest margin possible.
One of those guys his fellow Republicans are probably rooting for to lose, as he just makes all Republicans look bad.
Now, Joe Walsh is a deadbeat dad. Who owed his 3 Children $117K is accusing a woman who bravely gave up her legs for Not being a hero?
Once again, those who call themselves Republicans today, are out of their freaking minds. Most of them, any way.
Would one Republican please step up, just one and admit this guy is a a horrible human being? I get the whole idea of having to 'tow the line' but c'mon'for this guy???. It'll just take one voice of reason to reaffirm that maybe just maybe there are some things we can agree upon.
If you look up the definition of 'scumbag' in the dictionary it says, see Joe Walsh (R) Illinois.
Unbelievable. Joe Walsh is untouchable when it comes to being abnormally ignorant and out of touch.
This man is in a class all by himself. Will him be using these comments as part of a new campaign slogan'
'It will certainly tie up the Hard Right and Tea Party vote up without any problem. Beautifully played Walsh, just beautiful.
No doubt, women will see him as a prime example of manhood at its unbridled best!
Rocky Mountain Way kicks ass.
I'm a conservative and I will say he is a dumbass for doing this. Will you accept my comment or ignore it and go to other message boards calling us all mindless zombies?
I'd like to see that too. And without the mitigating nonsense of, 'Okay, but the Dems have so-and-so on their side so it's a wash.'
Joe is right. Real heros STFU while he is talking.
Oh please that mitigating nonsense is abused by both sides constantly .
'You can't say that about Obama because Bush did such and such'.
Just stop.
Hope you are not holding your breath.
Tammy Duckworth defended this country, Joe Walsh defended big banks. Same thing, right?
Of course I'll accept it'but you just couldn't resist being a D!(K about it could you?
To describe Joe Walsh as a piece of shit is an insult to feces.
I just sent off a check to Ms. Duckworth's election campaign. -
As a conservative I will say that's a dumb statement to make. I can kinda understand him getting angry because she's using something that obviously he could never use ( a disability) to get sympathy votes but a good politician should be able to rise above that and win regardless. Sympathy can only get you so far''.unless it's race sympathy and that trumps everything usually.
Not the first time Walsh has gone off against his opponent: ''What else has she done? Female, wounded veteran ' ehhh,' And Rush said nothing, so don't hold your breath.
Jackass tea baggers like Walsh wave the flag and salute the Statue of Liberty while other people fight their battles.
The whole premise of this question was that all us Republicans (i'm not one but I'll say I am for arguments sake) are zombies who will be stand behind this guy based on the stupidity of what he said. I don't know about you but I'm a human first and that trumps everything including politics. I would imagine you are as are many people (democrats and republicans) so this is all just very naive. Not everything needs to be divided along political lines. This is why our country is such a mess.
What he is currently polling at? And her, as well? Anyone know?
In his world I would assume so.
Republicans want all democrats to die! He jus jealous because he couldnt come up with anything better.
This guy is in my brothers district- my bro also served with Tammy in the reserves (MAD DOGS!) out of Midway. She has been on the VA for several years and is really getting alot of great things done. She will be an excellent congresswoman and representative of my home state.
Walsh is a douchebag of tremendous proportions- pretty soon the repubs if IL will start distancing themselves'. -
Yes that's exactly what we want. We literally are this evil. ALL OF US ARE. 50 % of the country is filled with serial killers!!! Whoa!!
And I kinda understand why OJ cut his wife's head off, he did think she was sleeping with another man.
The crazy thing is, Joe Walsh is only SLIGHTLY more batsh*t than most Republicans in 2012.
Not a lot of current polling that I can find but Joe Walsh's approval rating is at about 25%. IL 8th was also redistricted in the Dems favor last year. This is pretty much over, but there is always out of state money which I am sure will try and help this sinking ship of a campaign.
My prediction is Walsh will be a one term Congressman and get a show on Chicago radio. He would fit right in at WIND-AM 560.
Also Joe Walsh, the Eagles guitarist has endorsed Tammy Duckworth, so that can't help the other Joe Walsh very much.
I consider both Bush and Obama war criminals, so you're barking up the wrong tree.
Hyperbolic much? Dems make the mistake of painting all Republicans as evil serial killers at their own peril. Doesn't appeal to independents who know you are just posturing to get more votes.
What is with this new wave of conservatives? It's been evident for the past 4 years that there has been a radical shift to the right in the Republican Party ' and that in it's own right is fine. However, this extreme shifting in ideology has brought out the worst political candidates I have ever seen in my life.
They really are a nasty bunch.
Can you imagine, if this was a Dem making such comments'non stop indignation on the Rush-Hannity-O'Reilly shitscape'but since it's a Repub''nothing to see here'just move along''
Life hasn't been very good for this Joe Walsh.
It takes something special to loudly proclaim that a disabled Vet is using her disability and its a unfair advantage. The ladies must be climbing all over themselves to get to this irresistible hunk of 21st Century sensitivity'
'Oh he's a Tea Bagger for sure. Right up there, with the lowest of them.
John McCain never went a day without reminding us that he was a former prisoner of war. All the while directing his campaign to leak out these ridiculous stories about how he didn't want to talk about it.
In other words, Joe Walsh is not only a piece of shit, he's full of shit.
Cool, thanks. Now if we can get a candidate to take out Bachmann. How weak are the Democratic candidates that they can't beat this outright liar and beard.
And yes, she's a beard for those who know what one is.
I used to live in his district and live in Chicago now, the truth is the IL Democratic Party run things and always have. They redistricted the 8th last year, probably just to send this guy packing. His days as a Congressman are numbered, you won't have Joe Walsh to kick around anymore. But his future as a right wing radio host are secured, probably the only reason he acts this way, anyway.
Yea and that's one of many reasons why he lost. Obama's racial sympathy trumped his VET POW sympathy.
We aren't having a debate on war criminals we are having a debate on mitigating nonsense which you presented as a right only thing but it is stupidity that both sides do and I can't stand it. The merits of someone should not matter on the demerits of another.
I think it says as much about those people who chose not to take 'personal responsibility' for their role as an American to be well informed with the facts but instead allowed themselves to be caught up in the manufactured hysteria put forth by the right wing echo chamber and their plutocrat money bags' to vote this true American scumbag into political office. They are called reactionaries. The least informed.
This should also be a reminder of how disastrous the 2010 midterm elections were with genuine asshats like, Joe Walsh, Alan West, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Rand Paul, Rick Snyder' just to name a few' corporate owned tea party politicians being voted into office. And it also should be noted, that while midterm elections are notoriously low voter turnout, the conservatives got out the vote while way too many liberals, independents, and first time voters from the 2008 elections stayed home which obviously had an adverse effect. Think about it. As an American we all have a role to play if indeed you want this Democracy to survive.
Real heroes don't spike the football every chance they get.
My guess is the IL GOP won't be crying all that hard when he loses.
I would argue this lady isn't a hero. What she did was a great service to our country and it is tragic what happened to her but let's face it, that word gets thrown around too much. John McCain crashed multiple jets but because he was a POW he's a 'hero'? Get real. Heroes are people who go above and beyond. We shouldn't label everyone who does something hard a hero like the media loves to do. Read about any Medal of Honor recipient. Those people are really heroes.
I didn't say it was a right only thing. I'd said I'd like to see someone on the right denounce this cretin unequivocally, without dragging Dems into it. Where did I say only one side did it? Obviously both sides do it ' as when liberals stay quiet on Obama war crimes when they loudly called Bush out for the same stuff.
Of course Walsh is one of the 'Koch caucus' tea party sect who tried to hold our nation hostage with the debt limit vote, intentionally rendering the US to the verge of default, and a lowering of our credit rating. And this guy goes off with more wacky stuff than almost any of the tea party crowd. Here is a greatest hits:
And on what do you base the theory that she's 'using' her disability to get sympathy votes?
because she talks about her disability a lot.
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