Minggu, 01 Juli 2012

George Will Argues Obamacare Ruling Was Victory For Conservatives


Almost three years ago, President Obama told George Stephanopoulos on This Week that he absolutely rejects the idea that the health care mandate is a tax increase. Stephanopoulos revisited that discussion on the show today in the wake of the Supreme Court upholding the health care mandate as a tax, with a panel that included a return appearance of Keith Olbermann on the Sunday show. While many conservatives view this decision as a temporary defeat, George Will argued there was plenty for conservatives to celebrate in the Supreme Court ruling.

RELATED: Huckabee On Health Care Ruling: 'It Is A Tax Because The Supreme Court Says So'

Will made the case that the Supreme Court ruling actually works out well for conservatives, because the 'broccoli argument' made by many on the right was a winning one in this case given what limits the decision established on the Commerce Clause of the Constitution. He then turned to the subject of Medicaid expansion, and how the court set precedent that should be encouraging to conservatives.

'For the first time in history, a majority of states banded together to challenge the constitutionality of legislation and they won. For the first time since the New Deal, 75 years, the Supreme Court has overturned a federal spending statute on the grounds that by coercing the states, it undermines the dual sovereignty that is the heart of our federal position.'

He added that if Romney wins in November, 'Obamacare will be gone, [but] the Roberts precedent will remain.'

RELATED: Paul Ryan: SCOTUS 'Raised The Stakes Of This Election,' Gave Americans Last Chance To Repeal Obamacare

Olbermann cut through the nuts and bolts of the mandate issue and focused on what he deemed was the more important aspect of the Supreme Court's ruling in the eyes of the general public.

'To the public, the outcome was, something the president proposed was upheld. Also, in a larger sense, if you think about what is a mandate' every day in our lives, we are subjected to the largest mandate any of us could ever have. We have to buy a product each day called the United States government. That mandate supplies everything from wars that we don't go along with to solicitor generals we disagree with to the salaries of the Supreme Court justices.

'So I think if you look at this from the layman's point of view, I think it's a pretty clear-cut victory for the president.'

Watch the video below, courtesy of ABC:

  • George Will is grasping at some really short straws.

  • Romney WONT overturn it.

  • It really must be great to be a part of the free lunch crowd. His level of delusion astounds me. So George, who is picking up the tab for the uninsured now? Obviously, the ACA is not perfect, but it is a start. I have a son who had a medulloblastoma removed 5 years ago. Without the ACA, he would never be able to obtain health insurance. Congratulations, President Obama for looking out for persons like my son. You have my vote and I have been a registered Republican for 30+ years.

  • Romney has to convince people he can tell the truth first. He said he never raised taxes as governor, well according to the WSJ thats a big fat LIE.

    If mandates = taxes.

    Romney raised an average of 20 million  a year in taxes ever since it was enacted.
    Romney does not tell the truth when he says he did not raise taxes as governor



  • Romney is simply a con man. I simply can not wait for the debates. Please explain how on every major issue, you have changed positions. ROTFLMFAO 

  • It's a victory for the American people.  The Republicans are still trying to repeal social security and medicare.   

  • When George Will says the Obamacare victory is good for the GOP I hope he means in the very long run because it has just assured Obama's re-election.

    The cake is baked.

  • Yeah, Obamacare is the popular legislation that will push Barry to victory: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/obama_and_democrats_health_care_plan-1130.html

  • Climb back into your can:


  • Moron you are.

  • He is fondling you?

  • lol'all those polls are from before Obamacare was legitimized by the supreme court.

    now the polls are evenly split, with the momentum for obamacare.

    try again

  • It really could be described as a net win for both.
    For Obama, his signature legislation passes (kinda), and instead of fumbling for an accomplishment to speak of, he can point to Obamacare (kinda).
    For Romney, it gives him something very unpopular to run against, an issue to 'whoop-up' the crowd with, and to pin as a negative on Obama's shoulders.
    There are of course negatives for both as well, but IMO the positives outweigh them. A win-win for both candidates.

  • Obamatseirusim. Victory for US people! Hail! http://t.co/NPCUD9xp

  •  Right! http://t.co/NPCUD9xp

  • And in return, they'll ask Obama the same thing (Patriot Act, drones, spying, Gitmo, 'Healthcare isn't a tax,' etc).

  •  He was caressing him. his flesh''..http://t.co/NPCUD9xp

  • Spin away George, spin away. November will be interesting indeed.

  • Yes, the Republicans have successfully demagogued the issue to date. However, Americans vastly support the following individual provisions:

    1) Pre-existing conditions are a thing of the past.
    2) Young adults can stay on their parents' policy until 26.
    3) There are no longer limits on the amount of health care.

    These are just a few of them. So in the debate, will Romney say he is in favor or against them? Oh, and by the way, you forgot to add the following: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2012/president/us/general_election_romney_vs_obama-1171.html

  • First off, nobody believes you were ever a Republican. I'm not sure why the most rabidly partisan people like to claim that online, when it's so obviously not true. 'Former' folks, never have the hatred and anger that pure partisans do.

    Anyway, IMO it did not need the entire Obamacare mandate, to change the system to compel insurers to remove (or alter) the 'existing condition' rule. If you believe the entire system needed an overhaul, simply to fix a few issues, you're wrong.

  • Evidence?

  • Georger Will is a clown!  If this is a victory for the GOP than why are their supporters calling for impeachment of Roberts? If this was a victory for the GOP why hasn't fox declared victory?  Instead, Murdoch is calling for Romney to fire all of his people and hire professionals to beat the President.  Republicans are now toast because the baggers will insist on refighting this while the rest of us are concerned about jobs.  Oh, and 4 million jobs will also be created as a result of this legislation. 

  • Yes, most Americans are really concerned with the issues you have listed. ROTFLMFAO

  • And the entire healthcare system needed to be revamped, to change 3 things?

    Either your lying and know it, or are wrong and don't mind being lied to.

  • http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/06/29/new-poll-voters-dislike-supreme-court-s-obamacare-ruling.html

    You got a source or it is easier for you to be a liar?

  • If you don't mind, I think I'll pass on your links.

  • Nothing is ever a win for America is it? It's either a win for democrats or republicans. How freakin' polarized a nation we've become. PATHETIC!

  • He wont because he can't, a President alone doesn't have that power.

  • Spin-doctoring on steroids.

  • Obama and his minions have had a good week. If you see the president heading out with his golf gear somebody remind him it's back to earth time. Unemployment figures for the past month and GDP for the last quarter all come out this week & something he really dreads is thrown right back on his lap, his economy

  • The whole thing wasn't really revamped.  If you already have health insurance you don't need to worry about it.  A single payer system would revamp the whole thing.  

    P.S. The healthcare system is very complex, so it may seem very black and white to you but it isn't.

  • Obama is up 3.7 pts nationally and you brag about that?  LOL

    Let Barry's team explain it to you: http://www.politico.com/politico44/2012/06/obama-camp-very-good-chance-we-will-lose-127501.html

  • You truly are showing your level of ignorance. The reason insurance companies will be able to insure pre-existing conditions is the pool will be significantly expanded to help defray the costs. As for the rest of your rant, they only persons I hate are hypocrites and unfortunately, the Republican party is full of them thanks to Rusty the Chickenhawk.

  • Btw, good to see Keith. Isn't there a obsessed Keith stalker blogger on this site who makes it a point to write 3-page blogs dissecting every Olbemann appearance & connecting every word, wince or action of his to Current's young turks for some reason?

  • Once again, you are clearly demonstrating your level of ignorance. You need to stop watching FAUX News.

  • Invisable straws.

  • I know this will be difficult for you, but 3.7 points will once again be an Electoral College landslide.

  • Non-sense,  Romney will overturn it with the backing of at least  63 percent of the US citizens, most states, the House and Senate magority whether the Republicans win back the Senate or not.
    The Commerce Clause has not only been restricted, Obamacare was ruled a TAX  because , despite wha Democrats claimed, it is a tax

    One of the biggest taxes on  the middle class in history ..on the very people Obama claimed he was helping

    The court ruled that sometimes 'mandate' , 'fee' , 'penaty' ect. are actually taxes only re-named to get the public to okay them.
    The old politicians trick to rename taxes is now exposed and can't be used again This in the end protects us from Congress passing tax increases, unlike before the ruling when the lack of definition allowed congress to claim anything

    The Court ruling was entirely conservative  and empowering to the people


  • That's called looking for a silver lining.

  • I really don't understand Olbermann's point. Yes, the federal government is given a mandate to force us to do things (like pay taxes or obey laws) but that power is both given and limited by a constitution. There are things it can do ' like wage wars ' and things it cannot ' like engage in cruel and unusual punishment.

    The fact that the government can do some things doesn't mean it can do everything. There are limits.

    The debate is whether the health insurance mandate exceeds those limits and not whether the government can force us to do things at all.

    So, what's his point really?

  • If you want us to overturn the mistakes of Bush, supported by you- then get on board and stop voting tea bagging morons to office. This isn't on him ' this is on YOU!

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