Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

GOP Rep. Steve King Makes Fifth Attempt To Make English Official Language So More Will Get His Jokes

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Rep. Steve King (R-IA), appearing on Fox News Channel on Wednesday, discussed his most recent attempt to introduce a bill to the House that would make English the official language of the United States. He told Fox News Channel that he can tell when people do not speak English at citizenship naturalization ceremonies because those immigrants who are not fluent in English do not laugh at his jokes.

RELATED: GOP Rep. Steve King Makes Fifth Attempt To Make English Official Language So More Will Get His Jokes

King explained that he is bringing up this issue again, despite having introduced similar legislation in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and today without succeeding in moving the measure forward, because it takes time before social legislation can be passed.

'Many on the hard-core left in America are about dividing America and pushing us into language enclaves, ethnic enclaves, welfare enclaves,' said King. 'We need a unified United States of America and there is no more powerful unifying tool throughout all of history and humanity than a common language.'

Fox News anchor Jon Scott noted that the Immigration and Naturalization Service lists being able to speak, read and write English is already a prerequisite in order to become a U.S. citizen. 'Why do we even need an amendment like yours,' Scott asked King.

King went on to say that he can tell who speaks English and who does not at swearing in ceremonies for new American citizens based on who laughs at his jokes:

I have seen, and many in this country have seen, citizenship oaths taken in foreign languages. I've given speeches at naturalization ceremonies ' I like to go there, I like to welcome new Americans. But I can notice if I tell a joke who laughs and who doesn't. Those that don't understand English don't laugh at those jokes don't understand English, but they're being sworn in as American citizens.

The lesson here is clear: next time you make a joke that bombs, just tell yourself that your audience doesn't understand English. Then again, Rep. King may just be spoiled by audiences who humor him by chortling even at the duds. After all, when you're a member of the House Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry, everyone laughs at your jokes.

Watch King's interview below via Fox News Channel:

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