Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell dropped by Fox News Sunday today to give his reaction to the Supreme Court ruling upholding the Affordable Care Act. McConnell touted reconciliation as an option to repeal the health care mandate based on John Roberts' ruling that it is a tax. Chris Wallace, however, wanted McConnell to explain exactly what alternatives the Republicans have for covering uninsured Americans after the health care law is repealed, with McConnell saying at one point 'that is not the issue.'
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Wallace reminded McConnell that on Friday, he said if Mitt Romney wins the presidency and the Republicans retake the Senate, repealing the health care law would be 'the first item on the agenda.' Wallace brought up one provision in the law that provides health coverage for millions of people who do not have insurance, and asked how McConnell and the Republican party 'would provide universal health care.'
McConnell insisted repealing Obamacare would be the biggest improvement for the American health care system, but Wallace interrupted him to ask once again how, after 'repeal and replace,' the GOP would expand coverage. McConnell said he'd 'get to it in a minute' before going right back to bashing the Affordable Care Act.
He said that the Republicans would put forth 'modest reforms' in place of the law and would not simply take a 'meat ax' to it. But once again, Wallace piped in to get McConnell to directly answer his question.
'I just want to ask what specifically are you going to do to provide universal coverage to the 30 million people who are uninsured?'
McConnell answered, 'That is not the issue.' Wallace shot back with, 'You don't think 30 million people uninsured is an issue?'
RELATED: Ben Stein On Fox: Universal Healthcare A 'Moral Imperative,' But Will Hurt Economy
McConnell continued to rail against Obamacare, insisting it creates a European-style health care system in this country. Wallace brought up the issue of pre-existing conditions, which the health care law does cover, and asked McConnell how Republicans would deal with that issue. McConnell said that should be left to the states to work out and not the job of the federal government.
Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox:
Mitch and his pals in congress are beyond pathetic'''.where are the jobs you morons!!??China?
I'm surprised Mitch didn't claim another round of big tax cuts for the wealthy would cover the uninsured, isn't that the answer for everything from the regressive schmucks?'McConnell continued to rail against Obamacare, insisting it creates a European-style health care system in this country.'
The regressive party hates it when more people are healthy.
chris wallace immediately asking for a big gov't solution? no surprise there.
Many conservatives indignantly point out that the United States has the best medical care available anywhere in the world. Quite possibly true, but this totally misses the point.
If people cannot afford to pay for health insurance coverage, let alone their own preventative medical treatment, then as far as medical care availability is concerned, there's no there there.
Of course, we all know the Republican Party's position on health care reform:
Phase 1 ' kill the current legislation.
Phase 2 ' Status quo. Do nothing.The Congressional Republican version of health care insurance reform is the equivalent of vaporware. Long on nebulous generalizations laden with party ideology, short on substance and specifics.
Even so, the GOP's solutions are better ' if you never get sick or injured, if you are extremely wealthy, or if you have a major financial stake in the private health insurance industry '
Some conservatives self-servingly declare that 'health care is a privilege, not a right', essentially stating that if a person cannot afford preventative health care or insurance coverage, then they are simply taking up oxygen and deserve to die anyway. And if businesses are in danger of going bankrupt due to rising health care benefit costs, then they should eliminate all benefits ' give the newfound savings to the stockholders and executives, as God intended it to be.
30 million uninsured Americans? Not Mitch's problem, since chances are that very few of these unfortunate souls vote for Republicans anyway.
Republicans don't have a plan to insure the uninsured, but they want to repeal it, but they just don't want to replace it. I guess you can alway choose Senator candidate Sue Lowden's plan and bring in a chicken in exchange for a doctor's visit.
Senator Mitch McConnell doesn't care that millions of his constituents don't have insurance as long as he has the gold plated congressional insurance plan.
Oh!!!'..that big government the regressive party lies and claims they hate'''..but they want vaginal probes and want to makes rules regarding what you do in the bedroom, what a woman wants to do with her body'''..etc.
The regressive party hates big government lie lives to tell that lie again'and again.
Same as the liberal media lie. -
I am conservative and I agree that the republicans need a plan. And I also agree that something needs to be done with healthcare.
I do have a question though and I would like to know if anyone has an answer. A real answer, not a talking point or an assumption.
What if my 'affordable' health care is more than I can afford? I get fined (taxed) for not buying what I can't afford? No one has any real (honest) idea what this is going to cost us. And the government is not good at all at keeping prices down on ANYTHING. If you are going to respond to my question please give me a REAL answer without your own assumptions.
Republican party plan is to die. They have no plan
You'll never see a meaningful health care plan from the Republicans as long as they side with the health care insurers. They represent the insurers and not their constituents.
Wouldn't this interview make a very good Obama campaign ad? Sorry folks out there that are not insured, we don't care. Pre-existing conditions, we don't care.
Best healthcare in the world, HA. The most expensive, yes. At best the US healthcare system is costing 50-80% more than our healthcare in Canada.
Mitch Mc, is the poster child for what is wrong in America. Every country has its share of embarrasing politicians. Personally, I think he take the cake.
Seriously, what do you expect. They earned their mantra: The Party of NO. Their only goal is to see Obama fail. If they have to screw the country, so be it.
Mitch and the crier of the house are two of the most pathetic schmucks to ever be called 'leaders' in congress.
There'e nearly 300 Republicans in the House and Senate. 300 Republicans who receive their Healthcre through the Government regardless of pre-existing conditions. 300 Republicans whose Healthcare is literally funded by means of TAXATION (along with their salaries, staff members, transportation, office space, computers, stamps, paper clips, staples on and on and on). These 300 people are trying to tell the American people that what is good for them is not good for you. Good luck with that.
The 'government' operates Medicare and Medicaid on a 3% overhead while insurance companies have 24% to 30% in operating expenses. United Health care alone has a thousand employees who make a million dollars per year or more and their last two CEOs have collected over 1 billion each in compensation. The insurance companies are the ones who are no good keeping prices down on anything, that's why the 'government' has told them they must spend 85% of collected premiums on patient/customer care.
Republicans insist on creating uncertainty in order to hurt the economy.
Watch them try to shut down the government again.
Thats what the system is right now. If you don't have an insurance then you go to ER and other taxpayers has to pay for you. Thats the reason the US healthcare cost is much higher than any other developed countries in the world and less services compared to same nations. Conservative idea of FREELOADERS has to pay something to get something back from government is the Obamacare. Its up to you, what you want? Pay for those people who are free loaders and go to ER without insurance or make everybody pay for their insurance so that everybody gets fair share and pay their part and nobody has to pay anything for other people (sounds republican idea of 1993 isn't it?: It is.) healthcare cost. which is overall is the Obamacare.
They've got nothing, a nothing candidate for the POTUS as well.
They're clearly getting desperate and their silly lawsuits over executive privilege will go no where, fast.
The teapubliKKKans have taken the regressive party deep into the gutter and past the point of no return. -
Yes, Grayson was and still is correct. They don't care if you just die when you get sick or need care. Mitch and the rest of the regressive schmucks are just cowards or they'd admit that fact.
Very well done. Thank you.
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