Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Bill Kristol On Fox News Sunday: Mitt Romney Should Release Tax Returns Tomorrow


Bill Kristol advised Mitt Romney to err on the side of disclosure on Fox News Sunday today, recommending that the Republican presidential candidate release more tax returns, as well as coming up with a stronger defense of his time at Bain Capital. He said the Romney campaign should accept that they're going to get hit over the returns and then change the dynamic of the campaign with a big speech about capitalism.

RELATED: GOP Governor Calls For Romney To Release Tax Returns, Then Walks Back Remarks

Kristol marveled at how quickly Romney lept to say he wasn't running Bain after 1999 'as if there's something wrong with running Bain. He said Romney's stewardship of the company turned out 'extremely successfully' and should take a more active defense of his business experience. Kristol also advised the Republican candidate to release more tax returns as soon as possible to get it over with quickly and move on.

'He should release the tax returns tomorrow. It's crazy, you've got to release 6, 8, 10 years of back tax returns. Take the hit for a day or two. Then give a serious speech on Thursday in which he says, 'Okay, we have this ridiculous picayune debate about when I took my leave from Bain and when I didn't. You can look now at my tax returns. Now let's have a debate about capitalism.''

Fred Barnes said that Romney should only make a speech once his policies are 'fleshed out more' and people have an idea of exactly what his agenda is. Juan Williams agreed with Kristol on the tax returns, but explained there could very well be something in them that does not look good for Romney and could seriously hurt his campaign, which would explain why they're being withheld in the first place.

Guest host Brit Hume said no one seriously believes at this point that Romney is a 'tax cheat,' and asked Williams what possibly damaging information could be in the returns. Williams said 'not doing anything illegal' is a very low standard for someone who's trying to become the president. Kristol compared Romney's offshore accounts to Jeremiah Wright, saying they're both things the candidates have ties to that they would rather not talk about.

Watch the video below, courtesy of Fox News:

  • This is just great, the regressive party drones are squiring and have nothing left to lie with.

  • He should release them. I have no doubt that Romney followed every law and regulation. He has a fleet of accountants and lawyers to make sure of that. (I have no problem with that ' it is just a fact.) By not releasing them and being defiant about it, he creates a vacuum that gets filled with whatever anyone wants to say. Once the returns are out there, it is a one week wonder and he can get back to his main campaign theme instead of this rather silly sticking point.

    Instead of hiding this, he should be proud that he made a ton of money legally in business and happily point to that success. Refusing to release the returns just makes it look far more nefarious than it is.

    Same withe the SEC filings. Just explain it. Given the intricate nature of that stuff, there is a real reason for it that is not illegal or even questionable.

    And, in an advance response, tax returns and finance records are not the same as college transcripts. I actually don't care about what either of them did in college.

  •  He knows after he releases those returns the election is basically over.
    He's a greedy lying sack of privileged rich guy dung and will never be elected POTUS'..never!

  • romney team just crapped their khaki's

  • Did Mitt get his apology yet?


  •  Romney can't run on his govt. experience'Bain is all he has.  And this 'picayune' debate all started when Romney demanded retractions and apologies for Bain ads that referenced things that happened in 1999-2002.  Romney's the one that fell into Obama's trap.  And does anyone seriously think there aren't other traps that will be carefully laid by Obama in the next three and a half months?  Watch out, GOTP'no more Mr. Nice Dem, the Obama playbook seems to have been ghost-written (literally) by Lee Atwater. 

  • That is simply wrong. If making a lot of money legally is somehow bad, then you are missing the entire point of capitalism. By not releasing them, he allows comments like yours to stand.

    And, it might help if the name tossing stopped. It helps nobody.

  • Obama will never be presidential. He'll always be the Chicago street punk.

    Starting with key gubernatorial races in 2009, every major election since he took office has repudiated Obama's policies. The GOP landslide in 2010 was historic in size, as was the sweep in statehouses across the country.Every poll for three years has shown that ObamaCare is unpopular, and that remains true even after it passed constitutional muster. He sued the state of Arizona for enforcing laws against illegal immigrants, and, after the Supreme Court upheld the state's key claim, more than 60 percent of voters nationwide said they wanted a law like that in their state. Similarly, voter-ID laws are popular, yet he is suing to block them.

    By any yardstick, Obama's on the losing side of almost every major domestic issue. The vast majority of Americans simply don't want what he's selling.

    In the president's messianic view, all this opposition proves his unique wisdom. His political philosophy can best be summed up as, 'I'm right and you're wrong.' When he says his only mistake was in not convincing people he's right, he has declared disagreement to be ignorance

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/scary_story_wYSiD6qarQTcM1xFni4CyO#ixzz20iATwOk7

  • Yes, but the issue here is the tax returns and this is where Romney has baited the trap for himself. Any campaign that does not jump on a flat refusal to disclose is a failed campaign.

    It all comes down to one simple phrase ' the cover up is always worse than the actual problem.

  • Because the left plays by different rules. They're allowed to lie, cheat, and act hypocritically' because they're fanatics will just eat it up, and pretend like it never happened.

    So he'll never get an apology. Indecent people never apologize.

  • since the consensus is that all politics is about compromise how about we do this. Mitt Romney will release ALL his tax returns when Barack Obama releases ALL the documents related to 'FAST AND FURIOUS' ' and his college transcripts to boot.

  • He would if he could.

  • The longer Romney waits to release the tax returns the worse it's going to look for him.  As of today only about 30% of voters are paying attention to the day to day campaigning of the candidates.  The further from election day he releases them the more their effect will be mitigated by time.  That is unless there's some very damning information he doesn't want Americans to see.

  • I get the feeling like the Romney camp is laying a trap, similar to how the Obama camp set the trap for all the Birther nonsense. They're letting Team Obama get themselves worked up, let them jump up and down and scream for a while' and then say, 'Okay, here' and present them with the a whole bunch of nothing useful.
    But perhaps that's just optimism. But Kristol is right' the longer this distraction stays around, the worse it is for Romney.

  • Posted elsewhere, but fits well here, too.

    Different rules?  Who started it? Which party elected a president pledged to bipartisanship (no red or blue states just the United States), who followed many of his predecessor's policies while pushing a health care plan written by the opposing party? And which party's leaders in Congress declared that their top priority was to make the incumbent a one-term president, obstructed his policy proposals whereever possible, and nearly brought on a default on the debt in the most extreme case of obstruction? And perhaps worst of all, they deliberately declined to correct the lies spread about the president by the party's rank-and-file base.  

    And now that the president is no longer playing by the traditional Dem rules and seems to have a campaign playbook ghost-written by Lee Atwater, suddenly it's unfair? No more Mr, Nice Dem following the Kerry rules'and the GOTP's candidate whines, begs for retractions and demands apologies? The tables are turned, and the GOTP doesn't like it. hahahahaha'they asked for it, they got it!

    Different rules? You made your own bed, and the Dems plan to make you sleep in it.

  • The election is basically over right now.
    No one runs for POTUS on the 'I'm a whining little rich privileged guy that needs an apology because my rival is mean'!!

    Mitt is burnt toast!! The regressive party needs a new candidate because this lying sack is done.

  •  I forget, did Mitt apologize to Gingrich when Newt accused him of running a lying, dishonest and despicable campaign?  Cuz I don't remember that ever happening?
    Or did he apologize to Santorum when Rick cried foul?

    Remember when Romney was asked about his lying ad that put McCain's words in Obama's mouth?

    He laughed, talked about the 'big leagues', and mumbled something about more information on his web site for those who really needed it.


  • You had better go and adjust your tin foil hat if you think Mittens is setting a trap. 

  • Doesn't anyone get it yet??? 

    OBULLY already has Mitten's tax returns gained from inside channels at the IRS. They've been studying them for months!!  Once Mittens agrees to release them, the election is over

  • OBULLY already has Mitten's tax returns gained from inside channels at the IRS. They've been studying them for months!!  Once Mittens agrees to release them, the election is over

  •  Well, you prove with every post that your disagreement is in fact ignorance.  Bain is all that Romney's got.  Attacking his Bain record is the best way for Obama to convince the people that he is the better choice.  You've got another three and a half months of it in store, so you better get used to it. 

  • Doesn't anyone how Chicago politics work??

    OBULLY already has Mitten's tax returns gained from inside channels at the IRS. They've been studying them for months!!  Once Mittens agrees to release them, the election is over

  •  Same old pack of lies and deceit birther boy'''..

    You can whine forever about Obama, but the focus is one Mitt's lying and dodging. Nothing you can do about it'''.birther boy.

  •  hahahahahaha'suddenly the GOTP wants to compromise!  What happened to the Mourdock definition of bipartisanship?  Compromise is for governance, not campaigns.  No more Mr. Nice Dem'the GOTP encouraged its base to spread lies about Obama.  Well, you made your bed, now you're going to sleep in it.

  • Bada bing, bada boom!

  • Isn't it ironic that the man who is REFUSING to release his Tax Returns is currently scouring the Tax Returns of his potential VP running mate?

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