Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Both Parties Wrong On Voter Fraud: Voter ID Laws Won't End Endemic Practice Of Absentee Ballot Stuffing


In a segment on MSNBC on Tuesday, two political operatives rehearsed their familiar parroting of political talking points in the debate over voter identification laws. Both sides of the debate are benefiting from the topic with each party's base becoming ever more fired up as they perceive themselves to be under siege by a malevolent opposition which is actively attempting to undermine their votes. But this debate masks the real problem of voter fraud which neither party wants to address ' the problem of absentee ballot fraud. This institutionally accepted practice is rampant and has corrupted the American electoral system for decades, but no one bothers to address it because both sides benefit from the practice.

RELATED: Jon Stewart Tears Apart FL Gov. Rick Scott's Curiously Targeted 'Voter Purge'

On Tuesday, former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell told MSNBC said that it was easier to get a gun in his home state of Pennsylvania than it was to register to vote. He further suggested that the extent of voter ID laws was to restrict Democratic constituents' access to the polls.

He debated former Newt Gingrich campaign consultant Rick Tyler on the issue, who countered by asking Rendell if airports and libraries also favored Republicans in disproportionate numbers because they too require photo ID. 'Maybe [libraries are] disenfranchising people because they don't want them to be able to read,' Tyler asked rhetorically.

Both political operatives are guilty of grossly oversimplifying the situation, as are the political parties they represent.

As MSNBC host Touré said recently, 'voter fraud is a red herring.' Now, his follow up ' that voter ID laws were intended solely to disenfranchise minority voters so they could not cast their ballots for Democrats ' is offensive, conspiratorial and unsubstantiated. But he has a point: if Democratic opponents of voter ID laws oppose those laws because it is a heavy-handed way to address the relatively few cases of individuals showing up at the polls and voting under other people's names, they are largely correct.

Opponents of voter ID laws often cite a statistic from the Bush-era, when an investigation into voter fraud cases between 2001 and 2006 netted only 86 prosecutions. This is a measly figure, although some opponents of voter ID laws confuse prosecutions with existing cases. Voter fraud is often a victimless crime (insofar as the victim is often unaware their vote has been stolen) and is difficult to prove in court on the rare occasion when there is enough evidence to prosecute voter fraudsters. Most cases of fraud go unreported.

However, the endemic problem that plagues American elections is not voters showing up to the polls and forging a signature in order to cast another voter's ballot. The real issue is the substantial problem of absentee ballot fraud. This is a bipartisan scheme. It is rampant and it is often officially sanctioned, according to the testimony of those who are prosecuted.

This blog post chronicles and links to stories about the more than 40 individuals who were arrested on charges of absentee ballot stuffing in order to influence both local and national elections in favor of Democratic politicians.

In December 2011, six Democratic operatives were arrested and pleaded guilty to charges of absentee ballot stuffing in New York state. 'This is an on-going scheme and it occurs on both sides of the aisle,' convicted Democratic operative Anthony DeFiglio told police after his arrest in November 2009. 'The people who are targeted live in low-income housing and there is a sense that they are a lot less likely to ask any questions.' DeFiglio continued, saying 'it was common knowledge that these people were never going to receive an absentee ballot.'

But the phenomenon is not limited to Democratic party operatives. In June of last year, Indiana's Republican secretary of state was found guilty of six of seven counts of voter fraud including false registration, voting in another precinct, submitting a false ballot, theft and perjury.

In 1997, the Miami Herald won a Pulitzer Prize for deconstructing how Republican Joe Carollo defeated Democrat Xavier Suarez in Miami's mayoral race despite losing at the polls via absentee ballot fraud. 'That's how it's really done. How elections are pilfered. With absentee ballots,' writes the Miami Herald's Fred Grimm.

These are just the cases that become known. Many more cases of absentee ballot fraud go undetected and unreported.

This is one instance where both parties are truly guilty of ignoring a corrupt status quo. Democratic opponents of voter ID who dare suggest there is no voter fraud are being patently disingenuous. Republicans who submit that voter ID laws are the answer to every instance of voter fraud are guilty of being similarly coy about the real problem.

Democrats and Republicans are benefiting from energizing their base voters by insisting their vote is under assault from the other side, but neither is addressing the real problem. Institutional absentee ballot fraud is an epidemic that threatens the integrity of America's political system and no one seems particularly concerned about it.

Watch the party-line debate on voter ID via MSNBC below:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • If you aren't able to get an ID card, then you have bigger problems than voting. 

  • Here's a story idea for you Noah ' why not report on,
    'Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., confirmed that a recent spate of
    national security leaks originated in the White House as she called for
    President Obama to stop the flow of information out of the White House.'

    This is one instance where one party is truly guilty.

  • Congratulations on the acknowledgement that these voter ID laws are disingenuous. What I would ask you, Noah, is why are Republicans pushing them? You make it like one side is just as bad as the other side, now everyone to your rooms, but it's the right that is pushing for these measures. 

  • Republicans are so dishonest. The only reason you are pursuing this ID law BS is to stop people who are less likely to have ID, i.e., blacks, young people and the poor , i.e., Democratic voters. You guys never produce any evidence of signifinat voter fraud. You are prepared to cheat in order to vote for people who are bleeding ordinary people to death. You are shameful organisms.

  • Dems protest that their voters are too stupid to get an ID.

    That explains why they vote Dem.

    Ed Rendell suggests just posting a couple of friendly New Improved Black Panthers at each polling place to assist. Also do what they do in Philadelphia: hand out 'street money' to motivate the base.

  • 'Many more cases of absentee ballot fraud go undetected and unreported'.

    If they're undetected and unreported, how do you know about them? Just making shit up again?

    Here's a crime that was detected and reported, and is now being prosecuted:

    But you won't read about it on Mediaite.

  • Even Chris Matthews approves of using 'street money' in situations where losing is not an option.

  • You forgot to link to the Weekly Standard, Rupert.

    The national security leaks in the Bush White House were so frequent that they resembled Dick Morris paying hookers to p*ss on him.

  • It's an attempt to suppress the Democratic vote plain and simple. Anyone saying anything else is a liar or stupid or both. These new laws won't do anything to stop this kind of voter fraud. The kind that does exist, vote buying won't be affected now will it? I'm hoping the Feds lawsuit will stop this law from taking effect in PA because it could affect the Presidential election. If you don't believe me just ask the PA House Majority Leader Mike Turzai who said this law would deliver PA for Romney. If you pay attention sometimes you'll hear a Republican tell the truth.

  • There is not one study that any Republican can show that voter ID fraud is happening in large numbers. It is actually very rare in the US. I hope Democrats are keeping up an active campaign of opposing these obviously bigoted laws.

  • Noah dances around the issue, but he knows what is going on here, no matter how he tries to deny it. The voter ID laws are more likely to effect Democrat voters, which is why a PA politician touted that the new voter ID laws would give Romney the state. Call it what it is, an attempt to discourage the opposition from voting. We all know voter turnout in this country is laughable as it is, so if you want to eliminate some votes for the opposition just throw up obstacles to voting. As Noah acknowledges, targeting absentee ballots would effect Republicans; that's why they're not passing laws targeting that.

  • what the heck does ID requirement at polls have to do with absentee voter fraud? since one doesnt show or not show ID with an absentee ballot, one mails it in. right?

  • having a ID is a obstacle to a constitutional right?  really? so you support no ID to buy a gun correct?

  • Like they did in the Al Frankton, or whatever his last name was? It was clearly a fraud!

  • This is a very balanced article. If it is a problem, the absentee ballots should be a addressed. However, I doubt there will be enough time before the election.

  • Buy a Beer at the Ball Park?'..Need an ID

    Buy a Gun at a Gun Shop?''.Need an ID

    Buy Smokes at the Local Fast Fill?''.Need an ID

    Cash a check at the local Check Cashing Store?''.Need an ID

    Go to Vote?'''Need an I''..OMFG THAT'S DISINGENUOUS!!!!!!!

  • I guess these bozos never go to the store or into a town where they can get a voter ID they have had two years to get it. If you have to have an ID to do everything else then you should be able to PROVE who you are! I agree with your comment!!!

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