Sabtu, 21 Juli 2012

Bill Maher Tweets That Aurora Massacre Should Remind Us Of Problems Of American Exceptionalism


Yesterday, as details were constantly emerging from Aurora about the movie theater shooting during a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises, comedian Bill Maher took to Twitter to make a point about American exceptionalism, saying that the shooting is a 'reminder' that many things that people believes makes the U.S. exceptional are bad.

RELATED: Bill Maher's Christmas Eve 'Jesus F**ked Tim Tebow' 'Satan Is Tebowing' Tweet Stirs Outrage

Maher tweeted his thoughts last night, specifically calling out conservatives for their view of American exceptionalism.

NewsBusters' Noel Sheppard tore into Maher for his remarks, wondering 'how stoned Maher was when he wrote this nonsense.' He questioned how Maher could take such a dim view of American exceptionalism and explained what makes his words all the more discouraging.

What should make people sadder than the comment itself is that there are so many folks around this great nation who agree with him, and that maybe such anti-American sentiments are part of the problem.

Maher has hit upon the theme of American exceptionalism before. Last month on his HBO show, Maher said the United States needs to 'get over' the idea and claimed that the United States will be a Mormon nation someday because it is an American-centric religion. Maher took a lot of heat from conservatives for his remarks. Watch that video here:

h/t NewsBusters


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • America is exceptional when it comes to gun violence among developed nations,is it not? 

  • America is exceptional the way a special-ed kid is. 

  • Regardless of what Fox News Republicans say or think, it is not anti-American to want to be better.

  • Dang, Maher has it all figured out.  When the cops finally get into this crazy killer's apartment, they will probably find the works of Alexis de Tocqueville on his book shelf.

    But what if ' just maybe ' they find a book by Bill Maher instead?

  • Exceptionally stupid, yes Ben.

    Article on Politico, basically sums up the fact that nothing will be done (politicians say can be done) because they are petrified of the NRA.

    So I guess we will just wait for the next time, and cry crocodile tears again.  Until the next time, rinse and repeat.

    Here's an article with a map of mass killings.  It's incomplete, Mother Jones missed some obvious ones, like the Amish killings a few years back.  We can expect for more 'red dots' to be added.

  • what does the haughty billy mar say about the massacre in Sweden? Or the one in the UK? All about 'exceptionalism?'

    The root cause was our 'education' system The guy sat in classes taught by radical, always-angry Leftists. Of COURSE his rage was a byproduct of 'Big Academe.' Hate, radicalism, rage, and bomb-making is all they know there.

  • Maher is a jackass

  • Early American democracy was a lot like Periclean democracy:  male land-owners were the only people who had rights.

  • How much disaster relief and aid does the US give to other countries? How much money do we send out to other countries? Go back a bit in history, what would happen in we stayed out of WW2? The US is an exceptional country. Bill Maher can suck on it.

  • The key word is 'one' and 'one.'

    In the United States it's becoming almost cyclical.  There's really no point in arguing over it though, because politicians are so afraid of the NRA that nothing will be done anyway.

    We can just wait for the next time, and add to the map:

  • What if they find a copy of 'The Bible.'

    Your point being?

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