Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Piers Morgan Doubles Down On Romney Defense: UK Tabloids' Response Is A 'Classic British Reaction'


CNN anchor Piers Morgan doubled down on his criticism yesterday of the press' reaction to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's expressing concern over London's security preparedness. Morgan said that what Romney described as being 'disconcerting' was merely an echoing local concerns about the security situation, which the British press had been describing as a 'shambles' for weeks. He went on to say that turning on Romney for saying what everyone knew was true made him 'feel a bit sorry' for Romney and added that he felt it was a typical British response to foreign criticism.

RELATED: Piers Morgan Defends Romney's Olympics Comments: 'He Was Just Speaking The Truth'

'The most talked about story remains Mitt Romney,' said Morgan. He went on to feature the universally angry reaction from the British tabloids towards Romney's comments.

After detailing the reaction in London to Romney's skepticism about their security preparedness, Morgan went on to double down on his defense of Romney's comments which he said was only echoing what the press in the U.K. had been talking about for the past month.

'He's getting hammered, isn't he,' asked Morgan. 'But, you know, I feel a bit sorry for him. Mitt Romney was only really saying what everyone in Britain has been saying for the last month. So we've been moaning away, but the moment an American politician moaned, we all decided to turn on him.'

Morgan added that he felt the response by the British papers to Romney's remark was a 'classic British reaction.'

Watch the clip below via CNN:

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  • Shouldn't Morgan be in jail?

  • It's a fact! The English hate Piers Morgan. They are thrilled he's in America now.

  • Yes, classic''..and 100% correct.
    Unfit Mitt the lame Twitt is a loser and a moron. The UK press could smell the stench of Unfit Mitt the Twitt long before he arrived for this little visit to prove to the world what a huge loser he is.

  • I almost feel sorry for Mitt. Unlike 'You didn't build that' phony campaign, his gaffs made the front page internationally. Way to go Mitt! 

  • Bu, bu, bu, but Piers says Willard didn't step on his pud in England'.

    Yes, this is Frothy Rothy's second bailout Willard post about Piers Morgan. I eagerly await the third!

    In the meantime, maybe you could investigate the OTHER f*ckups Willard had yesterday'. met w/ MI6 or referring to the 'backside' of 10 Downing or throwing poor tax deduction, errr' I mean dancy horse Rafalca under the bus!! Or you could just stick to Rove shaking his head in amazement at Willard's inability to interact with other humans on Fox this morning'. and if that doesn't do it for you Frothy, hows about 250 words on a 'SHOCK' poll out of Ohio, by Republican pollster, that has the President up 8'.

  • I have last night's Red Eye playing in the background.  Imogen Lloyd Webber was just talking about you'

  • Morgan's getting a eye-opening view of anti-Americanism now that he's on this side of the Atlantic.  All Romney did was sum up what's been said their own media, and not only was he nicer about it, unlike the talking heads he had grounds to critique having being involved in the Olympics once himself.  

    Were he still back in Britain, Piers would be leading the charge along with the Brit Press; nothing says 'readership' like whipping up the populace into yet another anti-American fit.  Over here, he can finally get some perspective on what Americans have to tolerate.

  • Strange times indeed when Noah has to resort to using Peirs Morgan to try and defend Romney' The Telegraph and daily mail are right leaning but lets not mention that.. Let's not mention either that #Romneyshambles was trending all day in the UK yesterday so the people seemed to echo the sentiment that Romney's a goof..  And let's not forget that conservative Mayor Johnson and conservative  Prime Minister Cameron started the whole thing by publicly calling Flip Romney out..

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