The crew at Fox News Channel's Red Eye took on the controversy surrounding Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy's anti-gay marriage comments on Friday. The cast noted that YouTube star of 'The Bed Intruder Song,' Antoine Dodson, has said he does not care about the controversy surrounding the Chick-fil-A and thinks the food is delicious. The hosts of the show determined that his impression of the controversy was the most lucid that they had heard from any opinion leader.
RELATED: Chick-Fil-A's Head Spokesman And VP Of Public Relations Has Died Unexpectedly
Red Eye host Andy Levy noted that Dodson, an internet celebrity and member of the gay community, has weighed in on the Chick-fil-A controversy and said that he doesn't particularly care about the religious or political beliefs of the franchise's leadership. His only concern is just how appetizing their chicken is.
'I don't care about one person's opinion or how they feel ' that's how they feel. That's fine,' said Dodson. 'Chick-fil-A makes good meals and I eat there, you know what I'm saying? Quite frequently. So, no one is going to stop me from eating there.'
'People say a lot of crazy things,' Dodson concluded.
'He is a treasure,' Levy noted after playing a clip of Dodson's defense of Chick-fil-A.
'This guy is the conscious of America,' said Greg Gutfeld who had assumed his alternate ego for the evening, actor Victor Roberts. 'What he's saying is kind of what everybody thinks.'
'I think he's actually said the most cogent, intelligent thing that has been said about this controversy in the last 20 years,' Gutfeld concluded.
Anna Kooiman asked who decided it would be a good idea to get Dodson on record with his opinions on Chick-fil-A. 'Are we going to start interviewing all sorts of YouTube sensations,' she asked.
'But he's smarter than every politician,' said Gutfeld.
'I think I speak for the CEO of Chick-fil-A when I say Antoine Dodson is America,' said Bill Schulz.
'You can't tell people what to do,' said comedian Bonnie McFarlane. 'Like my Jewish husband 'he'll only drive German cars and only eat at the Swastika Café.'
Gutfeld said that politics is usually boring so when a controversy like this breaks out, it attracts people who are otherwise turned off by political debates, which is why this particular debate caught fire in the public imagination.
Watch the segment via Fox News Channel:
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Political sentiments is simply not a compelling reason for a community to pressure a business.
enter the public debate, don't shut it down.
I'm probably never eating at Chick-Fil-A after seeing Sarah Palin eating there. I'm NEVER EATING AT CHICK-FIL-A.. EVER. :)
Regardless, Republicans are on the wrong side of history with everything they do pretty much.. now even complaining the olympics are too multiculture. It's the olympics.. it's supposed to be multiculture you backwoods hicks. This is why the GOP is slowly being pushed out of power, they are embarrassing and wrong on almost all issues.
Dodson sounds a bit smarter than some 'Elected' Mayors'
Chick-fil-A is going to be crushed, Snow!
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