Even critics of Republican candidate Mitt Romney would have to admit that he took Newsweek's desperation-reeking 'Wimp Factor' cover in stride, but the same cannot be said for some well-trafficked corners of the conservative media. Sites from to are gleefully disseminating a parody Newsweek cover with a thick, juicy entree of misogyny, with a side order of racism. The parody cover features President Obama, with the headline 'The Whipped Factor.'
Newsweek has a history of begging for attention with provocative covers, and the Romney cover is a classic example of this. The 'Wimp Factor' peg is a self-referential tribute to a 1987 Newsweek cover story on George H.W. Bush, one which also achieved the cheap recognition its modern counterpart seeks.
To be clear, my objection to the Newsweek cover has nothing to do with notions of 'civility' or an aversion to name-calling. The problem with the cover is that the critique has no value. The term 'wimp' is the vernacular of unimaginative bullies, and therefore doesn't present a supportable thesis. Additionally, as another blogger put it, 'it equates superficial masculinity with competence and integrity.'
By definition, the use of this critique says more about the person making it than it does about Romney. Michael Tomasky's commentary makes the case that Romney is politically craven, a more focused criticism that, alas, doesn't pop on the newsstand (that's the place where old people buy printed versions of the news you read online).
However, the parody cover (originated by JLF's Jon Ham) that's being passed around the right-wing blogosphere (with incisive commentary like 'Heh') is a hideous example of the worst in political tit-for-tat. Rather than lampoon Newsweek's desperation for attention, these folks decided to take a shot at President Obama, picturing him on a Newsweek cover with the blaring headline 'The Whipped Factor,' and sub-headlines about the influence of First Lady Michelle Obama and senior advisor Valerie Jarrett.
In case you're unfamiliar with the subtext, 'Whipped,' in this context, is shorthand for 'Pussy-Whipped,' a bro-code pejorative meant to convey excessive deference to a female sex partner. Let's not dwell on this, but simply imagine, for a moment, if influential, well-trafficked political websites like Politico or, hell, Mediaite decided to speculate on the effects of Ann Romney's or Sen. Kelly Ayotte's respective vaginae on Mitt Romney's decision-making process.
As if that's not offensive enough, let's not discount the racial implications of calling our first black president, whom Ancestry.com has just linked to America's first documented slave, as 'whipped.' Oh, I'm sure they didn't mean it that way, it's just a happy coincidence that ought to delight the folks at Stormfront.
Instaundit and Powerline are very influential blogs in the conservative media, but it's early yet. There's still time for others to weigh in on the side of decency.
(h/t NoMoreMisterNiceBlog)
ann romney, Instaundit, Jon Ham, kelly ayotte, Michael Tomasky, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Newsweek, Powerline, President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Wimp factor-
Whipped = whipped like a slave?
Just when you thought Tommy couldn't be a bigger left-wing hack. Good grief.
Good lord.
Whipped? wow, I guess they let that out by mistake.
'He's weird!'
'He's a bully!'
'He's a corporate raider!'
'He's a wimp!'
Make up your little pinheads, Obama Press Corpse.
Romney is not thinskinned like King Obama.
If the press treated Obama like they do Romney or they stopped covering for him, Obama would be laying on the embroidered rug in his office kicking and screaming while Valerie worked to calm him down.
Sorry, but the person you mention in your avatar would be embarrassed to be a Republican today. He was pro-choice and recognized the threat the religious right posed to this nation. Oh, and by the way, with all the dog whistle racism in the Party of NO, I have no doubt in my mind the use of the word 'whipped' refers to slavery. Are you proud? As a registered Republican for more than 30 years I can assure you this does not represent in any way, the party I joined.
Of course you think the word 'whipped' refers to slavery, you're a loon.
He's right. Goldwater would have repudiated your hackery and stupidity.
Conservatives used to be funny and wry. WFB is rolling in his grave.
Try staying on topic, Roger. Be a good little hack and play the race card like the rest of your pals.
'Sites from to'' Doesn't anyone proofread their posts any more? I got as far as this post's second sentence and found myself abandoned in the middle of a thicket of incomprehensibility. Unbelievably sloppy! If you're too lazy to check what you've written before you post it, why should I trust the accuracy of anything you have to say? Come on Tommy, you can do better than this.
If it weren't for CNN, ABC, MSNBC, ABC et al pushing this story, it would have been a non-starter. How many people read Newsweek anyway? 12? the people who work at Newsweek probably don't even read it.
The pussies on the right appear to think Bin Laden is alive.
The pussies must think Mitt Romney is President.
Mediaite has never let spelling or grammar or coherence get in the way of hit counts.
Isn't there any irony you shirk when you write your own headlines?
A thicket of incomprehensibility.
That is a phrase to remember.
When you see a sign that says 'Obama isn't working' and think of 'lazy' 'shiftless' black people like Tommy does'..What do you except he thinks when he sees the word whipped
By the way Norman,
I want logic and grammar first in a column before partisan thought. I believe that we can agree that the forum members should not serve as spell checkers.
Righty Media Pimp Obama 'Whipped Factor' Parody Of Newsweek 'Wimp' Cover
What does that mean? It doesn't rhyme'it's just a bunch of words that as a header explain nothing.
That's poor.
Excuse me, but do the following phrases ring a bell: Anglo-Saxon, Kenyan born, Muslim? Do I need to go on? Instead of debating policies and ideas, the Party of NO has been reduced to dog whistle polictics because the Democrats have adopted many of their ideas such as the health insurance mandate.
He literally is crazy. Nuts. Absolutely bonkers.
Do the Header again and at least use a verb.
Whipped sounds like Wimp. But, Tommy knows that. However, hate-filled nuts like to call everything racism. It's weak. Lazy. Ignorant. Bigoted. Demeaning. But, it's all they got. What an absolute disgrace. Tommy thinks that black people are so weak and inept that that white liberals must protect and provide cover for them.
You should try looking at people with black skin as your equal, Tommy. Stop looking at them as mentally handicapped saps. Your continued bigoted words are deplorable and nauseating.
You've turned this site into a circus. It's become a complete joke because there isn't a rational person who takes you serious. Look through the comments. The only people who agree with you are as hate filled as you are. You should be embarrassed.
Honestly, this is why I get irritated with this site. I do get caught up with partisan arguments. But, this place is a venue where the media is being critiqued and quite often mocked.
I f you can't write a simple leading sentence..I think it makes the author look foolish and dilutes whatever message was originally meant.
Sorry, I lost my temper. I know BS when I see it'long weeks.
I was just tired of word games. I hope I was polite. -
'Whipped' ?! Q-Q
Racist slave imagery ' cruel and reprehensible.
Tommy you get more pathetic with each new faux racial angle. Whipped in the context that it is being used above is PU$$Y WHIPPED! How do you not understand that? Either you are ignorant or you are a paid liberal stooge.
There is a dog whistle somewhere someone hears that somehow will be applicable.
I live in the South 'it's just not what y'all think it is. Where do y'all live? I'd hazard a guess that almost everyone actually lives in other places than the 'South' and has no idea what they are talking about and is logically basing their reasoning off of old data.
'racial implications'
I will do this one time and never again. America is a young country and is constantly growing. The South lost a huge battle and had to rebuild and it changed the cohesivenes of the Republic that was America. People/governments got specific on what their needs were.
The ones that weren't so populated had to argue harder and sometimes more forecefully to make their point heard.
So, the argument is representative but it does favor a majority.
I am doing this on the fly and if I am wrong'OK'tell me where I am wrong.
So, a lot of people are tired of working hard while others don't.
So one of the major arguments is'why try if nobody else does?
The other one is'why is it I always have to be responsible when nobody else cares?
That is excellent'I never would have thought of it that way'.but you can always create a strawman. Good Lord, it is not the way I live my life.
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