Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Romney Drops His Support For SCOTUS Nominees Like John Roberts With Whom He 'Vehemently' Disagrees


'As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito,' reads Mitt Romney's campaign website. That list is about to get smaller by one, it seems, as Romney told CBS News' Jan Crawford on Thursday that he would no longer support a judge like Chief Justice John Roberts due to his having cast the deciding vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act.

RELATED: Romney Tries To Clear Up Mixed Messaging, Says ObamaCare Mandate 'Is A Tax'

Asked by Crawford whether he would still support the nomination of a justice like Roberts to the Supreme Court following his controversial decision which cut against the wishes of many conservatives that hopped the ACA would be struck down, Romney suggested that would be unlikely.

'Well, I certainly wouldn't nominate someone who I knew was gonna come out with a decision I violently disagreed with ' or vehemently, rather, disagreed with,' Romney said. 'And he reached a conclusion I think that was not accurate and not an appropriate conclusion. But that being said, he's a very bright person and I'd look for individuals that have intelligence and believe in following the Constitution.'

Crawford asked what the former Massachusetts governor thought about the logic that governed Robert's decision to uphold the individual mandate within the ACA as a tax. Romney said he thought the Chief Justice was motivated by something other than the law when casting his vote.

'Well, it gives the impression that the decision was made not based upon constitutional foundation, but instead political consideration about the relationship between the branches of government,' said Romney.

He concluded, however, by saying that no one could know for sure and would not know until Robert's himself 'speaks out.'

h/t Talking Points Memo

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Did I get this right that he would nominate a 'Roberts' until he knew that he was not a 'Roberts'? or is he just letting it be known that conservative cult ideologues will be his go to guys and not the most qualified persons? An 'Aletos' only policy coming from Romney sounds just about'''.Conservative cultist as it gets.

  • So, you think that the only problem with that 'controversial decision' was that it 'cut against the wishes of many conservatives that hopped the ACA would be struck down'?  #1- the word is 'hoped', not 'hopped'.  The latter is what a bunny or a froggy does.
    Nobody's 'wishes' have ANYTHING to do with this law or the Supreme Court's decision. Have you bothered to read the dissenting opinions?

  • From Romney's own campaign website (for now, anyway):

    As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas, and Alito. These justices hold dear what the great Chief Justice John Marshall called 'the basis on which the whole American fabric has been erected': a written Constitution, with real and determinate meaning. The judges that Mitt nominates will exhibit a genuine appreciation for the text, structure, and history of our Constitution and interpret the Constitution and the laws as they are written. And his nominees will possess a demonstrated record of adherence to these core principles.


  •  it's literally been over a week and he still hasn't changed the quote ' it's the most basic change in a sentence you can do, takes about 5 seconds ' hilarious!

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