Sabtu, 24 November 2012

WATCH: Massive Gas Explosion In Massachusetts Caught On Camera


A natural gas explosion in Springfield, Massachusetts destroyed two buildings earlier today and injured a little over a dozen people. A police sergeant described the explosion looking 'as though there was a missile strike' where it hit a six-story apartment building.

The explosion blew out all the windows in the immediate area, with three buildings 'damaged beyond repair.' Nearby hospital officials say that 16 victims have been sent in with serious injuries, but authorities are saying that no one died as a result of the explosion.

Firefighters arrived at around 4:20 and were investigating a gas leak when the explosion went off forty minutes later.

Watch the video of the explosion below, courtesy of WHDH:


Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

  • Sparkin' up at 4:20 ' suspicious.

  • Watch the Tea Baggers blame this on Obama in 3'2'1'

  • And in a strip club . . .

  • If fire crews were already there, then we may have more video from the firefighters up close.

  • LIberals gotta bring politics into everything, wow. This was an insurance fire. That's all it was.

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