During his opening monologue of last night's Tonight Show on NBC, host Jay Leno took a shot at U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice and the Obama administration's handling of last month's terror attacks in Libya, joking that Gen. David Petraeus' mistress had more information on Benghazi than the ambassador who made the Sunday talk show rounds to discuss the attacks.
'More problems for General Petraeus,' Leno began. 'After searching the home of his mistress Paula Broadwell, the FBI said it found classified material on her personal computer.'
As the crowd gasped at that revelation, Leno delivered his punchline: 'In fact, agents said she had more information about Benghazi than our U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, okay? We should have talked to her.'
Watch below, via NBC:
[h/t NewsBusters]
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'I told you guys' shoulda gone with Seinfeld'
-Johnny Carson's ghost-
Ut oh Jay get ready for the Obama brigade to start attacking. Don't you know that this administration is so flawless, so cool that you cannot crack jokes about them. Obama is the teflon president, don't mess around with him Jaybird.
More racist/sexist humor from newly minted Grand Kleagle/ Southern California Regional Manager of the Klan Jay Leno.
I know, right? Maybe then, the Tonight Show might have a chance to beat Letterman in the ratings once in a while.
Oh, wait . . . . . . . -
Eventually they all might start really razzing the dope in the White House.
There's plenty to work with. -
Broadwell was first to speculate that the attack was to free the prisoners the CIA had in the annex. One would have thought that Susan would have known about them unless of course it was a 'secret prison''you know the kind 0bie used to get so all high & mighty about when others had them.
Well Leno is trying to appeal to his demographic- old, white morons
Indeed, if you'd talked to just about anyone in the military or intelligence that deals with the middle east (and wasn't restricting themselves to official statements) you would have known more than what the White House has peddled.
Let the outrage begin! How dare he! Racist! Hater!
His ratings have led in every single demographic, ever since he starting hosting the Tonight Show. What are you talking about?
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