Minggu, 11 November 2012

Losing Their Religion: Bill Kristol Says 'It Won't Kill The Country If We Raise Taxes On Millionaires'


It's a little bit too early to tell if Republican soul-searching in the wake of Tuesday's electoral trouncing is the real deal, or just some sort of fever-induced delirium, but conservative pundits have begun to abandon some of their party's most deeply-held positions. Fox News' Sean Hannity has become a born-again immigration reformer, and on Sunday morning's Fox News Sunday, influential Weekly Standard editor William Kristol channeled his inner Obama by telling host Chris Wallace 'It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaires.'

Kristol began by noting the scary-for-Republicans results of Tuesday's election, which, no matter how you spin them, show the Grand Old Party appealing to an ever-older, but less grand, slice of the electorate. 'Republicans should not kid themselves,' Kristol said. 'They lost 25 of 33 Senate seats, and Republicans gained back the two states that were easy to gain back, and no other new states at the presidential level,' and added that 'Republicans lost the national House, they kept control of the House because of redistricting and Democratic voters are more concentrated in some districts, it was a bad year, and the youth vote is very worrisome, 60-40.'

He also pointed out the 'unfortunate' choice of a Wall Street creature like Mitt Romney as nominee following a Wall Street-created crisis, then went into full-blown ObaMao mode. 'It won't kill the country if we raise taxes a little bit on millionaire. It really won't, I don't think. I don't really understand why Republicans don't take Obama's offer,' Kristol said. 'Really? The Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of whom live in Hollywood and are hostile?'

That shot at HollyWeird liberals might help that pill to go down a little easier, but establishment Republicans looking for a way out of the wilderness have their work cut out for them. After four years of convincing their base that mussing even a single hair on a millionaire's head would crumble our most cherished liberties, it's unclear if enough political cover exists for the GOP to compromise with President Obama on tax increases, or immigration reform, or anything else. Unlike Hannity, though, Kristol is someone whom Republican leaders pay attention to, so this could be an important high sign that mainstream conservative punditry will have their backs if they act sanely, whether the base is ready for them to or not.

Here's the clip, from Fox News Sunday:

Follow Tommy Christopher (@TommyXtopher) on Twitter.

  • It burns! It burrrrrnnns!

    Notorious dumbass Noah Rothman wants the republiklan party to be the party of gay rights.

    Notorious racist Sean Hannity wants it to be the party of 'amnesty.'

    And now notorious prostitute Willie Krystol wants it to be the party of raising taxes on rich people.

    Implosion on the right.

  • He must have 'EVOLVED' like Hannity!!!

  • or, a clock cleaning in 2016 in which you get a senate and white house filled with secret Todd Aikens 'don't get cocky kid!

  • Nothing like getting your a## kicked to make you rethink your strategy.

    Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham have restarted talks on immigration which were abandoned two years ago.

  • his Hollywood point is actually good. I will enjoy watching the celebs flee LA as the retroactive tax hike hits CA

  • I have no doubt that the republiklan party will lie about itself in 2014, 2016 and well beyond that. They haven't stopped lying since'oh about 1980.

    Problem is that sometimes they get caught telling the truth, and that always bites them in the ass.

  • Memo to Bill: The tax increase issue did not cost you the election.

  • That's a rich fantasy life you have there.

  • I think enough FAUX viewers will have to buy into this 'sudden evolution' in order for it to do the Republican party any good.

    Given how stupidly they bought into the obstructionism of the wingnuts, ie. Tea Party to begin with, it should only take about a years worth of 24/7 reprogramming.

    Hannity has his work cut out for him.

  • It won't happen.

  • Kristol wants to raise taxes to further fund his neocon adventures into foreign countries. Then again the current President isn't above denouncing neocon policies and actually embraces them.

  • At this point anything other than a genuine change of heart isn't going to do them any good. I remain doubtful that they are going to be able to pull it off. They did a really good job of programming their crash dummies, and I don't believe that kind of hatefulness can be turned around on a dime.

    A year of Hannity, et al. talking about the greatness of raising taxes on Hollywood elites and retooling their position on immigration isn't likely to be enough.

  • It seems like to me the republican men are taking this all better than the women of Fox News'Man, Ingraham, Liz Cheney, & Greta all have their panties in a bunch, and don't think they need to change anything'.I saw them over the weekend and they were all about foaming at the mouth'.Do they not realize where all the harsh language against women & Latino's has gotten them'I guess at Fox, if you don't act really mean, you don't keep your job'Kind of a pitty for the country though, it is usually women that have the gentler tone about working things out, not these freaks, they still want to go for President Obama's throat, and don't want to give him any credit for anything'.I guess they learned from Palin about Hateful rhetoric and they like it'..Watch and learn ladies, you get more flies with honey than vinegar!!

  • The Bush Tax Cuts must end.


  • after the election ..theyre making sense

  • yep, that solves all the problems'.lol

  • Obama won. Election is over. I hope likes of Tommy Christopher and Noah Rothman would give it a rest. They just can't seem to help themselves. Tommy take a bow and bow-out of partisanship for a while. Let us at least resolve the fiscal-cliff problem before we restart mudslinging again.

  • It won't be long before Rick Santorum becomes pro-choice.

  • I think they can close loopholes, and treat capital gains as earned income as well.

    These 'job creators' have had four years to come off of their wallets. If they aren't going to be productive, and 'create jobs' then the least they can do is help pay down the debt that allowed them to keep their fortunes when the economy crashed, and they were spared.

  • Wow this is incredible. My head is spinning. Whats next, Rush supporting gay marriage?

  • They apparently didn't get the memo that the gender gap in this election was the largest in history. No doubt that will be a trend that continues so long at they let the fundamentalists run their party.

  • It's a good start.
    No one has ever said it will solve all the problems'''you sore loser bagger.

  • The most useless pundit ever.

  • The larger point is that obstructionism cost them the election. Kristol isn't a stupid man, and can read public opinion polls as well as anyone else. When better than 60% of the country is saying YES raise taxes on the super wealthy to get the deficit paid down, and leave medicare and social security alone . . . he can read the tea leaves.

  • Who, Clint Eastwood . . . and?

  • William 'The Bloody' Kristol.
    He's never heard of a war he didn't just embrace with all his neocon madman insanity.

  • Exactly the same as Hannity. It's political expedience. Either adapt, or get eaten alive. This election they just got beat up a bunch. It could be worse in the future and they know this.

  • Boehner expressed a willingness to look at loopholes. I would hold him to that, as well as insist on an increase in the tax rate for the top 2%.

  • so that the only place a small mind like yours could start'.everything else was put on hold till you could start there''yeah you live in Sec 8 housing

  • It's a start.

    The Dems now have a super majority in both of California Houses. They will be the first state to recover and be prosperous again. The G0P ruins everything it touches.

  • None of these idiots had the balls to say this stuff before the election.

  • Dunno if the entire house of cards is going to fall, and not sure if the pundits who are currently trying to save the party will be able to overwhelm the partisan fundamentalist wingnuts, but it should be fun to watch.

  • yeah it will be interesting to see what impact that has

  • No, and I think with Immigration reform in particular, Hispanics will stay with the ones that 'brung them to the dance.'

  • They need the ratings. I watched the FOX NEWS for most of the day on Saturday. BORING.
    Without the election, forget it.

  • IF the party has an about face, and there is no squabbling about it, that will prove that the wingnuts are even dumber than I thought they were.

  • Nothing like an old fashioned political ass whoopin' to make one see reason.

  • I had to cling to something after Tuesday

  • Rob Schneider

  • DESPERATELY trying to avoid talking about the real reason ' the GOP being led down the road of treachery called ZIONISM. We are not serfs for Israel, as much as people with names like 'Kristol' seem to think.

  • Mediaite was boring yesterday. Huffington Post was a much better read for the day.

    I don't think things will pick up here again until George Zimmerman goes on trial, or some other event happens that they can sensationalize. I'm sure they are on the look out for something that will get referred by Drudge.

  • I really want to see exit polling data from Latinos'I want to have a more complete picture of why they vote the way they did

  • good luck with that'.I do love you liberals here at mediaite, chanting 'raise other people taxes', since you do pay them

  • Wow man, that was so obscure I had to google it to find out who you were talking about. Wouldn't call him a 'mega star.'

  • Hey brainiac what would solve all the problems? A 20% tax cut and closing fantasy loopholes? You guys crack me up. All you do is bitch about well this wont solve everything or this wont solve anything bla bla. You don't even want to take a step in the right direction.

  • Ha ha ' expect Hannity to lose much of his clout if he sticks with this immigration nonsense. The revolting Israel-Firster is willing to sell out Americans by misreading the election like a liberal.

  • no certainly not, like I said below, I'm just looking for a few schadenfreude moments

  • Carlos Gutierrez, Mitt Romney Adviser: Latinos 'Were Scared'

  • After a few more cocktails paid by the taxpayers, Boehner just might get serious, I doubt it.

    I predict they'll block permanent tax cuts for the 99%, and piss and moan about any tax hike on the 1%. They will continue their obstruction, and it will further doom their silly party!

  • I hope your right.

  • Self deport. One of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard.

  • Only a leftist like you would call ANY of these (two of the three are Jews! LOL!) as 'right.' They never were.

  • The GOP has become a far-right party, screwed over by the likes of FOX profiting off feeding into Conservatives' fears.

    I don't believe the GOP can steer the Conservatives back toward the mainstream population.

    Since the media now control the Conservatives, and demographics show no chance of presidency for at least 12 years, the GOP is powerless with nobody really leading the way.

    How long will this take to sink in?

  • I know, and yet they said it with a straight face.

  • Raise taxes on the 1%'..simple as that you sore loser bagger.

  • Clout? What clout does Hannity have? He only has clout with buffoons. And that wont change.

  • No real Jew supports GOP fascists.

    Myself included.

  • insideguy, my favorite crooked cop'.since reading you post about wanting to take people's gun rights away, I went out and brought a gun

  • That will be the final nail in their coffin. People have been very specific about the 2% and tax increases. IF the wingnuts want to throw the country into another recession, going against their will, I don't even think that the wingnuts will be able to hold a majority of House seats in NC come 2014.

    I think your wrong on that one, man.

  • you could raise taxes on 99%, and you still would pay nothing sponge

  • Funny. Why do you hate the USA?

  • Lol. What does that have to do with this subject what so ever. Never said I wanted to take your rights away. Just tried to make you think, which is pretty much impossible for you.

  • I agree, that hate is a very destructive tool.

    I honestly feel bad for conservatives, most of them are decent people.

    WTF has Murdoch done to them?

  • Good question.

    There are still a good number of wingnuts who insist that the problem is that Romney wasn't conservative enough, and more of them than the few that have spoken up with some common sense, thus far.

    I think they should at least keep that up through the midterms so we can get back the House as well, but we'll have to see exactly how stupidly misguided that Rushbo and FAUX have made their entire party.

  • I pay more taxes than you willl in you entire life in one tax year.
    That being said, the wealthy need to pay a higher rate, simple as that bagger boy sore loser.
    Besides, I work really hard and pay taxes in the blue state I live in so all you lazy leaches in those red states can get all those handouts.

  • Baggers like this sore loser hate freedom and democracy.

  • And it was the beginning of self-destruct:)

  • If you make over 250K per year and a 3% increase is going to make or break you, your not doing something right with your business anyway.


  • Cyber, I disagree. I do not think obstructionism cost them the election. What cost them the elections were three things: Arizona's and Alabama's immigration laws, woman's issues and restrictive voter policies. These were absolute killers and America will run out of popcorn before the Party of NO remedies these issues.

  • WTF has Murdoch done to them?

    Made a boatload of money selling them right up the river.

  • Yeah, I'm likely wrong, but strange things do happen in Washington!
    The schism in the gop is wide, some will not budge on the tax issues.

  • Have you seen the report of the congressional budget service that went back something like 30 years to show tax cuts do not result in economic prosperity? http://www.ombwatch.org/node/12273

    Go figure, GOP want it swept under the rug.http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/02/business/questions-raised-on-withdrawal-of-congressional-research-services-report-on-tax-rates.html

  • well most critics claim they are abject racists so if they truly are (which I don't believe) they will never go along with it

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