Jumat, 09 November 2012

Condoleezza Rice: GOP Sent 'Mixed Messages' About Immigration, Women's Issues


Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made an appearance on CBS This Morning on Friday to reflect back the election, and the GOP's campaigning leading up to it. Pointing to the country's changing demographics, Rice cited the party's need for 'an even bigger tent.'

'Right now, for me the most powerful argument is that the changing demographics in the country really necessitates an even bigger tent for the Republican Party,' Rice said. She did, however, go on to note that many things the party stands for ' 'fiscal responsibility, a chance to educate your children in the way that you think best, the possibility of strong national defense' ' are 'broadly popular' with Americans.

'But when you look at the composition of the electorate,' she continued, 'clearly we are losing important segments of that electorate and what we have to do is to appeal to those people not as identity groups but understanding that if you can get the identity issue out of the way then you can appeal on the broader issues that all Americans share a concern for.'

Asked whether her party has been 'misunderstood,' Rice replied, 'Let's remember it was still a close election in the popular vote and the Electoral College has a tendency to make the victory larger in the Electoral College than in the popular vote.'

'But I think on the immigration issue, which I think turned out to be very important, and probably some issues about women too, some mixed messages were sent,' she said. 'And when you send mixed messages, through the narrow funnels that is the media spotlight, sometimes people hear only one side.'

Watch below, via CBS:

  • Cute. But there wasn't anything mixed about it. What they were saying went through loud and clear, which is why they were so roundly rejected by those groups.

  • Women's issues? I guess women have issues'' What a sexist thing for her to say!

  • If she ran for president in the GOP '.as a democrat i would fear that. She could win

  • Yes, they sent mixed messages and lost their base. That is the problem. You don't win by isolating your base MORE with this big tent lie.

    Just stop putting Israel first ' that would win you the election.

  • Regarding women's issues: Mixed messages? What mixed messages? Romney said he supported personhood, at the state level the GOP attacked Planned Parenthood and in VA wanted to shove vaginal probes up women. What a bunch of BS.

  • The GOP had a message?

  • Mixed messages? The message was clear that's why single women chose Obama by 38 pts! Overall women chose Obama by 11 pts.

  • It wasn't a mixed message, it was pretty clear. The message: we welcome angry old white men and everyone else can take a hike. For those that couldn't hear the dog whistles, plenty of statements supported that.

  • The G.O.P.'s pro-rape message was not mixed. Their support for rape did not waver.

  • Nominating Akin and Mourdock made the message quite clear.

  • naw.. she cant win' she won't run. GOP isnt really ready for a lesbian to lead their party

  • I'll have to disagree with Condi on this one but respectfully, of course. I will submit that Republicans/Romney sent a woefully crappy message on women's and immigration issues. That allowed the Obama campaign to define Romney's position and basically wipe the floor. Romney campaign ended up looking inept, disjointed, out of touch. Nice work guys. Now we have another four years of disaster to look forward to. Woe is us.

  • Lets break each one of them down shall we

    1. Fiscal Responsibility: Regan and W both failed at this exponentially, both spent much more then was brought in by revenue. W's father had a better idea but still not great. At this point voters simply deem the republican who spouts this as a hypocrite. Its not a matter of if your're going to waste money and run up the debt, its simply who your're going to spend the money and run the debt up on. Right now more voters think that republicans will spend the money on the rich rather then the poor and the middle class

    2. Strong national defense does not mean committing what some would call war crimes, and what the US in fact has hanged people for in the past as war criminals. Nor does it mean going off on random wars. Teddy Roosevelt advocated a strong national defense but actually earned a nobel peace prize in office and never went to war. Republicans at this stage, thanks to W and their most recent message, are viewed as war mongers and people who would advocate for military action first, aka soldiers aka american citizens aka people dying before all peaceful options are off the table. That doesn't look good for voters if they get the perception that your're treating their sons or daughters life like its a game of RISK

    3. Education, homeschooling by itself is not bad, the problem is, human beings abuse this by not educating their children with facts or evidence. 'chance to educate your children in the way that you think best' is not a license to handicap that child for life in socializing or being able to function outside of the home because what they were taught has no basis in reality or is simply useless. Its being responsible on the part of the parents, which if they are, should have no problem meeting basic requirements that the child know in math history science, etc.

  • Fiscal responsibility is not an argument because everyone says they like it. It is a pointless slogan.

  • Condi'.did you secretly smile as you voted again for the President? Come-on, tell the truth or is it a Republican thing?

  • It's simple why Romney lost: he was the Grinch and Obama was Santa Claus.

    Americans would never vote against someone promising them goodies. Sayonara, GOP.

  • A number of Republican candidates (like Akin) expressed truly ignorant and insensitive views in recent months, also the Republican primary went to the gutter pretty quick with Democrats insulting candidates from the left and GOP candidates hurling personal insults from the right, all while Obama was able to sit back and be President. I think its unlikely the poor showing in this election will extend to the midterms, but if so the GOP will definitely need to make some major changes. As someone commented on another thread, Micheal Steele won the 2010 midterms and his reward was getting fired and replaced with Priebus ' well now Priebus failed, will he be given another chance to oversee an election?

  • Dude you've been asleep for the past twelve years if you beleive the crap you just typed.

    Bush cut taxes twice, started two wars and added the Medicare Part D all without cutting the budget elsewhere.

    Romney was Santa also because he told America that he would increase military spending by 4% and give the middle class a tax cut but never explained which programs he would cut (besides PBS) either.

  • Give it up Condi, you lost because most Americans have had enough of the sexist and racist policies, opinions and bigotry of Republicans. The country has moved into 2012 and you have stayed in 1912.

  • There is a great deal of respect for Ms Rice, but quite frankly the Republican Party are out of touch and are growing increasingly irrelevant as a Political Party'

    The messaging on women was just medieval and the language towards Hispanics during the Primaries'

    'Their current messaging is pretty offensive to almost every group of people and is to be applauded as that really takes some doing!

  • Since Condi is clearly a warmonger, it would make sense that she voted for Obama.

    Obama spent more on war than Bush. That turns Condi on.

  • Calling one of America's smartest, most successful, and powerful (formerly anyway) women (who happens to be black) a racist misogynist. That is rich. Republicans aren't racist, Democrat propaganda only says they are.

  • Not unless Dick Cheneys lesbian daughter was on the ticket with her.

  • Conservatives literally want to give rapists legal preference over their victims. Oh they're mixed alright, mixed like oil and water. [See also: The Etch-a-Sketch strategy]

  • Well it's mixed in the sense that Rape Philosophers like Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin say what they actually believe, and since it sounds so horrible to the general public, national figures like Romney have to pretend like that is not their exact same position. Mourdock was the only Senate candidate to feature a commercial endorsement from Mitt, but after Mourdock laid out his disgusting pro-rapist position, Mitt had to [pretend to] run from that position as quickly as possible.

  • Their stance on abortion is such a transparent Trojan horse, that sending mixed messages is the best possible outcome they could hope for. Thankfully, voters saw through all that God sauce they poured on their pro-rapist stance and rejected these Talibangelists.

  • Yeah I think it was 'Just trust us.'

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