Senin, 26 November 2012

Fox Interview Ends After Guest Accuses Network Of Operating As 'Wing Of The Republican Party'


A Fox News interview about the Benghazi attacks ended Monday morning after the guest openly accused the network of 'hyping' the story ' doing so with political motivations by acting as 'a wing of the Republican Party.'

Author Tom Ricks was brought on Happening Now to discuss how several GOP lawmakers are backing off their criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice's handling of the September terror attacks that left four Americans dead in Libya.

Asked why lawmakers like Sen. John McCain seem to be backing off Rice a bit lately, Ricks replied: 'I think Benghazi was generally hyped by this network especially. And now that the campaign is over, I think he is backing off a little bit. They aren't going to stop Susan Rice from being Secretary of State.'

Co-anchor Jon Scott pushed back, asking 'When you have four people dead for the first time in more than 30 years, how do you call that hype?'

'How many security contractors died in Iraq? Do you know?' Ricks shot back.

'I don't,' replied Scott.

'Nobody does because nobody cared,' Ricks said. 'We know several hundred died but there was never official count of security contractors in Iraq. When I say this focus was essentially on a small fire-fight, I think, number one, I've covered a lot of fire-fights and it is impossible to figure out what happens in them sometimes.'

Ricks then took another open shot at Fox News: 'I think the emphasis on Benghazi has been extremely political, partly because Fox is operating as the wing of Republican Party.'

At that point, Scott cut the interview short: 'Tom Ricks, thanks for joining us today.'

Ricks smirked and replied: 'You're welcome.'

Watch below, via Fox News:

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • OH GOD YES! This is golden! Finally someone tells it like it is on Fox News and this time, it wasn't Shepard Smith doing it.

  • ouch! The truth hurts!

  • What were Fox News thinking when they booked Thomas Ricks? The guy just take any BS at all, so from a network whose specialty is pure BS this was awfully strange.

  • The Murdoch propaganda channel sucks, always has since day one in 1996.
    GOP TV'..nothing more or less and everyone, even the filthy baggers in denial, know it.

  • 4 people dead for the first time in 30 years? What does that mean?

  • Snap!!!

  • Santa hates Fox

  • 'Hey! You can't tell the truth on Fox!!'

  • That was awesome. Ricks perfectly summed up the hypocrisy and phony outrage that BSM and the right has been spouting since the tragic attack on your embassy in Libya.

  • Gee, I can't think anyone would think that Ricks probably voted for the Oreo, can you? Many people die in foreign wars, but not while they are being watched in a battle, and no one, NO ONE, appears to have done ANYTHING to help the embattled. On top of that, lying in the faces of the American people for over two weeks, the Oreo on down, without batting an eye. Oreo had to realize he would be found out, but he didn't or doesn't care that anyone knows he's a proven liar. YOU people still voted for him. He's got you hook, line and sinker.

  • Cut his mic!

  • More and more: People are gonna start calling Fixed Noise on being an arm of the GOP propaganda machine.
    Want proof?

    Here's John Stewart eviscerating the head propagandist: Chris Wallace.
    It shows the ENTIRE interview with the parts that Faux cut from the interview before airing it for it's victims/followers.
    It's in 2 parts.

  • 4 people died'nothing to see here'Obama is our lord and savior

  • Sore delusional loser much?

  • That. Was. Hilarious.
    Great job Mr. Ricks.

  • calling out Obama's race ?? I bet you're white.

  • Maybe you should look into some help for what it is that has 'got you'? Is the Stormfront website down today, or what?

  • 'when you have four people dead for the first time in more than 30 years'.

    And here was me thinking I was dreaming all that stuff about Beirut, the Gulf War, USS Cole, 9/11, Iraq and Afghanistan. And I'm presuming he's talking about AMERICANS.

    See what happens when you refuse to take a trip outside Bulls@*! mountain '

  • 'They aren't going to stop Susan Rice from being Secretary of State.'

    You see, you sore losers have nothing left but lies and innuendo. When Rice is confirmed Sec. of State are you gonna keep crying and lying?
    Yes you are.

  • Oops! Somebody didn't screen this guest. LOL
    That was so awesome.

  • Flagged, obviously.

  • we had an election alMOst 2 months after bengahzhi.MITT HAS AN ENTIRE 3RD DEBATE TO ATTACK OBAMA on it,'fox covered it ..Obama was re elected

  • Before Michael Steel was head of the GOP when ever he gave a speech some people would roll Oreo cookies toward the podium he was speaking from'..Is that who you are talking about????

  • stupidbs slurs: '' voted for the Oreo' the Oreo on down ' Oreo had to realize''

    OK, now can I play the racist card?

  • that was awesome!

  • Susan rice is a liar, she fits in perfect with the Obama administration

  • Good for Ricks. As a respected author and military authority, hopefully other experts will follow suit and speak the truth on Fox. Fox will just be left with paid shills.

  • Like I said, all you've got are lies''..

    You're a Benghazi bagger full of sore loser hate and lies, nothing more or less.
    You'd fit in perfect''as a citizen of North Korea'''bagger boy.

  • FoxNews is a wing of the extreme Right-Wing of the degenerate Republican Party' DUH!

    Everybody know that now, the game is up. They are loosing the profitable demographic and soon will be stuck with stupid people who have no money. The free market place of ideas can only be rigged for a minute then the action moves on.

  • Right, because other than for your Monday morning quarterbacking, it's a cinch to drop a small army into a sovereign nation, risk an international incident, set a horrible precedent, endanger even more lives, and further destabilize an explosive region (and do this all without any real meaningful planning, in order to rescue 4 people that by then really had no chance' All so that wingnuts like you could pin an even BIGGER mess on a President you're never going to support anyway.

    No thanks, I'll let the adults make the calls instead.

  • Co-anchor Jon Scott pushed back, asking 'When you have four people dead for the first time in more than 30 years, how do you call that hype?'

    'How many security contractors died in Iraq? Do you know?' Ricks shot back.

    'I don't,' replied Scott.

    Moral: Don't fck with Tom Ricks.

  • When you can't argue your point''just leave. Typical leftists.

  • More than 3K died on 9/11' But you've let that administration off the hook'

    Where were the hundreds of of questions for THAT Rice? hmm? You know, the one that got briefed after they took office that some guys named Bin Laden wanted to attack in the US again, most likely using airplanes?

    And YOU instead wanna make an international incident over a consulate attack in probably THE MOST DANGEROUS region in the world, like that's news?

  • tissue? your lord and savior denied the Ambassador more security, now we will have another Sec of State the lies, Maybe Susan Rice was dodging sniper fire on the tarmac also

  • Scott brought a knife to a gun fight. So he bailed.

  • you liberals dont care if people die, as long as you keep getting your handouts from the government

  • WTF are you drivelling about?
    Ricks schooled that Fox//Murdoch propaganda actor, you need to watch the video before commenting.

  • freesppech didnt say anything when bush let 3,000 die

  • your lord and savior??

    Obama is OUR president, get over it and be patriotic for at least one day in your miserable life. I didn't even vote for him but at least I can be patriotic and call him our president.

    No one denied more security, quite repeating the regressive media lies until your blue in the face bagger boy.

  • LOL @FOX 'News' Everything!

  • Buck,

    And from a network that's cornered the BS Market, Rupert's and Roger's Kids really fouled up on this one. Figure that a producer will be canned ' if not caned ' and that Handoggity will run some sort of 'special retort' on the Hidden Mysteries of Tom Ricks and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

  • Well, pizz, according to Rupert's and Roger's Network, no Americans died in Iraq ' under Barack Obama became president.

    And in the World of Rupert and Roger, Americans don't die in war.

  • Your posts are a great example of why the regressive party lost this last election and many more in the future'.you sore loser bagger boy.

  • That's funny on alot of levels'

    For starters, the fact that 4 people died is unrelated to alleged cover-up by the administration. Even if there WAS a cover-up the right-wing claim of it is that the administration wouldn't call it a 'terrorist' attack. So you're purposely conflating to very unrelated issues to prove a partisan point you're failing to prove.

    People died because' err' Obama AFTER THE FACT didn't call it a terrorist attack? okie dokie sparky.

    Second, most government handouts are concentrated in right-leaning states. So the party of the handouts is the GOP.

  • This seems to be occurring an awful lot lately for Fox News. They are gonna run out of people to interview soon'

  • Hey!!! Enough with the Oreo! That's Lord and Savior to you buddy!
    Racist much?

  • The President doesn't make security decisions on Consulates, nor does he make the calls on whether or not to FUND the outcomes of those decisions'

    Wonder who DOES have power of the purse'. hmm'.

  • ''Tom Ricks, thanks for joining us today!' Jon Scott

    Mr Ricks smirked and replied: 'You're welcome!'

    Well done Mr Rick and keep smirking. You've earned it, by blowing a hole right through their pathetically obvious, but now, post election wilting Bengazhi premise'

  • Huh? He didn't leave. The host ended the interview because he just got owned.

  • Umm, that's not true at all. It actually borders on stupid.

    3000 people died under Bush on 9/11. In NYC.

  • I hope this is one of the first dominoes

  • Hopey is that you again? Your name may change but the personna is the same.

  • 'It smarts and stings for a while when you been slapped hard unexpectedly!

  • Big props to whoever the EP is who was smart enough to cut this short before Scott got COMPLETELY embarassed.

  • your President'or President of the United States'not mine, I didnt vote for him'the funny thing is to be patrotic, you swear to the Constitution, not the Presdient

  • Cartoon:

  • Leave OUR black, female Rice out of your condemnation, racist/misogynist.

  • Maybe you should replay the tape, you may actually see through that Fox fog you're in.

  • State Dept'which is part of the Obama administration, they make the security decisions

  • Fox Isn't a wing of the Republican Party, they ARE the Republican Party. They raise money for them, donate to them, employ them, and directly are involved in the party platform.

    Republican politicians are simply employees of FOX.

  • hehe. You right-wingnuts can make yourself believe anything. Too funny.

  • 'your President'or President of the United States'not mine, I didnt vote for him.'

    Just gutter level deep ignorance from another sore loser bagger.
    Move to North Korea, you'd be right at home. Obviously you don't have an ounce of patriotism but tons of hate for this country. You prove that fact with every post.

  • It has been introduced by the Dems already..old's in play, feel free.

  • That story has been debunked numerous times.

  • Pathetic post, Absolutely pathetic.

  • I'm buying his book.

  • Right' So not Obama. There's a chain of command' Now that we've confirmed that' HOW/WHEN did Obama lie again?

    And who makes funding decisions on Consulate security?

  • Did that stop the Bin Laden killing? You have no one in military service abroad, do you? That gives the response you didn't see from Obama a truly scarey dimension. You think Bush was bad'wait.

  • I watched it three times. Maybe the best FOX clip ever posted on here!

  • How many of them did the WH have eyes on at the time?

  • you would not know patriotism if it slapped you in the face you dumb*ss liberal'..go pray to your lord and savior

  • Oops'..the We report, You decide went out of the window?

    What was it again: Fair and Balance? Oops''the Fox audience most be shielded from the facts? Yes''by any means'..necessary?

  • I totally agree with your second paragraph. Obama is doing a great job with that part. The part that makes me smile is that YOU and YOURS get to live thru this, too. Have you noticed ANYTHING going on around you''' all?

  • How long was the planning for the Bin Laden killing?

    While we don't have the exact number of months or years, I'm certain it was more than 6-8 hours'

    You feel the two equivalent? You REALLY do?

    You think planning for the end-result that was supposed to be brought on by Bush's Afghanistan war (killing Bin Laden) is on the same tactical plane as not penetrating into Libya with a force small enough to crush a coordinated attack on a Consulate, housing an Ambassador that shouldn't have been there in the first place?

    Honestly? Those are the same to you?

  • so the State Dept is not part of the Obama administration? they have free reign? wow''funding? why do you have to fund something the Obama administration denied?

  • This is exactly how you deal with these liars.

  • The only ones getting handouts are red states and billionaire hedge funders ' moochers!

  • The most brilliantly succinct takedown of Faux News in the history of take downs. It was messaging that every PR person needs to remember when discussing this 'cabal' called Fox News.

  • 50 or 100 yrs from now there probably will be another American Revolution, when people get tired of supporting sponges like you

  • people died because Obama's State Dept denied the Ambassador's request for more security

  • State Dept is most certainly part of any administration. I'm asking you to justify the point that Obama lied? When? Where? How?

    For that matter, how/when/where did the State Dept lie?

    That is, after all, the right-wing claim right? Obama lied, people died?

    Secondly, Congress denied security funding.

  • liberals live in red states, did you know that? they are the drain

  • It's like Scott was prepared for it because'he knows its the truth

  • When an ambassador is murdered, it has been comsidred an act of war since the beginning of recorded history. When a presidential administration lies about it to cover up its inaction, it has always been newsworthy. No longer in this Orwellian world we live in.

  • You're smarter than that.

  • Better stick with morons like Kirsten Powers. She's just the kind of FAD 'fake ass democrat' that fits in so nicely with the rest of the brain dead zombies fox likes to feature.

  • When you can't argue your point' just cut the interview short. Typical wingnuts.

  • No, he's very obviously not.

  • Rice lied, she is part of the administration'.no protest, it was a pre-planned attack

  • That's what I saw, too! Scott schooled Ricks ' then Ricks got scared, ripped his mic off, and ran out of the studio.

    But the crazy leftists will probably portray this as Fox cutting the interview short! Just watch!

  • The Bin Laden killing was almost perfectly executed. Our folks in the consulate would have settled for sloppy rescue, I'm sure. Obama wasn't timid about getting into Libya in the first place with help to remove MK.
    Come to that, he wasn't timid about broadcasting 'his' part in the raid to take out Bin Laden to the point of hanging some of our folks out to dry. Why so shy about letting us in on 'what he did' when our consulate was under attack, and you know as well as I that 7 hours in this day and time is plenty of time to send help'unless you don't intend to.

  • And conservatives wonder why liberals always think they're racists.

  • Rice didn't lie.
    But you lie every single time you post that tripe'..sore loser bagger.

  • Think they're racists?

  • LOve it!!!!!!!!!

  • when you stand up to Roafer and his bullsh*t, then you have room to criticize, until then'..

  • What you wrote is not very clear. I'm not certain what you are referring to.

    As to looking around. i live in Europe. Life is better here with or without money.

  • Talk is cheap bagger boy, and yours is extra cheap.
    If you had a sack you'd start your revolution right now. What are you waiting for you huge coward?

  • and you have said nothing about the 1400 troops Obama has gotten killed in Afghanistan

  • tissue? now get on your knees and pray to your savior'lol

  • Ricks was always a self-promoting little dweeb who never met a war he didn't like, if he could pocket a few bucks from it.

  • Please pay attention to the news. Charlene Lamb who is a State Dept Official said before Congress, under oath, that funding was NOT THE ISSUE. That's the problem with letting MSM tell you part of the truth, nothing sells so well as a lie with a little truth mixed in. Damn.

  • Cool.. Which country do we declare war on?

    Secondly, turn off Fox, and tell us what the lie was.

  • I loved it..l'.How can we sneak this guy back on Fox news with that Fox and Friends team? would love to see them try to handle him'..LOL'

  • tee hee

  • June 14, 2002, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
    Suicide bomber kills 12 and injures 51.

    February 20, 2003, international diplomatic compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Truck bomb kills 17.

    February 28, 2003, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
    Gunmen on motorcycles killed two consulate guards.

    July 30, 2004, U.S. embassy in Taskkent, Uzbekistan
    Suicide bomber kills two.

    December 6, 2004, U.S. consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
    Militants stormed and occupied perimeter wall. Five killed, 10 wounded.

    March 2, 2006, U.S. consulate in Karachi, Pakistan
    Suicide car bomber killed four, including a U.S. diplomate directly targeted by the assailants.

    September 12, 2006, U.S. embassy in Damascus, Syria
    attacked embassy with grenades, automatic weapons, and a car bomb
    (though second truck bomb failed to detonate). One killed and 13

    January 12, 2007, U.S. embassy in Athens, Greece
    A rocket-propelled grenade was fired at the embassy building. No one was injured.

    July 9, 2008, U.S. consulate in Istanbul, Turkey
    Armed men attacked consulate with pistols and shotguns. Three policemen killed.

    March 18, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
    Mortar attack misses embassy, hits nearby girls' school instead.

    September 17, 2008, U.S. embassy in Sana'a, Yemen
    dressed as policemen attacked the embassy with RPGs, rifles, grenades
    and car bombs. Six Yemeni soldiers and seven civilians were killed.
    Sixteen more were injured.

  • Still haven't articulated the lie that allegedly led to the death of 4 people'

    Kinda odd to claim MSM bias when you recite Fox talking points'

    Lastly, requests for security dealt with Tripoli.

    Your serve.

  • It's like a boxer throwing in the towel 10 seconds into the fight, after one jab. The boxer's not knocked out yet, but he knows he's in over his head, and he know shat's coming, so hey, let's just stop this now'


  • Stand up?
    You're swimming in the sewer bagger boy.

  • Plus they died because not only did they deny the Ambassador more security, but they took what security he had down to two people. This is a year he's been asking for more. I want to know why. The fact that POTUS didn't call it a terrorist attack and dodged around and side-stepped and ducked and bobbed and weaved, doesn't encourage me to think he intends to be honest. I don't think you have to worry if you are telling the truth about an issue. Unfortunately, where's the truth of this (and don't regurgitate MSM on it, use YOUR brain)?

  • Yes, all the people in red states who get assistance are liberals.

    No conservative has ever taken public money. Not a single penny, ever!

  • Hey Andrew how about a little background on Tom Ricks who works for CNAS Center for a New American Security that has strong ties to the Obama administration:

    The Obama administration has hired several CNAS employees for key jobs.[4] Founders Michèle Flournoy and Kurt Campbell currently serve as the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, respectively. In June 2009 The Washington Post suggested, 'In the era of Obama'the Center for a New American Security may emerge as Washington's go-to think tank on military affairs.'[4] CNAS scholars include John Nagl,[5] David Kilcullen, Andrew Exum, Thomas E. Ricks, Robert D. Kaplan,[6] and Marc Lynch.

    Makes sense why he would attack Fox, he's another Obama admin crony.

  • Fox *did* cut the interview short. Can have some of whatever you are smoking?

  • FNC shows when someone formidable is ready to take them on even on their turf, they cut and run.

    How typical of today's Republican party.

  • LOVE IT and thank you.

  • This happened on 9-11 with prior warning, and was used by the administration as propaganda to limit freedom of speech directed towards islam. If the administration had not ran with a lie to start with it would not have made so much news, it is worthy and will continue to be worthy until all truths are told.

  • According to conservatives if Americans die under a republican it is a gloriously patriotic sacrifice if they die under a democrat then the democrat murdered them'do you see that as being the way it is according to conservatives?

  • Fox heats the building for the winter with the amount of coal Santa brings them.

  • NBC, CBS and ABC are left wing organizations and the conservatives should do the same. The truth is the failure to hold the current President accountable.

  • Faux News can't handle the truth.

  • Oh so swearing is moral, only to a lefty.

  • Hail to Tom Ricks!! That awkward moment when you get called out in front of millions of people.

  • I found a site just as bad as StormFront called PatriotUpdate and he can go there to recharge his hate batteries.

  • WHERE because Steele has never denied it.

  • Rather be right than so wrong as the typical public educated lefty.

  • Fox was created to lie.

  • Really? That's what you took away from that video?

  • Powerful.

  • Sarcasm, dude.

  • He didn't even watch the video.

  • I guess they lost the page with all their talking points on it.

  • You might be taken more seriously if you adressed the Potus AT LEAST as plain old Obama as opposed to 'oreo''' might be, I doubt it though since your such a tool.

  • I'm not smoking anything, hippie! All you need to see what I see is this pair of Fox Goggles I bought at the Bullsh!t Mountain Store!

  • Quit whining and win an election. Start with having a candidate is not an utter anathema.

  • Sure he did. He said 'I hope they was all librals because I wants all librals to die!'

  • Adds nothing to the discussion. Move on.

  • No, he isn't.

  • The guy works for the think tank that the Obama Admin has hired from and use as their policy wonks. Come on Andrew if you are going to try and put out a hit piece on Fox, at least try to give all the facts.

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