Senin, 05 November 2012

CNN/ORC Poll Shows 37% Of Romney Vote Is 'Votes Against Obama'


On Monday, CNN's Ashleigh Banfield highlighted CNN/ORC poll numbers showing that, when it comes to support for President Barack Obama this election, 86% of those voting for him are doing so because they genuinely like and agree with him, while 12% report that they're simply casting a vote against Mitt Romney. Meanwhile, 62% of those voting for Romney are doing so because they like and support him, with 37% admitting that they're casting a vote against Obama.

Red State's Erick Erickson shared that he's one such voter ' he's 'come to terms with' candidate Romney, and, while he didn't support him throughout the GOP primaries, he's going to vote for him as a vote against Obama.

As for what a relatively quiet Tea Party means for Romney this election, Erickson believes that the Independent vote counts Tea Party voters within its fold ' those who are not necessarily affiliated with the Republican party, but are throwing their support behind Romney and the GOP ticket.

Check it out, via CNN:

  • Oh noes!

    You mean they don't actually LIKE Robo-Romney?
    I thought it was the latest model.

    He did lie better than any of them though

  • He'll lose just like Kerry did. The anti vote ain't enough.

  • So many Clowns will vote against their best self-interest because they don't like 'the black guy'.

    Righties are truly phalking idiots!!!

  • I'm surprised it's not higher.

  • The percentage of anti-Obama vote that wants the black family out of the White House is more like 50%. It's not cool to be a bigot, but anti-black is a stronger tendency than anti-cult.

  • What they don't mention is the people voting for Obama are Democrats who almost always vote for the Democrat regardless of the competitor. They would have voted for John Edwards if he'd won the nomination. Romney has a similar result with Republicans, but also has most of the Independents, who are more likely to be voting against Obama than for Romney. While Democratic voters in populous states are numerous, without the Independent or Republican voters its a lonely place to be, surrounded by like-minded drones. It amazes me Obama is so far left and so arrogant its never occurred to him to even try to appeal to independents.

  • I have said for 2 months, this is 2004 all over again just the parties are reversed.

    Each side has about 30% hard core voters and that has been consistent for years. The extra 7% is voting against Obama do so for because they do not like his um' tan.

    Sorry hard core righties, the truth hurts.

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