Former CIA Director David Petraeus testified on Friday that he believed from the beginning that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was an act of terrorism, according to the Associated Press. In his testimony, he also said the CIA's talking points noted that assertion, but that it was edited out by other federal agencies.
Lawmakers said the CIA's talking points in response to the attack 'referred to it as a terrorist attack,' the AP reported, but 'Petraeus told the lawmakers it was removed by other federal agencies who made changes to the CIA's draft.' He said he did not know who removed the reference.
However, any changes made were not the result of an underlying political agenda, Petraeus told lawmakers in the closed-door sessions ' but rather, made to protect classified information.
Per the AP:
''There was an interagency process to draft it, not a political process,'' [Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.)] said after the hearing. ''They came up with the best assessment without compromising classified information or source or methods. So changes were made to protect classified information.
''The general was adamant there was no politicization of the process, no White House interference or political agenda,'' Schiff said. ''He completely debunked that idea.''
Schiff said Petraeus said Rice's comments in the television interviews ''reflected the best intelligence at the time that could be released publicly.''
Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) said Petraeus 'thought all along that he made it clear there was terrorist involvement,' but 'that was not my recollection.'
Petraeus has of course been dominating the news cycle due to his resignation, as a result of an extramarital affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell. That topic wasn't discussed during the hearings, save for an acknowledgment in the beginning.
Rep. Jim Langevin (R-R.I.) said, 'The only thing he did in the beginning of his testimony is he did express deep regret to the committee for the circumstances for his departure.'
(H/T AP via Boston Globe)
Clearly, Obama is blackmailing him. And stuff.
So, Obama lied to the American people. What should we do about it?
Listen baggers, I know this will be difficult for you, but it really is immaterial what was the motive for the attack. In World War II, when Jimmy Doolittle bombed Tokyo, the press asked Roosevelt where the bombers took off. He answered, 'Shangra-La'. Was this a lie? Should he have been impeached for this answer? Get a life.
Who came up with the 'it's the video' crapola?
Obama lied to the world. -
Obama lied everywhere he went.
On The View, on Letterman, to the grieving families of the Americans he let die, at the UN '
'The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.'
He sided with the 'outraged Muslims', excusing their behavior.
Obama thinks if he says it, it's true.
Not so fast, Benghazi Barry. -
I don't know how stating this attack was an act of terrorism the moment it happened could compromise classified information'seems pretty transparent on the surface.
Totally, I mean that whole Watergate thing with Nixon'who knew what when, who lied'was just a lib witch hunt.
Since we are re-writing history to justify what constitutes an acceptable lie.
Shouldn't this story be the TOP HEADLINE on Mediaite right now.? Petraeus says he knew 'almost immediately' that this wasn't related to a 'spontaneous demonstration from a video' (because he's not an imbecile) and SOMEONE 'edited those comments' out of what Susan Rice had to say.
There is only one group that would have the authority to do that, and that's the WH.
God damn liars.
'We' should not expect anyone in the administration to discuss classified matters at a news conference.
Learn to read you God damn liar.
The agency's acting director will tell Congress today that agents on the ground the night Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed never requested military assistance, Eli Lake reports.
Obama never lied. The agency's acting director will tell Congress today that agents on the ground the night Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed never requested military assistance, Eli Lake reports.
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