Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh offered a dire prognosis for the Republican party following last night's defeat of GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Limbaugh said that it is difficult for any candidate to run a successful campaign against 'Santa Claus.' He went on to say that his last thought as he went to bed on election night was the Republican party had 'lost the country.'
Limbaugh said that he thought Romney and his family would have been great for the nation, but his recipe for a turnaround ' hard work ' is no longer accepted by the American people as their only route to success.
'In a country of children, where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins,' Limbaugh asked.
Limbaugh dismissed political experts who have postulated on Wednesday morning that the GOP has a problem with a lack of support from women and minority voters. He said that the party has a number of successful female, Hispanic and black officeholders, but their life stories were not held up as a model for emulation.
'I went to bed last night thinking we are outnumbered,' Limbaugh concluded. 'I went to bed last night thinking we've lost the country. I don't know how else you look at this.'
Listen to the clip below via The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show:
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Some advice for you Rush, Breaking through your denial is the first step towards recovery. This country and the world is changing. If the GOP doesnt change it will be left behind as an afterthought.
Good, maybe he will finally get the message and STFU. But we couldn't be so lucky because he only cares about his drugs and his money and he needs to keep spewing hate to keep his grips on both. Maybe he should look in the mirror, he helped lead the GOP to defeat by calling college students sluts and other wingnut tantrums. It wouldn't have mattered if Romney and others reputed him, but that would require courage and we've seen that does not exist in today's GOP.
You should've stayed in bed, Limbaugh.
Fact is, racist, divisive rhetoric is ONLY attractive to your relatively core, small audience (small in the scheme of the entire nation). You and your ilk (Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Donald Trump and others like them) are equally responsible for the losses incurred by your party. Most Americans don't prescribe to your sick hate and vitriol and have repudiated you and the the rest of the far right wing that engages in these tactics. We move forward ' without you. Stay behind ' and stay in bed.
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