The Daily Beast columnist Kirsten Powers appears to have had it with MSNBC host Touré. On Friday, Powers took to her Twitter account to insist that Touré clarify his often repeated accusation that Congressional Republicans opposed to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice replacing Sec. Hillary Clinton as the next Secretary of State are motivated by antipathy towards her race and/or gender.
On Tuesday, Powers caught wind of comments made by Touré on MSNBC's The Cycle, where he savagely attacked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) for his vocal opposition to Rice's potential nomination to replace Sec. Clinton. Touré called McCain 'bitter' over his 2008 loss to President Obama and said that the optics of white, Republican men attacking a black woman were terrible for his party.
[McCain] also gave us the horrible optics of he and Lindsey Graham as old, white, establishment folks wrongly and repeatedly attacking a much younger black woman moments after an election in which blacks and women went strongly blue. Looks like the GOP is already laying the foundation for losing in 2016.
Powers read the article and asked Touré where Sen. McCain's misogyny and racial prejudice were when he confirmed the black, female former Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice.
On Friday, Touré replied by citing language used by Sen. McCain, among others, which he apparently found to be exposing his true motives:
Powers seemed to be unswayed by Touré's reply:
Had this been a live exchange, it would have been transcribed as 'crosstalk ensued.' Fortunately, Touré and Powers continued their battle in easily dissectible 140 character tweets:
At this point, Touré dropped out of the exchange. Powers cited a column made by the left-of-center editor of The Nation magazine, Katrina vanden Heuvel, who attacked Condoleezza Rice for what she contended were misleading statements to the nation prior to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Powers asked if vanden Heuvel was as motivated by racial hatred as Touré believes Sen. McCain is.
She has not yet received a reply.
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No one really cares what Kirsten Powers thinks as she is the lame mouthpiece for the Demogratic party on Fox News. Tour'e stop wasting your time with her. She will never understand what you mean so it's useless.
Vote in 2012 -
Toure (aka Rev. Sharpton Jr.) has nothing, just his stupid race-baiting
There is a much larger issue here than the misinformation, intentional or not. It is the blatent attack on out First Amendment right to free speech. By illogically and incorrectly condemning this video for what was in fact a coordinated terrorist attack by al-Qaeda on 9/11, the administration was essentially condoning terrorists' twisted interpretation of the Kuran. Democrats consitently, and often rightly, declare themselves the party of equal rights, yet they seem have a blatent disregard for what I believe is our most important right, the freedom of speech. There are many forms of intolerance.
There is a difference between Susan Rice and Condoleeza Rice. Condi Rice was the head of NSA on her way to becoming Sec. of State. Susan Rice was a dadgum Ambassador to the UN. Big difference in position. And you want facts? how about the fact that DNI ADMITTED TO CHANGING THE TALKING POINTS. What does that have to do with Susan Rice's intelligence? Condi Rice in her position, would be the one forming the talking points about WMD. By the way, I find it hilarious that republicans are now throwing Condi under the bus in order to keep this nonscandal going.
Powers has yet to support ONE democratic policy or any democratic office holders EVER, she should stop claiming to be a democrat AND a liberal if she wanted to be seen as HONEST but then again she is on Fox the home of dis-honest everything'she is what she actually is and she is a conservative republican.
1. It was not an attack by Al Qaeda. 2. It was not a coordinated attack. 3. The 'filmmaker' is a con artist currently serving time for breaking parole. 4. The video is still up on youtube.
No offense, Mediaite, but have you ever used the verb/noun 'savages' for a Fox anchor/reporter? I find your use of that term to describe Toure very telling. There are plenty of other terms (attack, went after, bitterly, justifiably, ruthlessly, whatever) that are less of a code word for 'black'.
You're an idiot. Don't know what color you are ' but you're still an idiot.
Are you saying people should care about what Toure Kardashian says during his Minstrel Show?
I propose a trade with the Dems.
We send over David Brooks, Steve Schmidt and Jose' Scarborough.
They give us Kirsten Powers and Pat Caddell and a player to be named later.
And a bag of bats. -
Dr. Gloves always brings a smile'thanks
She's supported them all. Just because she thinks before she speaks, you find that questionable.
Grow up and quit throwing people under the bus who are thoughtful and don't just scream racist whenever they have nothing.
Who's throwing Condi under the bus? We like her ' we think she did an awesome job. Just because you want to compare ' there is no comparison.
Drop the stupid WMD nonsense. You guys do nothing but lie about that. Nobody in admin lied. Everyone agreed ' democrat and republican. Nobody knows what happened to them ' and there are countless scenarios that would have been used had it been a democrat pres. As it was ' the republicans just said intelligence was incorrect and didn't bother spinning it. We save that for you guys who so enjoy spinning.
Thomas Jefferson used that very phrase 'not very bright' to describe blacks as part of his reasoning for why we were 'inferior'. Whether McGrumpy knows this or not, and I doubt he does since he graduated 5th from the bottom of his class at the Air Force Academy, it's really insulting coming from a man who picked the dumbest community college attendee on the planet as his VP Nominee. And yes, he still hasn't gotten over the ass whuppin Obama gave him in 2008 and his party 3 weeks ago. Susan Rice is smarter than every member of the GOP. I agree with Toure about the optics since McCain's party of ass hats also went after Van Jones, Lisa Jackson, and Eric Holder. Powers should just STFU because if there's anyone here who appears 'not very bright' it's here. Of course that's exactly why she's a regular on fox!
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