Minggu, 18 November 2012

Lindsey Graham On Romney's 'Gifts' Remark: 'We're In A Big Hole' And 'He Keeps Digging'


On Meet the Press, Sen. Lindsey Graham joined the growing list of Republicans critical of Mitt Romney's remark about President Barack Obama winning the election due to the 'gifts' he gave to key demographic groups. When you're in a hole, 'stop digging,' Graham advised.

'We're in a big hole,' Graham said. 'We're not getting out of it by comments like that. When you're in a hole, stop digging. He keeps digging.'

The senator went on to comment on the GOP's struggle with Hispanic voters ' 70 percent of whom voted for the president. It's not that Hispanics are happy with Obama, he said, but he's the 'lesser of two evils.' Alluding to the party's harmful rhetoric on the topic of immigration, he particularly highlighted Romney's comments about 'self-deportation.'

'We're in a death spiral with Hispanic voters because of rhetoric around immigration,' he said. 'Candidate Romney, in the primary, dug the hole deeper.'

'Rhetoric like this keeps digging a hole for the Republican Party,' Graham added. 'And if we don't stop digging, we're never going to get out of it.'

Watch below, via NBC:

  • I'm surprised he isn't in Thailand with Obama and a dozen ladyboys.

  • And two weeks ago, you would have proudly given him a shovel. You are nothing but a hypocrite. But this is not surprising. The Party of NO is full of hypocrites.

  • No, Graham has always been a mincing weakling on this subject ' he and McCain.

  • Oh come on. Now Graham is coming out against what republicans actually believe. All of these guys running to the center like little girls is pitiful. They look even more hypocritical than ever. If Romney would have pulled this election off not one of these clowns would have spoken out against Romney's rhetoric. I suppose I should look at this as a good thing that these clowns are starting to moderate their views. But it turns me off even more that they are doing it to try and get votes not because they actually have had a change of heart.

  • Lindsey needs to come out of the closet. he is more gay than liberace

  • Does the GOP really think the american people can't see what they are doing? They are going on TV giving interviews saying we know the Latino community did not vote for us, so let's tell them what we think they need to hear to get them to vote for us next time. We don't mean it, but we have to say it so they don't keep voting with the DEMS. I will them credit for one thing, they are making their case right out in the open so who ever votes for them and gets the shaft can't say they didn't know what they were getting.
    Vote in 2014 for a New House in Congress

  • I see you have misplaced your tinfoil had and have forgotten you medications.

  • Lindsey needs to stop doing his part to dig that hole'stopping his drinking might help' if he were to spend as much time on telling the truth as he does partisan lying might help'if he were to resign and STFU might help'admitting he is an obstructionist might help' in fact every republican helped to build the hole republicans/conservatives/baggerscum are in'they built that.


  • Lindsey Graham On Romney's 'Gifts' Remark: 'We're In A Big Hole' And 'He Keeps Digging'

    And it's quite enjoyable to see his lies and distortions now causing your party the karmic damage it has earned!!.
    I guess you and your zoo crew shouldn't have done an about face and lied your support of him after the primaries, huh?

  • he is super, thanks for asking

  • Senator Graham is a Prick who has called the President of the United States a LIAR, and said that the President is totally responsible for the deaths of our Embassadoer In Bengazi, Lindsay Graham is what is wrong with the leadership in this Country. A Republican before he is an American!!!! DICK!!!

  • Maybe he can tell 'All the bigots to shut up' again.
    That worked so well before.
    He should just switch parties and get it over with.
    At least that way his rhetoric would be more honest.

  • Let's have an investigation into Lindsey's closet.

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