Rabu, 07 November 2012

MSNBC'ers Joke: Dow Jones Collapse Attributable To Elizabeth Warren's Election


The morning after President Barack Obama's reelection, which was accompanied by Democratic gains in the U.S. Senate, MSNBC's Thomas Roberts asked his guests for their opinions about why the Dow Jones Industrial Average had shed nearly 300 points off its morning opening. TIME Magazine editor Rana Foroohar joked with Roberts that financial regulation advocate Elizabeth Warren's election to the U.S. Senate may not be good for the banking industry, prompting the Dow to drop precipitously.

'We're seeing red arrows across the board, and the Dow Jones taking a big hit,' said Roberts.

Richard Wolffe noted that, despite the significant selloff today, the Dow had increased by several thousand points from its nadir when President Obama took office in 2009.

Roberts pivoted back to the election results, asking Foroohar what the 2012 results mean for women candidates and voters.

'I think Elizabeth Warren's victory is going to be very interesting,' said Foroohar. 'If I were a banker, I would be concerned right now.'

'That's why we're seeing the Dow Jones like this today,' asked Roberts.

'That, and the Fiscal Cliff,' Foroohar replied.

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • Noah I've decided you are doing Gods work.. What you choose to pump up and promote and what you choose to dismiss is so bizarre.. Your compass is so far off that you unintentionally help us Dems with the garbage you spew'. You an your ilk have lost your way.. Thanks to people like you Noah we have 4 more years.. Godspeed..

  • Noah, you can call it a 'collapse' when the Dow goes from over 14,000 to just over 6,000, like it did under George W. Bush. This is the Dow losing 300 points during morning trading. We have no idea whether there will even be a loss by the end of the day.

    How many days have we seen fluctuations of this size in the past decade? Unfortunately, quite a few times'

  • WALL-STREET RATS know we got the right Woman for the JOB !
    The rats jumping ship !

  • Noah , good buddy .

    You might want to get you one of those donut rings people sit on when they BUTT HURT! YOU really took one for the team and it looks like it was a legitimate- RAPE.

    Tommy Christopher, please remove anything Noah could hurt himself with for a couple days .


  • This clip sums up the day rather well'

  • Stop being bitter Noah-you lost dude.

  • if noah had a brain(not), he would check out the news from europe today, which shows that austerity(a gop policy) is hurting germany and the the head of the ecb is forecasting recession. that in combination with the gop blocking any deals regarding the fiscal cliff and debt ceiling raise are creating fear which is bringing down the market. in other words, mostly a negative reaction to the reelected gop house!

  • Besides being pure 100% bidnitz b.s., they're wrong by definition: Lizzie's gonna take an axe to the BANKSTERS, not to the banks. Look at before Jonathan Livingston Glass-Steagall days, when we used to have a) banks, as in where you put yer money in and got it back with compound interest cuz that was the law, byotches; and b) banksters, as in where you put yer money in and later they told you your money died on a puppy farm up north too bad so sad. That's called regulated BANKING, as in non-criminal, act-like-a-bank banking. What Lizzie wants to take her axe to is 1. pay-day loan sharks, 2. hidden fee deposits, 3. usurious interest rates for loans, 4. bait and switch bank/bankster product games, etc. Honest brokers got nothing to fear ' although, that may actually suggest the problem (i.e. it assumes that honest bankers still exist).

  • Great post and i love how you worked in a reference to a book that the followers of magic sky critters HATE.

  • magic sky critters?

  • Is this guy actually paid a wage to fabricate shite here?

  • YES they are the invisible things that conservatives worship because they are too weak minded and morally corrupt to accept responsibility for their actions so they claim the Magic Sky Critters make them do things like bomb womens clinics, burn down BLACK churches and steal money from idiots who watch CHURCH TV thinking it absolves them of their sins and the responsibility to be citizens with a respect for and compliance with the RULE OF LAW AND NOT THAT OF CORRUPT MEN. Religion kills more people than guns and guns are real handy when it comes to sending these creeps a message about trespassing to beg money for politically aligned religious thugs.

  • The DOW tanking has nothing to do with the cigar store Indian'. except that it has everything to do with Obama sharing her stupid economic theories. So I guess in a way, those rejects are right.

  • You know the moron we just re-elected supposedly believes in 'magic sky critters', right?

  • Still in denial about WHO won the election? TOO BAD.

  • wow, you are being pretty harsh about President Obama, a magic sky critter believer''areyou one of those smart people that believe there was nothing'a bang..and the the universe appeared?

  • YES and I am glad to see that you admit voting for him with that WE JUST RE-ELECTED portion of your weak attempt at a slam of OUR PRESIDENT but he does not do evil things in the name of his beliefs and I kinda like how it burns the ass of conservatives that a black man is President so I forgive him his little delusions on the subject. Its called tolerance something conservatives lack.

  • are you really as stupid as you write?

  • Clinton repealed Glass Steagal!!!!

  • You citing tolerance as a positive is an oxymoron. You are one of the most hateful sounding posters on Mediaite.

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