Jumat, 23 November 2012

GOP Senator Dismisses Grover Norquist: 'I Care More About My Country' Than His Tax Pledge


Appearing on a local Georgia television station Wednesday evening, Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) said that fixing America's debt woes may require him breaking with anti-tax activist Grover Norquist's long-standing pledge, saying that 'I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge.'

Chambliss is one of the many signees of Norquist's 'Taxpayer Protection Pledge,' which originated in 1986 through his organization Americans for Tax Reform.

The senior Georgia senator said that Norquist's pledge may not help end the debt problem. 'If we do it his way then we'll continue in debt, and I just have a disagreement with him about that,' he told the local network 13-WMAZ. Chambliss added that Norquist's hardline opposition to increased government revenue through taxes adds to the debt problem and is a 'fundamental disagreement.'

Asked whether Norquist would likely turn against him for his potential abandonment of the pledge during his upcoming 2014 re-election campaign, Chambliss dismissed concerns: 'I don't worry about that because I care too much about my country. I care a lot more about it than I do Grover Norquist.'

'I'm willing to do the right thing and let the political consequences take care of themselves,' he added.

Watch below, via WMAZ 13:

[h/t TPM]
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  • He is looking at the shift in Georgia's voting patterns and see's that in 2014 he could lose to a Democrat over the issues of Georgia's economic failures under a solid RED Conservative governance and the fact that poverty in this state is INCREASING and public services and quality schools are DECREASING. Also republican corruption here is rampant and WOMEN need health services that his party is opposing.
    Chambliss has played the partisan in lock goose step with his party and he knows that is going to be used against him so he wants some bi-partisan credit under his belt and he has only two years to get it and only his party can make such efforts pointless.

    He knows his party has obstructed recovery and progress in this country and Georgia used to get things done for the people under democrats and now they get things done the RED WAY and it just keeps getting worse and African Americans are starting to consistently vote in all elections and increase the numbers of that community that are voting. Obama invested money here in registering voters and it will shift us to swing state status by 2016 or nearly so.

  • No wonder. For a mere pittance of a few percent higher marginal tax rates for the very wealthiest entitlement cuts get put on the table. The stupid teabaggers in congress might be too dumb to realize this, but for those who've been around a while, like Saxby Chambliss, they know they have a golden opportunity. I have complete faith in Republicans to screw it up, as always.

  • I don't know who is the bigger idiot, Norquest or those who signed his insane pledge.

  • Get rid of Norquist just for his enabling muslim infiltration

  • 'I don't worry about that because I care too much about my country. I care a lot more about it than I do Grover Norquist.'

    Most Americans agree with that statement'..but the stupid baggers will throw him under the bus. I hope they do so the schism that pervades the gop gets worse'..sore loser stupid baggers!!

  • On the flip side, it could trigger a primary from the tea people.

  • They're all equal in their mundane delusions.

  • Saxby Chambliss has no one to fear in the Democratic ranks at all. He figures he's untouchable from any teabag challenge, which would be his only concern. From the video he doesn't sound worried.

    In short, he's not 'moving to the middle' and is just as much a hardliner as he ever was. Chambliss wants the grand deal that Boehner booted last time.

  • This is wonderful! I look forward to the teabagger who primaries him and wins the nomination, a la O'Donnell/Mourdock, handing his seat over to the Democrats. Republicans don't seem to realize how screwed they are after courting the crazies for short term political gains in 2010.

  • It's nice to finally here one of them finally admit that tax cuts add to the debt.

  • RINO Chambliss will lose his Senate seat to dynamic, defiant, dominant diva Karen Handel in next election.

  • Karen Handel, as well as some Republican House members are already said to be considering it.

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