On Fox News America's Newsroom this morning, host Martha MacCallum and The Daily Caller founder Tucker Carlson squared off with Fox commentator Alan Colmes over whether President Barack Obama failed to answer several questions during last night's presidential debate, and whether moderator Candy Crowley acted appropriately in her 'correction' of Romney's claims about the Libya attacks.
Carlson started the conversation by taking issue with Crowley's 'shocking' debate moderation: 'I say this as someone who likes Candy Crowley personally. She threw the president a lifeline, there is no question. She inserted herself again and again in the debate.'
He continued on to say that this was 'not a time to play cable pundit during the middle of the debate, at the most decisive moment in the debate to throw out something fundamentally dishonest.' Carlson accused Crowley of trying to reverse the truth that Obama's camp had spent weeks declaring the Libya attacks a result of a YouTube video, 'hurting Romney' in the process. 'I think it's a total outrage what she did last night,' he concluded.
Colmes called Carlson's allegations 'ridiculous,' adding that 'Candy Crowley did her job. Her job of a journalist is to in fact get the truth out there. There is nothing she said that was not true.'
MacCallum then stepped in to criticize Crowley for saying, pre-debate, that she would call out both candidates for not directly answering questions, but then not following through on plenty of opportunities during the actual debate.
'Starting with the very first question,' MacCallum noted, 'Governor Romney started talking, and didn't really get around to answer his question. The same thing happened with President Obama. When the question of Libya came up, he was asked why didn't your administration jump in because there were prior attacks to the Benghazi attack and people requested more security and you didn't do anything about it? He never addressed the question. Why didn't Candy Crowley jump in and say, wait a minute, Mr. President, you didn't answer the question? Wasn't that supposed to be her role?'
'As a matter of fact, I think he did answer the question,' Colmes fired back.
'No, he didn't. Not about the prior attacks and why he didn't boost security,' she replied.
As Colmes went on to explain that Romney was a 'bully,' MacCallum responded that 'if you're going to jump in for the president, you have to do the same thing for Mitt Romney. Once you establish that role you will have to do it all over the place.'
Clearly irritated by the criticism of Crowley's moderation, Colmes called Carlson's response 'morning-after spin,' which prompted the conservative to shoot back: 'This is not spin. Spare me. I'm not representing the Romney campaign.'
'If Romney had done better you wouldn't feel you have to climb uphill as fast as you are climbing,' replied Colmes.
'Give me a break,' defended Carlson. 'I never acted on behalf of the Romney campaign. Far from it. What I saw was a journalist insert herself into a process she wasn't needed doing so in fundamentally dishonest way leaving impression with the audience that the president said something he didn't say.'
Colmes then got a bit personal with Carlson, bringing up the 2007 Obama speech video The Daily Caller and Drudge Report hyped up as 'devastating' to the campaign. 'To say you never acted ever on behalf of the Romney campaign when you put out the video that went nowhere couple weeks ago is really ridiculous,' said Colmes.
'I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Alan,' snarked Carlson. 'I'm sorry it's out-of-bounds to play the president speaking.'
Watch the segment below, via Fox News:
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Tucker really hates it when he is called on his BS Partisan web based distortion and lies site.
I fully expected the RNC (Republican News Channel) division of NEWS CORP to try and spin the debate as a win for Conservatives (it was NOT) but the thrust of their efforts seem to be that no matter what lies or distortions Romney-Ryan make they are immune to criticism and they are now part of the GOPs spin operations.
Fox VIEWS Channel is in a company wide tizzy over this election'and it really really shows.
Love seeing little boy Tucker getting spanked. Still remember Jon Stewart publicly undressing him with that little bow tie, which he gave up. To suggest that Tucker Carlson's little enterprise is not associated with the Romney campaign is ridiculousl
Carlson essentially labeled Crowley telling the truth as a 'sin' starting around 4:50. Let that sink in.
Doesn't Fox realize that, when they can't argue the facts, and can only whine about Biden't tone or the moderator, they across looking like whiners who lost badly?
Also, notice how they cherry picked the footage at the beginning. They have Romney wrongly saying he didn't get a chance to answer but don't provide the context of how he actually didn't follow the rules, spoke over Crowley and, at one point, interrupted Obama and told him it was 'my turn to talk.'
Fox is also never going to point out that, according to the leaked agreement on the debates between both sides, neither candidate was supposed to directly question one another. That's a stupid rule, in my opinion, but it was a rule both sides agreed to. Romney broke that rule halfway through the debate.
But the most important thing is that the GOP lost on substance, and lost badly, and now Tucker Carlson, who supported one of his reporters shouting over the president in the Rose Garden, is pathetically trying to spin it like Crowley was rude or unfair. These people are huge crybabies.
Whats the difference between a Fox Panel discussion and the World Wrestling Foundation?
The drama? nope
The yelling? nope
The costumes? meh
The body slams? stay tuned -
Who wouldn't want to body slam Tucker?
Sadly, I think Randy 'Macho Man' Savage may have offered more cogent political analysis than Tucker Carlson just did.
RIP, true warrior.
There's been three debates'
so far the left has pilloried (for the most part) Lehrer, but also and more so Obama for the first debate.
the right, however, has gone after both Raddatz and Crowley before and after the debates, but not Romney or Ryan.
That's telling. It's sour grapes.
Its called admitting that you lost both debates. The fact the right wing kooks have spent more time crying about Raddatz and Crowley tells alot
When you lose, blame the ref, not your lousy team;-)
whining to the refs never looks good.
When Tucker says he isn't supporting any candidate, he conveniently doesn't disclose that his crappy blog is funded by billionaire Foster Friess, who first bank-rolled Santorum and now supports Romney. The guy who tells Carlson what to do is a huge Romney guy.
Why don't we get objective journalists to moderate the debate? How hard is that to do? The debate was ruined by the bias of the moderator.
First off there is no such thing as an objective journalist. Second whoever loses always complains about the moderator. And third conservative George Will said it was the best debate he has ever seen.
I love the clip of Obama begging for time keepers to do their jobs, yet he talks 11% longer than Mitt'. #leadership
Jim Lehrer didn't show favoritism. How hard would it have been to get a Jake Tapper or any other journalist that know how to be objective?
I love watching the GOP implode.
I guess if they praised R-money's fantastic debate performance, they would lose what little credibility that they have.
Tapper isn't objective dont fool yourself. Lehrer didn't show favoritism. But he was incompetent. He lost control of the debate. It helped Romney. No moderator is perfect. Its really impossible.
Carlson clearly still has his panties in a wringer about how his 'shocking' video went over like a lead balloon. Probably didn't help that he himself mentioned that he covered the video originally. But now 5 years later and it's SHOCKING!
Actually, Carlson's real problem is that the mop shaft that Jon Stewart shoved up his ass and bodily mopped the floor with his pasty flopping form is still lodged in there good and tight.
What a pile of crap that segment is!!!!!!!!!!!!
It implies that Romney was having, what? a hard time getting a word in?!?!!
What bullshiet! Fox is officially, the devil!
Setting everything else aside for a moment, Romney was rude, he interrupted, and he appeared desperate EVERY SINGLE TIME, as Obama got the best of him, and Romney always forced an interjection to counter. He looked extremely weak.
McCallum is an idiot, and I'm only confirming what I've thought recently as I've had the dis-pleasure of listening to her on Kilmead and Friends on XM.
Carlson should change his name to Top because he spins so much.
'Mucker Carlson really is something to behold.
Carlson offer nothing but the worst kind of unconscionable and now embarrassing media distortion. He really is at the bottom end of any factual or credible media expertise!
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