During this Sunday's edition of ABC's This Week, Daily Beast writer Andrew Sullivan claimed that if Republican nominee Mitt Romney wins back Florida and Virginia in the upcoming 2012 presidential election, especially due to the white vote, then the South's electoral map will look exactly like the pro-slavery United States Confederacy during the Civil War.
This observation came in response to host George Stephanopoulos noting that the latest polls show that six out of ten white Americans intend to vote for Romney.
PBS reporter Gwen Ifill said that 'we can't ignore' the possible factor racial animus may play in deciding the election, noting that the poll indicates that, on some level, people are still willing to admit 'racial bias.'
Sullivan then added: 'If Virginia and Florida go back to the Republicans, it's the Confederacy. Entirely. You put a map of the Civil War over this electoral map, you've got the Civil War.'
Conservative panelist George Will rolled his eyes. 'I don't know,' said a skeptical Ifill.
Will then posited two possible explanations for Obama's slippage in the white vote since 2008: 'A lot of white people who voted for Obama in 2008 watched him govern for four years and said, 'Not so good. Let's try someone else.' The alternative, the 'Confederacy' hypothesis is that those people somehow, for some reason in the last four years became racist.'
'That's not my argument at all,' replied Sullivan. 'It's the southernization of the Republican Party. [Virginia and Florida] were the only two states in 2008 that violated the Confederacy rule.'
Watch below, via ABC:
' '
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'host George Stephanopoulos noting that the latest polls show that six out of ten white Americans intend to vote for Romney.'
Yeah, here's a question: Do people need to be taught U.S. Government again? The election is not held as a popular vote but by the Electoral College. How about instead of polling ALL Americans, why not poll the Americans in the swing states? That sounds more productive. -
PBS reporter Gwen Ifill said that 'we can't ignore' the possible factor racial animus may play in deciding the election, noting that the poll indicates that, on some
level, people are still willing to admit 'racial bias.'Of course there is racial bias. On both sides. Over 95% of blacks will vote for Obama. Surely not all have been spurred on by the job he's done.
Sully has the vapors again. Romney needs a lot more than Virginia and Florida, if that was a point he was alluding to as well. And Sullivan also forgot about North Carolina.
Nixon's 'Southern Strategy' helped Republicans win the White House the majority of the last 44 years but it will also be the death of that party.
I believe you meant This Week, Meet the Press is on NBC.
Truth hurts, huh'. John Sonunu lines of Obama being 'lazy', 'not american', and racial notion behind Colin Powell choosing Obama.
I am happy finally somebody is saying something about it but I think voters will also sick of this and war on women.
This might be the last election whites have the majority power because of growing of minority population, increasing growth of women in workplace, and liberal policy acceptance for gays.
another unhinged liberal
About the same numbers in which they voted for Clinton
Blacks began voting overwhelmingly Democratic during FDR's terms in office. The Civil Rights era with Kennedy and Johnson cemented the bond.
Kentucky and Indiana were never part of the Confederacy, their concern is Obama's neglect of the economy.
No George '''Whites in those states who didn't vote in 2008 will vote in 2012 . For republicans this election has ALWAYS been about turning out the white vote. It sure as hell wasn't about reaching out to any minority group
And The Obama Re-Election Campaign Of Fear Rolls On !!
Forward !! -
Indiana is in there own time machine
well prove him wrong? These are the 'taker' states with working conditions thats almost Second World in nature.
Not a word about Obama's 'african american's for Obama' campaign though. Go figure!
Have you been to South Chicago/Cleveland lately?
research history folks..Those southern states are the old slave states and the same states democrats controlled up until recently'''
The southern states 'most racist' during slave days. most racist during Jim Crow, Most racist in the 50's and 60's '.
BUT now all of a sudden since REPUBLICANS control those states they aren't racist anymore ???
This country elected 43 WHITE MEN in a row for president (with whites as the majority of voters)
IWe all know that whites are comfortable with one of their own in the White house'
The GOP'S base are 1950's and 60's democrats'..
Hey he stole that from me Ive been saying that on mediate for days now. It is true that map does look like a civil war map with the exception of indiana. And if you think about it Virginia being that floater is similar as well. Many Virginias fought for the North. I think anyone who doesn't see race involved in this is foolish. The south hasn't been popular for democrats in many elections. But I can guarantee that any democrat in the the past got more votes from the south than Obama will get.
Did Stephanopoulos also note, that ten out of ten black Americans, intend to vote for Obama, if they vote at all?
The south will raise again voters are voting for the WHITE guy
Kentucky and West Virginia are also the exceptions to this idea.
Well to be fair, this is a highly divided country, and that's done on purpose. Divide and conquer is one of the most effective ways to wage war, and that's exactly what the Republican and Democratic machine is doing: waging war against the people of the United States.
It's not an exact match, but Sullivan didn't state that it was. But damn, if you look at a color coded Civil War map (Union/Blue vs Confederacy/Red) next to a 2012 Electoral College map, with Virginia and Florida swinging red, then by golly, you have to look pretty darn close to find the difference.
Oh, but heh, it's just a coincidence, right Jefferson Da' er ' Mitt Romney?
Who does the booking for this show?
Guests on This Week: Van Jones, Maher, Herr Olbermann, this guy?
This little weirdo says he's a Republican. Sure.
I can claim to be a kangaroo.
This does not make me a kangaroo.
Not that his point isn't valid ' but Andrew Sullivan would have made a much more valid point if he had referred to the GOP as the 'states rights' crowd and brought up the origins of their 'Southern Strategy' ' before using the word 'Confedearcy'.
It's mostly about race ' but it's not JUST about race. These people strongly believe in local government (where they can control their backwards social customs and discriminatory practices) and are as equally ardent that a strong central government is EEEEVIL ' except during hurricanes.
He has the right idea, and speaks the truth ' he just didn't express it too well.
Yes, but a very lame one,
Hey Andrew, welcome to the southern state of Wisconsin':)
Not a word about African-Americans against Willard in reaction to the disdain he showed at the NAACP convention.
Gore Got 95 percent of the black vote, Kerry 93 percent
Reagan and Bush in 1988 were able to win huge majorities with winning 60% of the white vote. Mitt Romney is struggling to find a way to 270 this year with near the same support among white voters. You'd think that would sober the Republicans up somewhat but it hasn't.
In 2008 he had an opponent who would shoot down false and ugly claims. In 2012 we have one that appeases the hatred and has people running around stoking it.
95% and also note
Gore Got 95 percent of the black vote, Kerry 93 percent
open your eyes
Maybe Andrew Sullivan would like to explain why Obama lied about Benghazi because he was in the White House situation room in real-time and refused back-up help request three times? And thus his decision effected the murder of these four American.
'Lt. Col. Tony Schafer told Fox News that sources were telling him that the President was watching the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya in real-time.
Schafer told Fox that 'only the President' could have ordered backup for the Americans who were under siege by terrorists so the President was most certainly informed of the situation as it was unfolding.
'I hate to say this,' Schafer said, 'according to my sources, yes, [the President] was one of those in the White House situation room in real-time watching this.
And the question becomes, 'What did the President do or not do in the moments he saw this unveiling?' He ' only he ' could issue a directive to Secretary of Defense Panetta to do something.' '
Repent sinner!
Kentucky was a border state. Kansas was actually for the union. Don't know how many people actually lived out there then. But I do know like Missouri there was a lot in fighting going around. West Virginia didn't break away till 1863 correct? Plus for being a blue collar state they never vote democrat anymore anyway. Whoever promises to dig the most coal with the least regulations wins and thats always gonna be the republicans.
You should have watched the whole show.
The 'white' population makes up 75 percent of the electorate and as such will be the majority for the lifetimes of most everyone currently alive. Women are the majority sex and that isn't likely to change anytime soon. I have no idea what you are trying to say with your reference to the liberal policy acceptance for gays as it pertains to whites.
Ignoring Benghazi will not make it go away. The White House stonewall is crumbling, MSM or not.
DennisMillerLive '
What kind of deviant, miscreant, morally bankrupt cretin tells my teenage daughter that voting for him is the same as losing your virginity?a9e
Did any of us realize how perfectly apropos Eastwood's empty chair would turn out to be? No one was in control on 9/11/12. #BenghaziJohn Doe '
#Benghazi is what happens when you send a community organizer to do a man's job. #tcot #NOBAMA #NoMoreCoverUpsTodd Kincannon '@ToddKincannon
On November 7, regardless of the election outcome, the U.S. House needs to begin investigating and considering articles of impeachmentPhil Kerpen '@kerpen
Apparently, a hurricane justifies canceling campaign events, but a 9/11 terrorist attack does not.Nice Deb '@NiceDeb
Video: Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer's Sources Say Obama was in the Situation Room Watching Benghazi At' http://wp.me/p4OSU-e0B #tcot -
Sullivan is fairly conservative on many issues including a flat tax, limited government, opposition to a 'welfare state', and he was a supporter of Bush until he totally f*cked things up in Iraq and started torturing people.
People in the south are more anti Mormon than they are anti black.
Thank you Ryan Seacrest.
We're not operating in a vacuum here. Often when talking with friends someone will make the comment that they can't understand how any self-respecting black person/gay person/woman/minority could vote for the Republicans. This is not because the Democrats are so good, but because the Republicans are so bad. It would wear on anybody to be in a party in which people are constantly putting you down in subtle and overt ways. As a Green, I wish some of these people would come over to us, but most people still think along the lines of the two major parties. It's attrition. If Republicans don't want people leaving their party, stop insulting them all the time.
Oh, God. She's quoting an online poll. Uh-huh.
I am watching this now so your damn fast in reporting! what was said is true the entire argument I hear from Floridian seniors is totally racially motivated and form the same women who will loose there assisted living center beds when Rmoney cuts medicaid. Blows me away that in importance getting the token out of the white house is paramount! oh and their opinion of the First Lady is pretty bad too! apparently she is uppity! I cant wait to leave this backwoods state!
Gee it couldn't be because Obama has been a horrible president, the economy sucks, he seems detached, he doesn't work anymore (except campaign), his campaign is totally negative (something he railed against in 2008), he admitted he cant change things in Washington, said if he couldnt turn around the economy by the end of the first term it would be one and done, he doesnt know how to work across the aisle and basically seems like he is out of ideas and has not agenda for the next four years. No instead its racism even though he's half white, was raised by white people, and was elected by a majority white vote in 2008.
Romney has had Sununu, Palin, Limpballs, Hannity, Trump all out playing the dog whistle to white men'He didn't have to get his hands dirty, while still putting out the message'Whether President Obama wins or not, the disrespect this man has been shown is mind blowing'From the start of his Presidency, the republicans felt like they could say anything about this man, this President, without being challenged'.and they did'.From yelling out, 'you Lie' during the State of the Union, questioning him to death about his birth certificate, him being accused of 'shuckin & jivin''.and stopping any programs they thought might advance the economy, but yet help the President'they chose to go against the economy'.If a man that has flip flopped as much as Romney wins, it says terrible things about our country, not just the economy..It will make me doubt what this country is really about for the future and the people'..Get out and vote if the future means anything to you'..
Did they talk about Benghazi or did the media cover for Obama again? Carly Fiorina tried to on Meet the Press but Lurch actually cut her off. New youtube video on Obama ignoring Bengazi:
3AM ' Obama didnt answer the phone.
Four years ago American's were asked, 'Who do you want in the White House when the phone rings at 3:00 AM?' On Sept. 11, 2012 the phone rang at 3AM with news that the American consulate in Benghazi Libya was under attack, but President Obama didn't answer it. He flew to Las Vegas for a personal campaign fundraiser. The American ambassador to Libya and three other Americans were killed in the attack, largely the result of the significant reduction in security forces protecting the embassy and staff. The Obama state department had cut these security forces just weeks earlier, despite requests from security officials and the ambassador to increase security leading up the anniversary of 9-11.
In the days and weeks following the attack, Obama and his people lied about the attackers, the cause of the attack, and their culpability for reducing security. A concerted coverup on the scale of Watergate followed by the administration and even in the main stream media.
Ah yes, the must ballyhooed 'Southern Strategy', or as I like to call it, the 'Complete and Utter Myth'. This 'Southern Strategy' meme is a BS fantasy, a scary story that liberals tell each other around campfires. In 1968 Nixon lost Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Arkansas. All were won by George Wallace. Nixon actually came in third behind Wallace AND Humphrey in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. In 1972 Nixon won every state in the union except Massachusetts, so I guess that year he employed his 'Entire Country Strategy'? In 1976 Jimmah won every state of the Confederacy, so I guess the Republicans botched the 'Southern Strategy' only 8 years after coming up with it. In 1980 we have another landslide so I guess Reagan dusted off Nixon's 'Entire Country Strategy' and decided to use it since the Southern one didn't work so well in the last election. Even so he lost Georgia and barely won Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. 1984, landslide time and Reagan again wasted the laborious efforts of Nixon in coming up with the 'Southern Strategy' and just decided to win the whole damn country. Its only beginning in 1988 that we see some consistent Republican wins in the South, curiously right around the time old, segregationist Democrats began dying off.
Sullivan is a total moon bat i watched this morning flipping through the channel' Usually stay away from a clinton administration show on ABC that is termed 'objective' and all the questions i saw by snuffalufigas were leaning against Romney , the panel had to conservatives and 4 lefties.. and the show is a joke'. but this guy , the same guy who was suicidal after the first debate' he makes Ed Shultz look like a reporter'
You guys are really obsessed with this. I really don't think you have any idea what you are setting yourself up for if Romney becomes president and if and when attacks occur on his watch. I think you really don't.
Three people evidently do not agree with reality.
He was part of the sane Republican party until the lunatics took over. That's why he's upset as well he should be!
All those kids that thought it would be cool to have a Black President are now out of College and think it would be cool to have a job in a good economy.
From April to July 2012, the number of employed youth 16 to 24 years old rose 2.1
million to 19.5 million, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This
year, the share of young people employed in July was 50.2 percent. (The month of
July typically is the summertime peak in youth employment.) Unemployment among youth
increased by 836,000 from April to July 2012, compared with an increase of 745,000
for the same period in 2011. (Because this analysis focuses on the seasonal changes
in youth employment and unemployment that occur each spring and summer, the data are
not seasonally adjusted.) -
Put your airbrush away Scott. It's already in the history books.
You do recall the President inherited an economy that was on the brink of total collapse and the worlds economy was worse than ours right? Working with republicans who vetoed everything he did but pee, how much do you think he could really accomplish. I think what he's done boarders on remarkable given all the republican obstruction he's faced. Even Romney said he hoped the President would fail, why aren't republicans for all Americans?
I love having a British nut talk about the Civil War. That was an ugly, difficult period in our history and to just assert that the 'old confederacy' still exists in FL and VA is silliness. Obama won both states in '08. Further, there has been a great deal of demographic movement in the south. Many have moved form the 'rust belt' down south and from other parts of the country. The confederacy hypothesis is as stupid as it is offensive.
Not exactly. While it's true 74% of the people who voted in 2008 were white, their share of the overall electorate is somewhat inflated by minority under-voting, particularly among Hispanics and Asians who didn't even vote at a 50% rate. Blacks voted in nearly the same numbers as whites (around 66%).
If these minority groups start voting more than it could well be the majority of voters aren't white in the very near future, perhaps in as little as 20 years. To give you an idea what kind of change that is, in 1980 nearly 90% of voters were white.
Clearly Sullivan's meds are affecting his rational thought capabilities. It's sad to see such a formerly brilliant mind become clouded with such drivel. Perhaps it is early dementia.
If Romney becomes president, cuts security on 9/11 to a highly volatile, strategic middle east location, US heros are slaughtered and then tries to cover it up because it wont look good for his re-election campaign I will be just as critical of him. I dont think you 'guys' realize what a big deal this is, Obama approval ratings down 7pts in a few days. Thank God for Fox and alternative media for keeping us informed about the incompetence and cover up of this story.
Yes they have always been the most racist part of the country but apparently race has nothing to do with how they vote anymore. Makes complete sense lol. I find it amazing that people like Will can argue that very few people in the south vote based on race. Look who they have down there as senators, congressman and so forth. They have had 6 african american representatives in congress in 90 years.
Tina Brown has just announced that our boy Andy will star in a new series on BeastTV, called My Favorite Drama Queen! Imagine the laughs, tears and, well, melodrama that Andy can cook up, on the spur of the moment: this Reality Show will break new ground! The new show will premier on November 6th 2012, just in time for the elections. What will Andy say? Oh, the possibility of the Sullivan free association!
Myra Breckenridge -
No you wont. You just wont. I will guarantee you will be on here defending him no matter how many americans get killed. Just as your side defended Bush and Reagan when far more Americans were butchered by terrorist. Im tired of arguing this. If mistakes were made it will come out. Mistakes are made in every administration. Obamas have been far fewer than Bushs or Reagans and he has kept Americans safer. You just cant accept it.
NOT exactly accurate and Candidate Cain pointed that out~'ten out of ten black Americans, intend to vote for Obama, if they vote at all''its more like'(9-out of 10) 95% of those Black Americans, if they vote at all, and have VOTED for Other White Candiates in the same numbers!
Democrat is a noun. Democratic is an adjective. Look it up.
Do you think it's possible that black people vote for democrats because the republiklan party is openly hostile to their interests?
Why? Where has the most traditionally racist part of the country been since this country began? It was racist during the civil war. It was racist during the civil rights era. It was racist during Jim crow. Now no one down there votes based on race? Your living in fantasy land.
I wish I could share your post with every low info voter in Ohio so they could know how you really think. No one wants to OPENLY associate with the KKK.
Hmmm, that may NOT be so accurate'.Romney taking those States, with a Florida/Colorado or Florida Iowa, would just about do it~~or just maybe a 269-269 Split and Romney/Biden Administration!
Oh yeah, try to rent a house if your accent over the telephone sounds coloured .
How the hell is this guy given a spot at the table of political discourse. He makes Glenn Beck look sane.
And Obama's campaign has ALWAYS been about turning out blacks and Latinos. So what's your point?
Do you mean that West Virginia broke away from the confederacy to join the Union? Because it was part of Virginia during the early part of the civil war. I am not quite sure I would call Kansas as for either side, as the fighting there broke out before the war even started in 'Bleeding Kansas' in the late 1850's.
Yea west virginia broke away. And yea im not sure you could call Kansas for either side either. But didn't the north have companies of soldiers under the kansas banner?
Sure MODERATE '.because under WHITE presidents college student have NEVER had to worry about finding a job right ?? ModerateTeaBag'' you come on Mediaite with your Fox Nation, The Blaze talking points and think no one will notice them.
WTF does having a black president have to do with not being able to find a job after college ???? That logic assumes that UNDER WHITE presidents college students CAN find jobs''.
Btw'..if you cant find a job in your field clearly you didn't pick a field that was in demand long term'.and you clearly didn't have a backup plan..
But ohh no '..dont blame your bad choices 'blame the first black president
And you would think white people leaving the Democrats in droves would sober the Democrats.
lol you found u another fast andd furious didnt ya ?? DONT LET A DEATH go to waste scumbag
No one cares '..idiot
It is stunning that #Benghazi is not getting big coverage. People are raging about President Obama's bungling of the whole affair on Twitter. Good Americans are demanding answers about the murder and aftermath of four Americans from their current leader. But Obama will go on MTV and talk hip hop with Sway. I can't wait until this vile, disgusting, incompetent man is not re-elected. We'll be such a better nation under Mitt Romney.
what i also tried to say is that Republicans have turned off minorities to the point that 75% to 99% vote for democrats while whites go 50-50 split. On top of that Latinos will become a powerful voting block.
Get ready for Texas becoming blue soon. That's 40+ electoral votes.
Now, women issues are becoming a huge voting block as more woman are working than before including making up larger percentage in medschools and law schools
I hope the media keeps this theme going. People don't like being called racist. There are very few people who feel any conscious, reconizable sense of malice toward people of other races. It just makes people on the fence feel resentful'and whom are these undecided voters likely to hold responsible for this assault on their character? Not Romney.
It's expected and requires no uncomfortable analysis.
And Reagan got the highest percentage of white vote in a election ever'' ..against a white opponent ' Funny the only thing Michael Dukakis and Obama have in common are they're both liberal hacks.
Democrats keep trotting out your favorite boggyman , racism'
Democrats can try to win dividing up the public into client groups, women, gays, blacks, Hispanic, college kids.. The media doesn't find that destructive to the country, because it helps democrats win.Blacks, Hispanics can vote monolithically for one party ,that they think is best for their RACE, but whites have to be divided'. To be conquered, and if whites don't follow the script , liberal hacks on TV will call them racist.
A actual article on Politico'. 'The white vote still matters''. Who knew that a country 70% white , that their vote would still mattered.
So Sununu makes a charge that Colin Powell supports Obama merely because he is Black and get lambasted by the press. However if states that went for Obama in '08 go red it is because racism. I mean the media doesn't even bother being fair.
The Romney/Republican/Tea Party agenda is to crash the economy, setting the
stage for a genocidal race war of ethnic cleansing of the USA. The ability to
crash the system was already tested in 2008 ' and shown to be easily doable.
Given that 4 out of 5 repubs (79%) already 'express racial prejudice', according
to a study just issued (10/27) by Associated Press & Stanford University '
and with the legions of stormtropper uneducated teapartyites in tow ' this
scenario would play out if the repubs win the election, which would also give
them control of the military.Jon Hubbard, a currently elected repub in Arkansas, in his published book (available on Amazon), outlines the need in his view to exterminate, through planned wars, all who are not white and christian. Romney's stated planned policies of tight money by changes at the Fed, ballooning deficits by taxcuts, higher interest rates, trade wars with
China et al, deregulation of Wall Street so the banks can blow up again but with
no safeguards, militarism, etc, are designed to orchestrate the collapse and set the stage for race genocide. Once the economy is decimated, melts down and ceases to function, the scapegoating of nonwhites and jews will spiral into high gear to accomplish this objective, and the racial hysteria will boil over just as in 1930s Germany during the depression.No new human being has evolved since the numerous cases of mass genocide in the past century and before. If the conditions exist ' as they do now ' it will happen.
That's the only real Romney platform.
Yeah but the black voter turnout and approval ratings (95%? Really?) are the smoking gun here. By the way, I don't blame blacks for voting for Obama. I voted for him too in 2008 in no small part because of the historic opportunity and the potentially positive impact of his election on our society.
I think the Republican Party is wise to disregard the black vote. There's nothing really it can do short of selling its soul to get it. And what would be the point? To pander to key Democratic constituencies that it will never get anyway? To be sure, the GOP sucks in its own special way. But if it wants to win the White House again, it needs to concentrate on the issues of concern to the majority of white voters. Politics is tribal warfare. The Right fails to recognize at the expense of white people.
Why do idiots like Sullivan get away with pointing to racism when the white vote is close to split on the two candidates, but blacks vote over 95% for the black candidate? How on earth ' beyond the lack of even a modicum of reasoning ability ' can the morons on the left claim that a lot of us don't like Obama just because he's black? Seems clear to me that the race issues come from the left. Cuz that's all they're got. 'Don't look at his record ' nothing to see there ' but if you don't vote for the black guy, you're a bigot'. How incredibly small minded.
The only raging is by the right wing echo chamber. Nothing new.
I forgot about the Senate selecting the VP. Wouldn't that be a joy?
The truth is that when race is a factor in the black vote, it is out of self defense, moreso than racial animus. We never have the votes at 13% of the population to kick white skin out of office, even if we wanted to do so. It's never an issue. We don't talk about taking the country back, because it has never been an option. whites do, for no other reason than the visual.Otherwise white democrats wouldn't pull 90-95% of the black vote either.
Let's put the shoe on the other foot. How many white Americans would actually vote for a black candidate who believes that the white man is the physical son of satan and cursed by god almighty with white skin? Not many, right? Don't get caught up in seeing equivalence that really isn't there.
Democrats win the UNMARRIED female vote. I know the media likes to imagine an army of smart, career women in crisp business suits defending the right to control their own bodies but the reality is its a bunch of unwed mothers basically voting for their stand-in husbands'i.e. the government.
Those are the polls that Fox relys on; where they can conveniently delete unwanted responses.
Sullivan promoted a book called The Bell Curve which is a defense of race science that states that whites are predetermined to be more intelligent based on genetics, and he has the audacity (of hope) to call people who don't vote for Obama, racists?
A Readers Guide To Andrew Sullivan's Defense Of Race Science
http://gawker.com/5863453When Obama loses the election next week, I really hope these people go away for awhile.
You're nit-picking. Kentucky was a slave-owning state and Indianas kkk elected a governor. If their concern was the economy, they wouldn't keep sending people to Washington who helped wreck it in the first place.
I think the left is saying look at his record. It aint half bad, and far better than the last president. So why aren't you voting for him? Thats why they feel race is involved. Look Kevin I talk to a lot of white guys, im white. Im a cop. When I ask them what they dislike about Obama(and most of them dislike Obama) they cant articulate anything. Some say gas prices(which is crap). Anyone who looks at the last 4 years compared to the Bush years and feels Obama has done a poor job compared to that mess is not being realistic and is voting against Obama for other reasons. I don't know if its Race, or they just don't like him personally or what but most of the guys I talk to cant really articulate anything.
I wonder why? The way the GOP is going it will soon be 10 out of 10 Women.
Devon I swear you change your prediction for the election every day:)
The Grand Wizard Limbaugh and Beck say no, they love them some black peoples, just not as equals or Americans. Same story, different day; the GOP is a cult of hate and fear ' and idiocy. I wish the former moderate Republicans all the luck, they're pal'ing around with idiots for party sake, they need to jump ship for the country's sake!
This is different. Moderate people are truly upset by Obama's failings regarding Benghazi. There is a simmering rage. There should be. Obama doesn't believe it, but American people across the political spectrum will hold him accountable in 9 days.
The Republicans do.
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