Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Joe Scarborough: Mourdock, GOP Candidates Are Driving Away Swing Voters


On Thursday's Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough shared his thoughts on Indiana GOP Senate candidate Richard Mourdock's recent remark that 'life is that gift from God,' and 'even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.'

Scarborough's take was simple: Get away from these guys.

RELATED: GOP Senate Candidate: Conception From Rape 'Is Something That God Intended'

It is remarkable what Republicans have said this year regarding abortion, regarding rape, regarding contraception. I'm a pro-life guy. But they are driving away so many swing voters. This Mourdock statement in Indiana' just beyond the pale, dragging God into it. And, I mean, he's not alone. You've got other Republicans out there just saying the craziest, most offensive things.

You just say, 'What goes through their mind?' Do they say, 'You know what I want to be when I grow up? The next Todd Akin.'

'They're morons,' he concluded, before commending Republicans who distanced themselves from colleagues who have said 'things like this.'

Have a look, courtesy of MSNBC:

  • Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin are not driving away Swing Voters, they are speaking up for Hard and Fast GOP Principles'

    They should keep talking.


  • Some in the House and Senate may not think that way, but they have done nothing to rein in those that do. Since 2010, the House has passed dozens of bills that would limit abortion or access to contraceptives. More importantly, the RNC has sat back while Republican state representatives across the country have advanced abortion bills all the way to the goal line. A lot of women see this and understand it for what it is: Republican evangelicals trying to impose their beliefs on everyone else.

    Anyone remember this guy? He funds that piece of crap known as the Daily Caller, where a lot of wing-nuts get their opinions from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMVzaIMYuTY

  • You're right, just another Republican Nut.

    Although, instead of being politically surreptitious about it, these gentlemen are now drawing it into the Broad Daylight of the Mainstream'

    'It can only be hoped that enough women are paying attention to what's going on!

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