Rabu, 17 Oktober 2012

Ed Schultz: Mitt Romney Faces Tough Final Debate Because He 'Is Inept On Foreign Policy'


MSNBC host Ed Schultz gave his opinions on Tuesday night's presidential debate between President Barack Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney on Wednesday morning where he slammed Romney's handling of a question regarding the White House's handling of the 9/11/12 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi. Schultz said that Romney is 'inept' in handling issues relating to foreign affairs and will be easily defeated in the final debate which focuses exclusively on foreign policy.

RELATED: President Obama Counters Romney's Libya Attack With Passion And Gravity' And Transcript

'Mitt Romney is inept on foreign policy,' said Schultz. 'The next debate is going to be a real hard lift for him.'

Schultz said that Romney's responses to the question about the administration's handling of the attack in Libya did not 'seem confident.' He said that Romney lacked the facts necessary to attack the president on the substance of the White House's handling of the attack.

'Look how the conversation of the country has changed,' said Schultz. 'The issue of national security has been almost taken off the table. We're now talking about an isolated attack in Benghazi. It's a terrorist attack. The president said that in the Rose Garden the day after it happened and they're not even accepting that answer. They're trying to wordsmith it out as if the president really doesn't have his act together and his foreign policy is unraveling. The American people aren't going to buy that.'

Watch the clip below via MSNBC:

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  • That's a dang lie.

    Mitt Romney is inept at domestic policy as well ' if forcefully called on it.

  • Well if Sgt Schultz said it, it must be a lie.

  • One more thing Special Ed, the American people aren't buying the lies and coverups, only the drones over at MSLSD.

  • And the format is identical to the first debate'. Who does better with that format and who prefers the town hall style?

  • If they keep the foreign policy debate to just Switzerland, The Cayman Islands, the Bahamas and France, Romney will kick arse.

  • But Obama will be ready now.

  • The Left has consistently underestimated Romney. And continues to do so, as Ed Schultz makes clear.

  • I just have 1 thing to say to the Romney defenders: Number one geopolitical foe!

  • Obama is going to hammer him on that hammer him.

  • Regardless, I hope Obama doesn't get comfortable. He needs to be on his 'A' game at every debate. Even though Romney doesn't have as much foreign policy experience as Obama ( mostly acquired during his presidency,) he always comes prepared!!! Obama needs to come even more prepared and be ready to answer tough questions.

  • Wait till Romney pisses off NATO by saying our greatest geopolitical allies are Switzerland and Israel.

  • As Jack Nicholson said 'the truth, you can' t handle the truth'. I think you meant to say Barry is inept at domestic policy.

  • You mean Russia, the government that sides with Iran and the Syrian government?

  • Amen brother!!!!

  • Mitt Romney's goose is well and truly cooked on Foreign Policy'

    'It's all rather embarrassingly foreign to him!

  • Putin's Puppet, Barry Obama, has set the world on fire.

    But, he would have 'more flexibility' to do Vlad's bidding if reelected.

  • Romney botched the Libya question last night. All he really has to do is present a dilemma to the audience. (1.) Obama and Biden are so incompetent that they did not know what the State Department was doing or what was going on or (2.) They intentionally misled us about the intelligence. If either is true, Obama is not doing a good job on foreign policy.

    Low stakes benefit Romney so I hope MSNBC continues to increase the expectations on Obama

  • John, you are hilarious. The goose cooking is taking place at the White House. Barry's lies are being exposed, he can run but he can't hide anymore.

  • The only things Romney has to say on foreign policy:

    1. There's a 'cover-up' on Libya that he can't prove and has been publicly fact-checked on.
    2. He thinks America should do whatever Israel wants 100 percent of the time.
    3. He will get 'tough' on China, though he won't say how and though he has been directly involved with outsourcing jobs to China.

    That's basically all he's got, and it's incredibly weak.

  • I'm glad that you think, so. Be sure to tune in on Monday night

  • 'John, you are hilarious. The goose cooking is taking place at the White House. Barry's lies are being exposed, he can run but he can't hide anymore.' msbidet

    Mr Romney fell woefully short yesterday evening and President Obama was very well prepared'

    'It will be extremely funny for you no doubt, watching Romney flail around like a fish out of water in the next debate. He will be trying to discuss topics on difficult global issues. Issues that he will struggle to form any frame of reference.

    'It will screamingly hilarious for you!

  • Check out this audio of Priebus basically saying that the press should stop asking Romney about his tax plan. Effing hilarious.

    'Priebus said during an appearance on Laura Ingraham's radio show on Wednesday morning. 'I just find it, it's unbelievable that the press continues to ask these questions, 'well, what particular deduction are we talking about?' Well, what about a plan in general from this president? '


  • We all will be Mr Chimp'

    'Except maybe Mr Romney!

  • Debate question:

    President Obama, what did you know and when did you know it regarding the Benghazi embassy attack?

  • 'And so I say to you, my fellow Americans, we are all Cayman Islanders now''

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