Two of the four co-hosts of The Cycle, S.E. Cupp and Krystal Ball, joined MSNBC anchor Thomas Roberts on Friday morning to discuss the impact that inflammatory comments made by Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock could have on the presidential race. Contrary to conventional wisdom, Cupp said that 'war on women' theme that Democrats promoted over the summer and early fall had little effect on the national race. Futhermore, Cupp chastised the national media for focusing more on his comments than the unfolding scandal surrounding President Barack Obama's handling of the September attack on the American consulate in Libya.
Roberts asked Cupp for her opinion on Mourdock's comments, as well as those by other prominent Republicans like Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin, which he said constitutes 'really crazy stuff.'
'The whole year, the narrative of the war on women has been effective as a talking point, and it certainly set the scene for a great DNC, but if you look at the numbers it really didn't work effectively on the ground,' Cupp said.
She said that former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been gaining in the polls over the course of this month, even as Democrats promoted anti-abortion comments by Republicans as a major election issue.
'I don't really know that it's going to cut through the clutter ' and the clutter is the economy,' Cupp added.
Roberts challenged Cupp's point that these comments are merely Democratic talking points, claiming that these and other comments by Republicans have created a firestorm.
'Well, the media creates the firestorm,' Cupp interjected.
'The media didn't say these things,' Roberts countered.
'When the media devotes more attention to a story like Mourdock than it does to a story like Libya, than you know that our priorities are a little backwards,' Cupp concluded.
Ball disagreed, saying that these comments by Republicans have reminded women voters that Republican politicians are extreme about women's health issues, and women may have forgotten that fact during the debates which did not focus on those issues as much as the economy.
Watch the clip below via MSNBC:
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Cupp works on cable news but is clueless about how the 24/7 news grinder works? Maybe she should go to Fox where her talents will be appreciated.
'except that Libya happened over a month ago and is continuously being beaten into the ground. Particularly since the full story has been muddled by the eagerness of people all over, in and out of media, scrambling to respond to the event.
Whereas Mourdock's comments are recent and deal with a domestic issue that, frankly, is a bit close to home for a lot of Americans. I'd say around 51% of Americans are potentially affected by comments dealing with rape pregnancies.
Domestic policy: It's pretty fraggin' important. And since Mourdock has direct ties to Romney'
Are we done pretending anyone on earth cares what S.E. Cupp says?
Mourdock's comments deserve attention because they shine a light on how the Republican Party will act policy-wise. They hold opinions about abortion that are offensive to many women. That should be known.
Libya is, unfortunately, only one in a long line of embassy attacks, in which U.S. personnel get killed. It happened multiple times in the GWB administration, even as late as Sept 2008. The difference here is that Fox and the right-wing shock jocks chose to cover it ad nauseum. I'm for an investigation, but there is a strong element of politicization here. Cupp either hasn't done her reading or is playing dumb.
No. It's Mediaite. If someone dumb appears on television and says something dumb about either candidate, a story is written about it and then a handful of commenters lay out why the other side is full of idiots.
What little 'Sarah Eleizabeth' fails to understand is that the GOP Platform of 'Suppresiing Women' is an 'Economic Issue'.
When women are denied access to basic health care, to include contraceptive which are used for far more than the mere prevention of pregnacy, they have to pay more out of pocket to access said health care.
'Sarah Eleizebeth' is just spewing the standard issue GOP 'Talking Points' as usaul' Without a Single Clue as to How Things Really Work When It Comes to Women's Health Care etc.
Really S.E.? You really think it's more important for voters to keep getting pounded with some GOP conspiracy theory than to think about the ramifications of having the GOP Taliban take control of these social issues in America that will affect ALL voters and their families ' possibly taking them back 50-100 years?
Next I suppose you'll be whining about the media not making more of the 'birther' issue.
Things are getting desperate and S.E. is jumping on board with her marching orders to 'keep this Libya thing going' until the election.
Social Media is taking away the FOX EFFECT in a fast way , even FOX KNOWS IT :)
ASK ABRAMS :) , he will tell ya , social media is crushing the FOX EFFECT
People overlook FOX because they CRY WOLF TOOOOOO MUCH -
what wrong with these people, dont they know being able to kill babies is more important to liberals
I disagree. We're discussing comments made by a person who could very well be in the position to make choices that would affect every woman in our country.
Cupp should pay more attention to what is important to women in America.
Libya will be handled in due time.
We as Americans can do something now about people like Mourdock trying to weasel their way into a position of power. -
A very ignorant comment.
What's sadder:
That the Right is so empty in its integrity that it actually makes the argument that women are willing to trade away their reproductive rights away because 'the number 1 issue for women is the economy,' like they're this single-issue, one-sided idiot group
That there are actually Republican women that bought it, and ARE IN FACT willing to trade away their rights, because they're apparently too stupid to think of anything else other than the economy?
We have some really brilliant 'people' in this country, but as a collective electorate, this country is collectively stupid.
If you are a woman, and you've sided with the GOP on the economy' over what they WILL do to your rights as a woman, you have major, major soul searching to do.
What's the big deal? The Republican Party wants the government to force pregnant women to bear their rapist's babies. Which way did they think this party was going?
Nah, you're implying he doesn't know better. I think he does.
The Benghazi coverup is worse than anyone thought.
Jim Treacher
BREAKING: CIA Requested Help During Benghazi Battle, Were Denied Three Times Crowley '
A 7 hour attack. Americans in mortal danger. 3 requests for help. All denied by Team Obama. Left to die. #ObamaDenied #AmericansDiedBrad Thor '
Special Operations Teams were in Italy and could have flown to #Benghazi in less than two hours. ' #Obama #DisgraceBrad Thor '@BradThor
Part of the team at the CIA annex/safe house in #Benghazi had a laser on the mortar position & was still denied air support. #Disgrace -
Jim Treacher tweeting pjmedia?
But' The Right IS full of idiots'.
' Beck
' Sunnunu
' Cupp (sometimes)
' All of the 'Rape-Babies are God's Plan' GOP candidates
' Hannity
' Eric Bolling
' Kimberley Guilfoyle
' Andrea TantarosI mean, this list goes on and on.
how so?
You are right.
I wonder whose vagina he is speaking for. -
what did the baby do to deserve death? It's not politcal, it's a basic humanity thing.
It's undeniably the case that LIbya is more important than Mourdock'
But if it took getting your partisan shorts in a knot to figure out that the media likes simple, shiny things that gin up outrage and easy, well-worn narratives'
You're not much of a media analyst.
It seems like everybody's forgetting Sarah Palin these days.
The media can only talk about one thing at a time! It's not like there are a handful of 24 hour news networks. If they're not talking about Libya, they're actively not talking about it.
yet its true
Ehhh'. no its not'.
Mourdock represents a movement within the GOP the is LED by the VP nominee, the idea that government has the right to dictate what women can and cannot do with their bodies'
including bearing the children of their rapists'..
The Embassy/Consulate attacks happen' They happened under Bush'. ALOT
22 January 2002 ' Calcutta, India ' Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate
14 June 2002 ' Karachi, Pakistan ' al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate
12 October 2002 ' Denpasar, IndonesiaConsular Office bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah
28 February 2003 ' Islamabad, Pakistan ' Unknown gunmen attack Embassy
30 June 2004 ' Tashkent, Uzbekistan ' Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy
6 December 2004 ' Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ' al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound
2 March 2006 ' Karachi, Pakistan ' Car bomb explodes outside Embassy unknown
12 September 2006 ' Demascuc, Syria ' Gunmen raid US Embassy
12 January 2007 ' Athens, Greece ' RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle
18 March 2008 ' Sana'a, Yemen ' Mortar attack against US Embassy
9 July 2008 ' Istanbul, Turkey ' Armed attack against Consulate
17 September 2008 ' Sana'a, Yemen ' 2 car bombs outside US embassy in Yemeni capital
It's now been a month and a half since the Lybia attacks, whereas it's been 2-3 days after Mourdocks comment. I challenge anyone to find another story that lasts that long ' it's not typically the way the media works and therefore can really only be seen as partisan politicking before the election.
true' the zero-sum game is always a good straw man 'media critics' play ('if you're talking about x, you're not talking about y! (outrage!!)')
clearly they are talking about both' if you go over the memeorandum there are a bunch of posts on libya and there have been for weeks.
still some stories get too much oxygen' LIbya (ironically) is also probably one of them
15 members of the GOP congress do not support abortion in the case of rape
I think that's as important as Libya (if not more so)
Stevens: 'Help Us ' We are under attack!'
CIA: 'Please let us protect our assets!'
Obama: :'Stand Down.'
Media: 'Look squirrel!'
Besides, let's do an analysis, rather than spout out false claims, Ms. Cupp.
Libya happened, what, a month ago?
And Mourdock's comments happened, what, 3 days ago?
I think Libya has gotten far more coverage.
'Ball disagreed, saying that these comments by Republicans have reminded women voters that Republican politicians are extreme about women's health issues, and women may have forgotten that fact during the debates which did not focus on those issues as much as the economy.'
Wow, Ball thinks women are so stupid, EVEN THOUGH the OFA campaign has been discussing 'extreme' republican stances throughout the entire exaggerated campaign process ' they would FORGET that fact during the debates because it wasn't prominently discussed. Women are stupid?
Female loathing feminist. Classic.
you're conflating a policy with a gaffe by a local pol.
embassy attacks leading to the death of an ambassador are actually rare and deserve more serious attention than some crank putting his foot in his mouth.
Aborting a baby is a women's 'health' issue? I guess that's true if the fetus is a female. Wow! How far off the moral high ground have we fallen as a society when people are pilloried for thinking that innocent children in the womb should be protected. That said, I agree w/ S.E. Cupp as far as the media's priorities are concerned. However, when they feel it is their moral duty to re-elect Obama, I guess they do what they have too.
I'll bet Libya has gotten more attention than any issue this fall. By far.
Obama is a pathological liar, as we all know.
Right now, he is in Washington frantically looking for someone to take the fall for Benghazi.
He is in serious trouble and he'd better learn how to tell the truth, for once in his life.
Tweet:Greta Van Susteren '
I thought all of those unnamed sources were telling FAUX News exactly what happened.
Why are the sources unnamed?
Obama: Big Bird, Rape, Romnesia'distractions and lies.
Nice try'
It wasn't a gaffe. It was actual BELIEF and desired policy. It represents a MAJOR shift in social policy in this country, a REAL reduction of women's rights and a REAL expansion of government power.
Way to minimize it'
And while Embassy attacks are truly important and need attention, the current Fox attention on it has nothing to do with the attack and everything to do with sifting through the garbage in search from spin that lays a 'cover-up' in the President's lap, which is disingenuous, and nothing more than a Fox-attempted assist for Romney.
Who's denying women access to basic health care?
On your final point, we agree.
Every post you make'distractions and lies.
You just asked that?
Are you knew to current events?
The media may simply not care about the safety of our military, diplomats and intelligence operatives. They covered a massacre in a movie theater non-stop, so when it's civilian the media cares, when soldiers, diplomats and military the MSM just moves on. For some of us, it's heart-wrenching, but so many programs just act like it's no big deal. Such a disconnect.
The Benghazi Coverup.
The coverup gets you, every time. -
Yeah, pointing out that 15 members of the GOP congress support forcing women to carry their rapist's baby to term is a 'distraction'
State Department emails trasmitting what was going on in Banghazi WHILE IT WAS HAPPENING is not a 'GOP conspiracy theory' it's a fact that this administration tried to cover up. GOP Taliban? Seriously?!!!!!
I understand the discomfort you and the insufferable SE have is discussing Mourdock, Akin, Lyin' Paul Ryan and the other Republican misanthropes . I would want to run from them, too. Just like Willard ran from answering questions yesterday about why he was allowing Mourdock to continue to run his endorsement ad. Boy, did he rush out of the restaurant quickly, or what? Of course, he's use to running, what with his dash away from service for his country in Vietnam. And, look how he's been running from Lyin' Ryan! 'Hey, Paulie, go to the swing states of Alabama and Texas. I'll take care of the Midwest.' Yes, I understand why you're all trying to run from these guys.
It's 'Big Bird. Binders. Bayonets.'
Well, I know people don't like to quibble, but it's not a baby so I can't really answer that question. But if you believe that the fertilized egg, zygote, blastocyst, embryo or fetus has a soul or its equipment I say more power to you. Don't have an abortion.
But the Republican Party's platform, well over a dozen Republican Senators, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, all believe that if a woman is raped and becomes pregnant as a result of that rape, the government should force the rape-victim to carry that pregnancy to term against the woman's will and have that rapist's baby. Also, they have tried (and will again) for a 'right to life' amendment to the Constitution which would effectively outlaw the most popular forms of contraceptives (what year is this?) and in vitro fertilization.
You're allowed to believe as you please, and act accordingly. The problem, in my estimation, with the modern Republican Party is that if you don't like gay marriage, you don't have to have one. If you don't like abortion, you don't have to have one. If you don't like drugs, you don't have to do them. If you don't like porn, you don't have to watch it. And if you don't want your rights taken away, you shouldn't take away the rights of others.
Not to go on too much of a tangent, but that's what rings so hollow about gun rights. President Obama has expanded them whereas Governor Romney has restricted them, and yet the NRA has endorsed him. They hem and haw that if you don't want guns, don't buy one, but don't apply this thinking to policies they don't like. It's freedom for what they believe in, not for what others believe.
c-cupp is a partisan hack who cowtows to fox talking points. this site sux since rothman appeared!
Have you ever cited, like, a REAL journalist?
Greta? lol!
so much we don't know. Why did it go on for seven hours and many of the deaths happened much later. Why were so many requests to both add security and even just keep what they had were denied repeatedly. Why was the video mentioned in the UN speech repeatedly, on View, on Letterman when a those points they knew the speech was un-related.
You have many embassies, if you don't figure out what went wrong and why VERY quickly, other targets won't be able to ensure safety. Lives matter.
It's what Planned Parenthood does (even more than that other thing).
yes, how dare the government tell people its illegal to kill innocent babies
Yeah! We need more unbiased, straight news people like Tommy Christopher '' not.
For the record''
You, then, believe that women that are brutally raped, have their dignity taken away from them, should then for 9 months be forced by a government to carry the baby of the man that most likely ruined them for life?
Just making sure we get you on the record on that one.
yes, we get you want to kill innocent babies darla
All of this is real purdy' but while don't you elighten us on what the cover-up actually was?
So Cupp essentially admits there is a war on women, but since it hasn't had an effect on the presidential race, it's not worth talking about.
Republicans, how did you not know that?
Requests for security came from Tripoli, not Benghazi, and the CIA apparently told the White House that the video was likely involved. I would argue that it probably didn't help.
Ok so we'll get @freespeechcd2:disqus on the record to'
In believing that women that are raped should be forced to bear the child of their rapists.
Good, that makes 2 people on here that at least have the balls to come out and support the GOP platform for women.
Decorating for Halloween?
Secret Service Visits Man Who Hung Obama Effigy From Tree As 'Spooky' Halloween Decoration
you're obviously an idiot
so in your mind denying access=not providing for free
She is counted in a special category of Idiot Imbeciles who went to 4 colleges for five consecutive years to get a four year degree.
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