Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Jon Stewart To O'Reilly: 'Fox News Is The Lupus Of News ' Selling Crap In America'


During Saturday night's 'Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium' between Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, the two debaters addressed the notion of 'media bias,' with Stewart pulling no punches while likening O'Reilly's network to an autoimmune disease.

Responding to debate moderator E.D. Hill's question about whether there is a left-wing media bias, Stewart said: 'I think that Fox News is an overreaction.'

'I don't believe that ABC or NBC or CBS are activist organizations for liberal causes,' he explained. 'I think Fox looks at those organizations and they are sort of an autoimmune disease against that.'

'Fox News is sort of the lupus of news,' he continued, eliciting audience laughter. 'They have seen something there' and Fox News has gone overboard.'

'FNC making a billion dollars a year, so' something's going right,' replied O'Reilly.

'Yes, you can't make money selling crap in America, that's for sure,' Stewart snarked back.

Watch below:

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  • Yep, Bullsh*t Mountain is getting bigger day by day because of Fox and the rest of the regressive corporate propaganda echo machine.

  • Give it to them strength Mr Stewart'.

    'Straight up and without a chaser!

  • To agree with Stewart, which I don't of course, you would have to believe the premise that the majority of journalists among the mainstream press are neutral in their reporting. You would also have to believe that notwithstanding the fact that over 90% of the journalists in this country have previously reported their allegiances to the Democrat Party or lean left. Stewart and many others on the left will never, ever cede to the notion that there is present among most news organizations, a definite slant in their reporting that colors the Democrats as good and the Republicans as bad. Remarkably, CNN has offered some fairly hard hitting reporting over the last year but I think they are merely trying to draw some of Fox's viewers away ' obviously THAT isn't working.

  • That is the most informative and intellectual debate you will see in this entire election cycle

  • Stewart utterly destroyed O'Reilly on every aspect of his arguments. Stewart is one of the very few who are aptly able to point out the lunacy of the MSM, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Fox Noise. I was amazed at how well Stewart ripped O'Reilly apart, and yet he did it in a fashion that is the polar opposite to how the Fox Noise pundits use their corporate hatred to sell their bigoted and ignorant propaganda.

    This is why we ALL call Fixed News Bullsh1t Mountain.

  • I dont think anyone confuses Fox news with real news. Wingnuts watch because they want to cling onto bigotry and fear.

  • I DO have an advanced degree in Journalism from Syracuse. And here's what Fox lies about.

    It is true that J-schools lean left ' because people choosing journalism want to do something positive and expose corruption wherever it might be.

    Biz schools lean way right'but not every biz student is greedy and out for themselves.

    OBJECTIVITY is beaten into our heads despite our political leanings as part of our chosen profession.

    Regressives do not believe in 'objectivity' or the media. And haven't since they took out Nixon.

    They have a score to settle about that'and believe the media is their enemy only because they've been mostly wrong for the past 50 years.

  • Stewie is the Carrot Top of television, making faces at cherry picked news clips with the help of a platoon of lefty writers for an audience of stoned mouthbreathers who think they're watching straight news.

  • krome ' come on now. Do you truly believe you can convince anyone that you can 'teach' objectivity to a collection of people who enter a profession with designs to set certain wrongs (in their minds) right? Sorry, but there are things you just can't teach especially when the great majority of the students have certain preconceived notions already bouncing around in their heads.

  • Odd clip. Stewart spews a few gag lines that includes insults of Fox News and its viewers but can't back it up with facts. Hopefully they attempted to actually discuss a few issues even if in a humorous or entertaining way, can't expect two 'entertainers' to stay too serious.

  • Bullshot! This is the problem. 'Objectivity' is a discipline ALL news writers have dummie. You take newswriting courses and if you want an 'F' all you have to do is add a lot of opinion your to your news writing assignment. ANY OPINION! Left or right. You will not pass that class and should not pass that class.

    But you are a regressive. So Higher ed is athema to you. Please secede and take the rest of the rural, bigoted, ignorant South with ya'.

    We like Savannah tho, it looked so good all ablaze in Gone with the Wind. HA!!!!!

  • 'You would also have to believe that notwithstanding the fact that over 90% of the journalists in this country have previously reported their allegiances to the Democrat Party or lean left.'

    Please cite your source, or admit that you made this up.

  • Sorry ' that was Atlanta you moron. I also apologize for not recognizing sooner that regardless of how educated you MAY profess yourself to be, you write like a complete buffoon. In other words, I completely believe you to be a journalism major ' still desperately seeking employ'..somewhere.

  • Its only you paranoid conservatives who think Jon Stewart's comedy show is 'news'.
    You have to already have a clear understanidng of the news to properly enjoy The Daily Show.
    you have soooooooooooooooo much to learn about life and the world. Dont waste your time chasing shadows.

  • LOL . . .that was pretty good, but c'mon . . . Chill Hillbilly . . . I think there's a Honey Boo Boo marathon on today. That should keep you busy for a while . . .

    And I'm sorry about getting the GWTW scene wrong. We can burn Savannah in the remake if you like.

  • instead of just BYTCHING about the liberal media, you should DO SOMETHING about it.

  • LOL ' Honey Boo Boo. Hitting pretty low today krome!

  • Little long-winded but the results are painfully obvious. Wonder if you'll even read it!

  • You'd have better luck lecturing a housecat on the difference between news and satire.

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