Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Michelle Malkin Slams Coulter For Calling Obama 'Retard': 'What A Stupid, Shallow Thing To Say'


Conservative firebrand Michelle Malkin slammed her fellow conservative columnist Ann Coulter last night after the latter called President Barack Obama a 'retard' via Twitter.

Coulter's controversial tweet came in response to the third and final presidential debate, praising Romney for his 'decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,' i.e., the president.

The remark garnered the expected criticism from liberal Twitter users and celebrities, including Christina Applegate, but outspoken conservative Malkin also joined the choir: '@AnnCoulter calls President Obama a 'retard.' What a stupid, shallow thing to say, Ann,' she tweeted.

Malkin's website Twitchy also went after Coulter for the tweet, headlining an article 'Groan: Ann Coulter calls President Obama a 'retard'' and emphasizing within the text that, even though she is a conservative, 'she sure doesn't speak for us.'

' '
>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

  • In the words of Cartman = 'Dinnt see it, dinnt happen , i'm outta here ' .

  • 'well, this is actually surprising.

  • I agree, highly offensive to retards, comparing them to Obama.

  • Catfight.

  • My, aren't you the swift one though.

  • Can you say president Romney, I bet ya can.

  • I love crazy biatch on crazy biatch smack!

  • i am sure palin will voice her outrage since we know how much she has attacked others for using this word'making it synomomous to the N word'
    unless she really is a hypocrite and really does not care'as she has pretended to of course

  • I guess the message Malkin is trying to get across is that it's okay to call the president a supporter of terrorism, a 'lying liar' and a 'crap weasel' but not a 'retard.' You see, right-wing bloggers do have social standards after all'

  • This doesn't surprise me-what Coulter said was just senseless and harmful

  • Malkin complains Coulter is stupid and shallow? Pot? Meet kettle.

  • oh oh

  • God willing, we'll never have to.

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